首页 > 代码库 > eureka集群基于DNS配置方式


最近在研究spring cloud eureka集群配置的时候碰到问题:多台eureka server如果需要互相注册,需要在配置文件中将其他服务器地址配置写死.同样客户端启用服务发现功能(eureka client)也需要配置服务端地址列表(其实eureka server与其他eureka server通信也是用的是eureka client组件).按照官方案例提供3台server,如果现在需要增加第四台,第五台...那么问题就来了,所有eureka client的serverUrls列表是否都得更新(修改配置文件)?


经过寻找发现spring cloud eureka client提供一个eureka.client.useDnsForFetchingServiceUrls选项,使用Dns获取服务地址.

经过各种了解,明确了该配置项就是启用dns来存储eureka server列表的,可以实现动态eureka server集群的功能.但是问题又来了,相关属性还有那些?dns又该如何配置呢?




getDiscoveryServiceUrls的作用是获取所有eureka service urls,该方法首先判断是否需要从DNS获取服务列表,图中红框部分就是从DNS获取服务列表,继续往下分析:




 1 /** 2      * Get the list of all eureka service urls from DNS for the eureka client to 3      * talk to. The client picks up the service url from its zone and then fails over to 4      * other zones randomly. If there are multiple servers in the same zone, the client once 5      * again picks one randomly. This way the traffic will be distributed in the case of failures. 6      * 7      * @param clientConfig the clientConfig to use 8      * @param instanceZone The zone in which the client resides. 9      * @param preferSameZone true if we have to prefer the same zone as the client, false otherwise.10      * @param randomizer a randomizer to randomized returned urls11      *12      * @return The list of all eureka service urls for the eureka client to talk to.13      */14     public static List<String> getServiceUrlsFromDNS(EurekaClientConfig clientConfig, String instanceZone, boolean preferSameZone, ServiceUrlRandomizer randomizer) {15         String region = getRegion(clientConfig);16         // Get zone-specific DNS names for the given region so that we can get a17         // list of available zones18         Map<String, List<String>> zoneDnsNamesMap = getZoneBasedDiscoveryUrlsFromRegion(clientConfig, region);19         Set<String> availableZones = zoneDnsNamesMap.keySet();20         List<String> zones = new ArrayList<String>(availableZones);21         if (zones.isEmpty()) {22             throw new RuntimeException("No available zones configured for the instanceZone " + instanceZone);23         }24         int zoneIndex = 0;25         boolean zoneFound = false;26         for (String zone : zones) {27             logger.debug("Checking if the instance zone {} is the same as the zone from DNS {}", instanceZone, zone);28             if (preferSameZone) {29                 if (instanceZone.equalsIgnoreCase(zone)) {30                     zoneFound = true;31                 }32             } else {33                 if (!instanceZone.equalsIgnoreCase(zone)) {34                     zoneFound = true;35                 }36             }37             if (zoneFound) {38                 Object[] args = {zones, instanceZone, zoneIndex};39                 logger.debug("The zone index from the list {} that matches the instance zone {} is {}", args);40                 break;41             }42             zoneIndex++;43         }44         if (zoneIndex >= zones.size()) {45             logger.warn("No match for the zone {} in the list of available zones {}",46                     instanceZone, Arrays.toString(zones.toArray()));47         } else {48             // Rearrange the zones with the instance zone first49             for (int i = 0; i < zoneIndex; i++) {50                 String zone = zones.remove(0);51                 zones.add(zone);52             }53         }54 55         // Now get the eureka urls for all the zones in the order and return it56         List<String> serviceUrls = new ArrayList<String>();57         for (String zone : zones) {58             for (String zoneCname : zoneDnsNamesMap.get(zone)) {59                 List<String> ec2Urls = new ArrayList<String>(getEC2DiscoveryUrlsFromZone(zoneCname, DiscoveryUrlType.CNAME));60                 // Rearrange the list to distribute the load in case of61                 // multiple servers62                 if (ec2Urls.size() > 1) {63                     randomizer.randomize(ec2Urls);64                 }65                 for (String ec2Url : ec2Urls) {66                     String serviceUrl = "http://" + ec2Url + ":"67                             + clientConfig.getEurekaServerPort()68                             + "/" + clientConfig.getEurekaServerURLContext()69                             + "/";70                     logger.debug("The EC2 url is {}", serviceUrl);71                     serviceUrls.add(serviceUrl);72                 }73             }74         }75         // Rearrange the fail over server list to distribute the load76         String primaryServiceUrl = serviceUrls.remove(0);77         randomizer.randomize(serviceUrls);78         serviceUrls.add(0, primaryServiceUrl);79 80         logger.debug("This client will talk to the following serviceUrls in order : {} ",81                 Arrays.toString(serviceUrls.toArray()));82         return serviceUrls;83     }



拼接的serviceUrl格式为:"http://" + ec2Url + ":" + clientConfig.getEurekaServerPort() + "/" + clientConfig.getEurekaServerURLContext() + "/";



 1     /** 2      * Get the zone based CNAMES that are bound to a region. 3      * 4      * @param region 5      *            - The region for which the zone names need to be retrieved 6      * @return - The list of CNAMES from which the zone-related information can 7      *         be retrieved 8      */ 9     public static Map<String, List<String>> getZoneBasedDiscoveryUrlsFromRegion(EurekaClientConfig clientConfig, String region) {10         String discoveryDnsName = null;11         try {12             discoveryDnsName = "txt." + region + "." + clientConfig.getEurekaServerDNSName();13 14             logger.debug("The region url to be looked up is {} :", discoveryDnsName);15             Set<String> zoneCnamesForRegion = new TreeSet<String>(DnsResolver.getCNamesFromTxtRecord(discoveryDnsName));16             Map<String, List<String>> zoneCnameMapForRegion = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>();17             for (String zoneCname : zoneCnamesForRegion) {18                 String zone = null;19                 if (isEC2Url(zoneCname)) {20                     throw new RuntimeException(21                             "Cannot find the right DNS entry for "22                                     + discoveryDnsName23                                     + ". "24                                     + "Expected mapping of the format <aws_zone>.<domain_name>");25                 } else {26                     String[] cnameTokens = zoneCname.split("\\.");27                     zone = cnameTokens[0];28                     logger.debug("The zoneName mapped to region {} is {}", region, zone);29                 }30                 List<String> zoneCnamesSet = zoneCnameMapForRegion.get(zone);31                 if (zoneCnamesSet == null) {32                     zoneCnamesSet = new ArrayList<String>();33                     zoneCnameMapForRegion.put(zone, zoneCnamesSet);34                 }35                 zoneCnamesSet.add(zoneCname);36             }37             return zoneCnameMapForRegion;38         } catch (Throwable e) {39             throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get cnames bound to the region:" + discoveryDnsName, e);40         }41     }

12行是请求dns中的地址格式:"txt." + region + "." + clientConfig.getEurekaServerDNSName(),例如:txt.region1.baidu.com,txt.region1.163.com,txt.region2.163.com等



 再看第二个,获取eureka server地址逻辑:

 1     /** 2      * Get the list of EC2 URLs given the zone name. 3      * 4      * @param dnsName The dns name of the zone-specific CNAME 5      * @param type CNAME or EIP that needs to be retrieved 6      * @return The list of EC2 URLs associated with the dns name 7      */ 8     public static Set<String> getEC2DiscoveryUrlsFromZone(String dnsName, DiscoveryUrlType type) { 9         Set<String> eipsForZone = null;10         try {11             dnsName = "txt." + dnsName;12             logger.debug("The zone url to be looked up is {} :", dnsName);13             Set<String> ec2UrlsForZone = DnsResolver.getCNamesFromTxtRecord(dnsName);14             for (String ec2Url : ec2UrlsForZone) {15                 logger.debug("The eureka url for the dns name {} is {}", dnsName, ec2Url);16                 ec2UrlsForZone.add(ec2Url);17             }18             if (DiscoveryUrlType.CNAME.equals(type)) {19                 return ec2UrlsForZone;20             }21             eipsForZone = new TreeSet<String>();22             for (String cname : ec2UrlsForZone) {23                 String[] tokens = cname.split("\\.");24                 String ec2HostName = tokens[0];25                 String[] ips = ec2HostName.split("-");26                 StringBuilder eipBuffer = new StringBuilder();27                 for (int ipCtr = 1; ipCtr < 5; ipCtr++) {28                     eipBuffer.append(ips[ipCtr]);29                     if (ipCtr < 4) {30                         eipBuffer.append(".");31                     }32                 }33                 eipsForZone.add(eipBuffer.toString());34             }35             logger.debug("The EIPS for {} is {} :", dnsName, eipsForZone);36         } catch (Throwable e) {37             throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get cnames bound to the region:" + dnsName, e);38         }39         return eipsForZone;40     }

11行代码明确了请求格式为:"txt." + dnsName,例如:txt.zone1.163.com,txt.zone2.baidu.com等




eureka:  client:    eureka-server-d-n-s-name: relinson.com    use-dns-for-fetching-service-urls: true    region: region1    eureka-server-u-r-l-context: eureka    eureka-server-port: 9999    prefer-same-zone-eureka: true



