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diary 12 -20 github上的找最大子程序和的项目








Maximum Subarray Project report

1. Mathematical analysis

1.1 Psuedocode

1.1.1 Enumeration pseudocode

enumeration(a: array of integers)
max = -infinity
n = length(a)
for i = 0 to n
sum = 0
for j = i to n
for k = i to k = j
sum += a[n]
if sum > max
max = sum
return max

1.1.2 Better enumeration pseudocode

betterEnumeration(a: array of integers)
max = -infinity
n = length(a)
for i = 0 to n
sum = 0
for j = i to j < n
sum += a[j]
if sum > max
max = sum
return max

1.1.3 Divide and Conquer pseudocode

divideAndConquer(a: array of integers, lo, hi)

//base case
if lo == hi
return a[hi]

//recursive case
midpoint = (lo+hi)/2

//left side
leftMax = divideAndConquer(a, lo, midpoint)

//right side
rightMax = divideAndConquer(a, midpoint+1, hi)

//crossing both sides
//left side
leftBothMax = -infinity
for i = midpoint to i >= 0
leftBothSum += a[i]
if leftBothSum > leftBothMax
leftBothMax = leftBothSum
//right side
rightBothMax = -infinity
for i = midpoint to i >= 0
rightBothSum += a[i]
if rightBothSum > rightBothMax
rightBothMax = rightBothSum

bothMax = leftBothMax + rightBothMax

return max(bothMax, leftMax, rightMax)

1.2 Asymptomatic Analysis

1.2.1 Enumeration

Let the array size be n.
There are three nested loops.
For the first loop, the amount of work is n.
For the second loop, there is n-i work.
For the third loop, there is n-i - j
Total work is n*(n-i)*(n-j)
= n^3 + An^2 + Bn +C
Therefore, Enumeration is O(n^3)

1.2.2 Better enumeration

Let the array size be n
There are two nested loops
For the first loop, the amount of work is n
For the second loop, the amount of work is n-i
Therefore the total work is n*n-i = n^2 +ni
Thus, Better Enumeration is O(n^2)

1.2.3 Divide and Conquer

-Recursive part
let n be the array size
For each level of recursion, the array size is halved.
Therefore, this portion of the algorithm is O(logn)

-Iterative part
there are two sequential loops.
both loops are n/2, therefore the combined work is n.
Therefore, the iterative part is O(n)

-Complete algorithm
Combined, the complete algorithm is: O(nlogn)

2. Theoretical correctness

Claim: DivideandConquer correctly returns the sum of the subarray with the largest sum.

Proof: For an array A, let P(A) be the statement that DivdeandConquer(A, lo , hi)
correctly finds the greatest subarray. We will prove that P(A) is true using induction.

As a base case, consder when |A| is 1. The only element is the greatest subarray.

As an induction hypothesis, suppose that P(A) is true for all lists of length < n where length >= 1; that is,
suppose that for any array A of length < n, DivedeandConquer will correctly return the sum of the greatest subarray.

Now, consider an array A of length < n.

3. Testing

4. Experimental analysis

5. Extrapolation and interpretation


diary 12 -20 github上的找最大子程序和的项目