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[leetcode] Generate Parentheses


Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.

For example, given n = 3, a solution set is:

"((()))", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()"




public class Solution {    public ArrayList<String> generateParenthesis(int n) {        ArrayList<String> list =new ArrayList<String>();        generate(list,"",0,0,n);        return list;    }        public void generate(ArrayList<String> list,String res,int leftNum,int rightNum,int n){        //防错误的右边括号出现        if(leftNum<rightNum)           return ;        if(leftNum==n&&rightNum==n){            list.add(res);            return ;        }                if(leftNum==n){            generate(list,res+")",leftNum,rightNum+1,n);            return ;        }                 generate(list,res+"(",leftNum+1,rightNum,n);         generate(list,res+")",leftNum,rightNum+1,n);            }}


[leetcode] Generate Parentheses