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FCL 系列 - 4. FCL.Net.dll


使用.NET 的 Socket 对象,Select 模型。

自定义封包: 包长度+消息体





using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Threading;using System.Windows.Forms;using Wagwei.FCL.Net.Implementation;namespace Wagwei.FCL.Net.Socket{    /// <summary> Socket 客户端类<remarks>    /// <para></para>    /// </remarks>    /// </summary>    [DeveloperInfo("Wagwei")]    public class ClientOp    {        /* ###### 客户端基础信息 ###### */        public string m_sServerIP { get; set; }        public int m_nPort { get; set; }        public string m_sUserName { get; set; }        public string m_sUserPwd { get; set; }        /* ###### Socket客户端 ###### */        public System.Net.Sockets.Socket m_socketClient;        /* ###### 接受消息 ###### */        Thread m_threadRecv;//线程        ManualResetEvent m_mreReceive = new ManualResetEvent(false);        ManualResetEvent m_mreReceiveDone1 = new ManualResetEvent(false);        ManualResetEvent m_mreReceiveDone2 = new ManualResetEvent(false);        public int m_nReceivePollingInterval = 100;//接受消息的轮询间隔        /* ###### 自动连接 ###### */        Thread m_threadAutoConnect;//线程        ManualResetEvent m_mreAutoConnect = new ManualResetEvent(false);        public int m_nAutoConnectPollingInterval = 5000;//断线重连的轮询间隔        int m_nKeepAliveSeconds = 20;//30;//心跳允许时间        DateTime m_datatimeKeepAlive = DateTime.Now; //心跳时间        /* ###### 消息事件 ###### */        public delegate void DelegateHaveText(Text text);        public event DelegateHaveText m_eventHaveText;        Queue<Text> _queueHaveText;        object _objLockQueueHaveText;        Thread m_threadHaveText;        ManualResetEvent m_mreHaveText = new ManualResetEvent(false);        /* ###### 提示信息事件 ###### */        public delegate void DelegateInfo(string info);        public event DelegateInfo m_eventInfo;        static ClientOp()        {            //Wagwei.FCL.Core.Implementation.Internal.WagLicense.Check();        }        public ClientOp()        {            _queueHaveText = new Queue<Text>();            _objLockQueueHaveText = new object();        }        public ClientOp(string serverIP, int port, string userName, string userPwd)            : this()        {            m_sServerIP = serverIP;            m_nPort = port;            m_sUserName = userName;            m_sUserPwd = userPwd;        }        /// <summary>        /// 身份验证        /// </summary>        /// <param name="args">ServerIp + UserName + UserPwd + Port</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public void Logon(params string[] args)        {            if (args.Length > 3)            {                m_sServerIP = args[0];                m_sUserName = args[1];                m_sUserPwd = args[2];                m_nPort = int.Parse(args[3]);            }            IPAddress iPAdrr = IPAddress.Parse(m_sServerIP);            IPEndPoint iPEndP = new IPEndPoint(iPAdrr, m_nPort);            try            {                m_socketClient = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);                m_socketClient.Connect(iPEndP);                //在Winsock2中定义了许多Socket IO控制类型, 其中有一项: KeepAliveValues,控制TCP keep-alive数据包的发送以及发送间隔                //默认值为2个小时, 当间隔时间超过这个设定后, socket就会连续发送5次连接信号, 若客户端无回应, 则此 client socket会断开                //我们可以如下调整这个间隔时间:                //m_SocketClient.IOControl(IOControlCode.KeepAliveValues, BitConverter.GetBytes(7200), null);//24 * 60 * 60                this.m_socketClient.ReceiveBufferSize = SocketCommon.m_ReceiveBufferSize;                this.m_socketClient.SendBufferSize = SocketCommon.m_SendBufferSize;                Text text = new Text();                text.m_sFrom = m_sUserName;                text.m_asTo = new string[] { "server" };                text.m_enumCmdType = CMD_SERVER.LOGON;                text.m_sUserPwd = m_sUserPwd;                text.m_datetimeSend = DateTime.Now;                m_socketClient.Send(BinarySerializer.Serialize(text, SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize, SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize));            }            catch (SocketException ex)            {                throw new Exception(ex.Message);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 自动连接        /// </summary>        public void EnabledAutoConnect(bool flg)        {            if (flg)            {                if (this.m_threadAutoConnect == null)                {                    this.m_threadAutoConnect = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate                        {                            while (true)                            {                                this.m_mreAutoConnect.WaitOne();                                //获取一个值, 该值指示Socket是在上次Send还是Receive操作时连接到远程主机                                //if (this.m_socketClient.Connected)                                //{                                //    Thread.Sleep(this.m_nReconnectPollingInterval);                                //}                                double nDelay = DateTime.Now.Subtract(this.m_datatimeKeepAlive).TotalSeconds;                                if ((nDelay < this.m_nKeepAliveSeconds)                                    && (this.m_socketClient != null))                                {                                    if (this.m_socketClient.Connected)                                    {                                        //发送心跳                                        Text text = new Text();                                        text.m_sFrom = this.m_sUserName;                                        text.m_asTo = new string[] { "server" };                                        text.m_enumCmdType = CMD_SERVER.KEEP_ALIVE;                                        text.m_datetimeSend = DateTime.Now;                                        if (this.SendText(text) != 1)                                        {                                            this.m_socketClient = null;                                        }                                        //                                    }                                    else                                    {                                        this.m_socketClient = null;                                    }                                    //                                    Thread.Sleep(this.m_nAutoConnectPollingInterval);                                }                                else                                {                                    //string sInfo = string.Format("{0} > {1}", nDelay, this.m_nKeepAliveSeconds);                                    //MessageBox.Show("kkk " + sInfo);                                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(sInfo);                                    //                                    this.m_mreReceiveDone1.Set();                                    this.m_mreReceiveDone2.Set();                                    this.m_datatimeKeepAlive = DateTime.Now;                                    try                                    {                                        this.Logon();                                        this.SetEventInfo("成功连接到服务器端 0x10001000");                                    }                                    catch (Exception ex)                                    {                                        string sErr = "AutoConnect: " + ex.Message;                                        this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                                        SocketCommon.AppendLog("receive.log", sErr);                                    }                                }                            }                        }));                    this.m_threadAutoConnect.Start();                    this.m_mreAutoConnect.Set();                }            }            else            {                this.m_mreAutoConnect.Reset();                if (this.m_threadAutoConnect != null)                {                    this.m_threadAutoConnect.Abort();                    this.m_threadAutoConnect = null;                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 启动或停止接受消息        /// </summary>        public void EnabledReceive(bool flag)        {            if (flag)            {                if (this.m_threadRecv != null)                {                    if (!this.m_threadRecv.IsAlive)                    {                        goto END;                    }                    else                    {                        this.m_mreReceive.Set();                        return;                    }                }            END:                this.m_mreReceive.Reset();                if (this.m_threadRecv != null)                {                    m_threadRecv.Abort();                }                m_threadRecv = null;                m_threadRecv = new Thread(ReceiveText);                m_threadRecv.Start();                this.m_mreReceive.Set();                return;            }            else            {                this.m_mreReceive.Reset();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 启动或停止接受消息通知        /// </summary>        /// <param name="flag"></param>        public void EnabledHaveText(bool flag)        {            if (flag)            {                if (this.m_threadHaveText != null)                {                    if (!this.m_threadHaveText.IsAlive)                    {                        goto END;                    }                    else                    {                        this.m_mreHaveText.Set();                        return;                    }                }            END:                this.m_mreHaveText.Reset();                if (this.m_threadHaveText != null)                {                    this.m_threadHaveText.Abort();                }                m_threadHaveText = null;                m_threadHaveText = new Thread(HaveText);                m_threadHaveText.Start();                this.m_mreHaveText.Set();                return;            }            else            {                this.m_mreHaveText.Reset();            }        }        void HaveText()        {            while (true)            {                this.m_mreHaveText.WaitOne();                Text? text = null;                lock (_objLockQueueHaveText)                {                    if (_queueHaveText.Count > 0)                    {                        text = _queueHaveText.Dequeue();                    }                }                if (text == null)                {                    Thread.Sleep(5);                }                else                {                    if (this.m_eventHaveText != null)                    {                        this.m_eventHaveText((Text)text);                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 异步发送消息, 发送速度不可太快        /// </summary>        public void SendTextAsync(Text text)        {            if (!this.m_socketClient.Connected)            {                throw new Exception("SendTextAsync: 与服务器已断开连接");            }            byte[] byteData =http://www.mamicode.com/ BinarySerializer.Serialize(text, SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize, SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize);            try            {                this.m_socketClient.BeginSend(byteData,                    0,                    byteData.Length,                    0,                    new AsyncCallback(SendCallback),                    this.m_socketClient);            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                string sErr = "SendTextAsync: " + ex.Message;                this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                SocketCommon.AppendLog("exceptions.log", sErr);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 同步发送消息, 发送速度不可太快        /// <remarks>        /// 返回值: -1 未连接, 0 暂时无法发送, 1 发送成功, 2 发送失败        /// </remarks>        /// </summary>        public int SendText(Text text)        {            if (this.m_socketClient != null)            {                if (this.m_socketClient.Connected)                {                    if (this.m_socketClient.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectWrite))                    {                        try                        {                            m_socketClient.Send(BinarySerializer.Serialize(                                                                            text,                                                                            SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize,                                                                            SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize));                            //返回值, 已发送到 Socket 的字节数。                        }                        catch (Exception ex)                        {                            string sErr = "SendText: " + ex.Message;                            this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                            SocketCommon.AppendLog("exceptions.log", sErr);                            return 2;                        }                        return 1;                    }                }                return 0;            }            return -1;        }        void SendCallback(IAsyncResult ar)        {            try            {                System.Net.Sockets.Socket client = (System.Net.Sockets.Socket)ar.AsyncState;                client.EndSend(ar);            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                throw new Exception(ex.Message);            }        }        void ReceiveText()        {            while (true)            {                this.m_mreReceive.WaitOne();                if (this.m_socketClient != null)                {                    try                    {                        if (m_socketClient.Connected)                        {                            if (m_socketClient.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead))                            {                                //注: Receive时返回的字节数,不一定等于要求读取的字节数。                                //系统只是在数据包到达时,尽可能的读取要求的字节数                                RecvState state = new RecvState();                                state.m_socketWork = m_socketClient;                                m_mreReceiveDone1.Reset();                                m_mreReceiveDone2.Reset();                                m_socketClient.BeginReceive(state.m_arraySize,                                                            0,                                                            SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize,                                                            SocketFlags.None,                                                            new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallBackSize), state);                                m_mreReceiveDone1.WaitOne();                                state.m_nLenAllData = BitConverter.ToInt32(state.m_arraySize, 0);                                m_socketClient.BeginReceive(state.m_arrayData,                                                            0,                                                            state.m_nLenAllData,                                                            SocketFlags.None,                                                            new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallbackData),                                                            state);                                m_mreReceiveDone2.WaitOne();                                /* @@@@@@ 有新消息 @@@@@@ */                                byte[] arrayRealData = http://www.mamicode.com/new byte[state.m_nLenAllData];                                for (int i = 0; i < state.m_nLenAllData; i++)                                {                                    arrayRealData[i] = state.m_arrayData[i];                                }                                Text text = (Text)BinarySerializer.Deserialize(arrayRealData);                                if (text.m_enumCmdType.Equals(CMD_SERVER.TEXT))                                {                                    //--------------------------------------------------------                                    /*被NEW替换*/                                    /*                                    //OLD                                    if (this.m_eventHaveText != null)                                    {                                        this.m_eventHaveText(text);//事件的阻塞会导致下次心跳时间的迟来                                    }                                    */                                    //NEW                                    if (this.m_eventHaveText != null)                                    {                                        lock (_objLockQueueHaveText)                                        {                                            _queueHaveText.Enqueue(text);                                        }                                    }                                    //--------------------------------------------------------                                }                                else if (text.m_enumCmdType.Equals(CMD_SERVER.KEEP_ALIVE))                                {                                    this.m_datatimeKeepAlive = DateTime.Now;                                    //text.m_datetimeSend;如果服务器时间与本机时间不一致则有问题                                }                                /* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */                            }                        }                        else                        {                            //不可设定异常                            //bug                            //throw new Exception("连接已断开");                            //                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(this.m_nReceivePollingInterval);                            continue;                        }                    }                    catch (Exception ex)                    {                        string sErr = "ReceiveText: " + ex.Message;                        this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                        SocketCommon.AppendLog("receive.log", sErr);                        //break;//bug 不可退出循环                        continue;                    }                }                else                {                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(this.m_nReceivePollingInterval);                    continue;                }            }        }        private void ReceiveCallBackSize(IAsyncResult ar)        {            RecvState state = (RecvState)ar.AsyncState;            System.Net.Sockets.Socket client = state.m_socketWork;            int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(ar);            if (bytesRead > 0)            {                state.m_nLenSize += bytesRead;                if (state.m_nLenSize == SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize)                {                    m_mreReceiveDone1.Set();                    state.m_nLenAllData = BitConverter.ToInt32(state.m_arraySize, 0);                }                else                {                    m_socketClient.BeginReceive(state.m_arraySize,                                                state.m_nLenSize,                                                SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize - state.m_nLenSize,                                                SocketFlags.None,                                                new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallbackData),                                                state);                }            }            else if (bytesRead == 0)            {                //m_mreReceiveDone1.Set();                string sErr = "ReceiveCallBackSize: the peer has performed an orderly shutdown";                //throw new Exception(sErr);                this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                SocketCommon.AppendLog("exceptions.log", sErr);            }            else            {                //m_mreReceiveDone1.Set();                string sErr = "ReceiveCallBackSize: an error occurred";                //throw new Exception(sErr);                this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                SocketCommon.AppendLog("exceptions.log", sErr);            }        }        private void ReceiveCallbackData(IAsyncResult ar)        {            try            {                RecvState state = (RecvState)ar.AsyncState;                System.Net.Sockets.Socket client = state.m_socketWork;                int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(ar);                if (bytesRead > 0)                {                    state.m_nlenData += bytesRead;                    if (state.m_nlenData != state.m_nLenAllData)                    {                        client.BeginReceive(state.m_arrayData,                                            state.m_nlenData,                                            state.m_nLenAllData - state.m_nlenData,                                            SocketFlags.None,                                            new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallbackData),                                            state);                    }                    else                    {                        m_mreReceiveDone2.Set();                    }                }                else if (bytesRead == 0)                {                    //m_mreReceiveDone2.Set();                    string sErr = "ReceiveCallbackData: the peer has performed an orderly shutdown";                    //throw new Exception(sErr);                    this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                    SocketCommon.AppendLog("exceptions.log", sErr);                }                else                {                    //m_mreReceiveDone2.Set();                    string sErr = "ReceiveCallbackData: an error occurred";                    //throw new Exception(sErr);                    this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                    SocketCommon.AppendLog("exceptions.log", sErr);                }            }            catch (Exception e)            {                //m_MRE_ReceiveDone2.Set();                string sErr = "ReceiveCallbackData: " + e.Message;                //throw new Exception(sErr);                this.SetEventInfo(sErr);                SocketCommon.AppendLog("exceptions.log", sErr);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 错误通知        /// </summary>        private void SetEventInfo(string info)        {            if (this.m_eventInfo != null)            {                this.m_eventInfo(info);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 关闭        /// </summary>        public void Close()        {            this.EnabledAutoConnect(false);            this.m_mreReceive.Reset();            if (this.m_threadRecv != null)            {                this.m_threadRecv.Abort();            }            this.m_mreHaveText.Reset();            if (this.m_threadHaveText != null)            {                this.m_threadHaveText.Abort();            }            if (this.m_socketClient != null)            {                this.m_socketClient.Close();            }        }    }}



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Net;using System.Threading;using System.Windows.Forms;using Wagwei.FCL.Net.Implementation;namespace Wagwei.FCL.Net.Socket{    //特别说明:    //(1) 当客户端连接过多, 消息转发量过大时候, 会导致传输的数据包严重延时, 这也导致了心跳异常, 此时禁用心跳则不会持续报错    //(2)     //高并发指标: 1. 并发连接数 2. 每秒可创建多少连接 3. 其他    /// <summary>Socket服务端类</summary>    [DeveloperInfo("Wagwei")]    public class ServerOp    {        public int m_nListeningInterval = 1200;//监听时间间隔, 建议大于500ms        public Dictionary<string, System.Net.Sockets.Socket> m_dicSocket;        Thread m_threadListener; //监听线程        Thread m_threadReceiver; //接受(直接转发)线程        Thread m_threadSend;     //间接转发线程        ManualResetEvent m_mreListener = new ManualResetEvent(false);        ManualResetEvent m_mreReceiver = new ManualResetEvent(false);        ManualResetEvent m_mreSend = new ManualResetEvent(false);        System.Net.Sockets.Socket m_socketListener; //监听Socket        List<Text> m_listText;//未处理的信息        //List<User> m_listUser;//在线所有客户端        public delegate void DelegateClientAccount (string clientName,string type);        public event DelegateClientAccount m_eventClientAccount;        // ****** 信息(to server) ******        public delegate void DelegateServerHaveText(Text text);        public event DelegateServerHaveText m_eventServerHaveText;        Queue<Text> m_queueHaveText;        object m_objLockQueueHaveText;        Thread m_threadHaveText;        ManualResetEvent m_mreHaveText = new ManualResetEvent(false);        // ****** 提示 ******        public delegate void DelegateInfo(string info);        public event DelegateInfo m_eventInfo;        // ****** 验证 ******        public delegate bool DelegateVerify();        public event DelegateVerify m_eventVerify;        static ServerOp()        {            //Wagwei.FCL.Core.Implementation.Internal.WagLicense.Check();        }        public ServerOp()        {            m_queueHaveText = new Queue<Text>();            m_objLockQueueHaveText = new object();        }        /// <summary>初始化</summary>        /// <param name="ip">IP地址</param>        /// <param name="port">端口号</param>        public void Init(string ip, int port)        {            IPEndPoint iPEndP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port);//port为0即为随机端口            this.m_socketListener = new System.Net.Sockets.Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);            this.m_socketListener.Bind(iPEndP);            this.m_socketListener.Listen(120);//挂起连接数            this.m_socketListener.ReceiveBufferSize = SocketCommon.m_ReceiveBufferSize;            this.m_socketListener.SendBufferSize = SocketCommon.m_SendBufferSize;            this.m_dicSocket = new Dictionary<string, System.Net.Sockets.Socket>(0);            this.m_listText = new List<Text>();            //this.m_listUser = new List<User>();            //监听            this.m_threadListener = new Thread(Listener);            this.m_threadListener.Name = "thread_fcl_net_socket_listener";            this.m_threadListener.Start();            //接受消息            this.m_threadReceiver = new Thread(ReceiveText);            this.m_threadReceiver.Name = "thread_fcl_net_socket_receiver";            this.m_threadReceiver.Start();            //转发消息            this.m_threadSend = new Thread(SwitchSendText);            this.m_threadSend.Name = "thread_fcl_net_socket_send";            this.m_threadSend.Start();        }        public void EnabledListener(bool enable)        {            if (enable)            {                this.m_mreListener.Set();            }            else            {                this.m_mreListener.Reset();            }        }        public void EnabledReceiver(bool enabled)        {            if (enabled)            {                this.m_mreReceiver.Set();            }            else            {                this.m_mreReceiver.Reset();            }        }        public void EnabledSend(bool enabled)        {            if (enabled)            {                this.m_mreSend.Set();            }            else            {                this.m_mreSend.Reset();            }        }        #region to server        /// <summary>启动或停止接受消息通知</summary>        /// <param name="flag"></param>        public void EnabledHaveText(bool flag)        {            if (flag)            {                if (this.m_threadHaveText != null)                {                    if (!this.m_threadHaveText.IsAlive)                    {                        goto END;                    }                    else                    {                        this.m_mreHaveText.Set();                        return;                    }                }            END:                this.m_mreHaveText.Reset();                if (this.m_threadHaveText != null)                {                    this.m_threadHaveText.Abort();                }                m_threadHaveText = null;                m_threadHaveText = new Thread(HaveText);                m_threadHaveText.Start();                this.m_mreHaveText.Set();                return;            }            else            {                this.m_mreHaveText.Reset();            }        }        void HaveText()        {            while (true)            {                this.m_mreHaveText.WaitOne();                Text? text = null;                lock (m_objLockQueueHaveText)                {                    if (m_queueHaveText.Count > 0)                    {                        text = m_queueHaveText.Dequeue();                    }                }                if (text == null)                {                    Thread.Sleep(5);                }                else                {                    if (this.m_eventServerHaveText != null)                    {                        this.m_eventServerHaveText((Text)text);                    }                }            }        }        #endregion        /// <summary>监听连接</summary>        void Listener()        {            //System.Net.Sockets.Socket currentSocket = null;            while (true)            {                this.m_mreListener.WaitOne();                try                {                    if (this.m_socketListener.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead))                    {                        System.Net.Sockets.Socket client = this.m_socketListener.Accept();//接受一个请求                        //currentSocket = client;                        client.SendBufferSize = SocketCommon.m_SendBufferSize;                        client.ReceiveBufferSize = SocketCommon.m_ReceiveBufferSize;                        if (!client.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead))                        {                            client.Disconnect(false);                            client.Close();                            goto END;                        }                        byte[] byteData = http://www.mamicode.com/new byte[SocketCommon.m_PacketSize];                        byte[] byteSize = new byte[SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize];                        int lenSize = client.Receive(byteSize, SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize, SocketFlags.None);                        int lenData = http://www.mamicode.com/BitConverter.ToInt32(byteSize, 0);                        client.Receive(byteData, lenData, SocketFlags.None);                        byte[] arrayRealData = http://www.mamicode.com/new byte[lenData];                        for (int i = 0; i < lenData; i++)                        {                            arrayRealData[i] = byteData[i];                        }                        Text text = (Text)BinarySerializer.Deserialize(arrayRealData);                        //身份验证                        if (text.m_enumCmdType.Equals(CMD_SERVER.LOGON)                            && text.m_sFrom != "server"                            && (m_eventVerify == null || m_eventVerify()))                        {                        }                        else                        {                            client.Disconnect(false);                            client.Close();                            goto END;                        }                        lock (this.m_dicSocket)                        {                            //重复登录                            if (this.m_dicSocket.ContainsKey(text.m_sFrom))                            {                                if (this.m_dicSocket[text.m_sFrom].Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectWrite))                                {                                    Text textToClient = new Text();                                    textToClient.m_sFrom = "server";                                    textToClient.m_asTo = new string[] { text.m_sFrom };                                    textToClient.m_enumCmdType = CMD_LOGON_RESULT.FORCED_OFFLINE;                                    textToClient.m_objContent = "被迫下线";                                    this.m_dicSocket[text.m_sFrom].Send(BinarySerializer.Serialize(textToClient,                                        SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize,                                        SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize));                                }                                this.m_dicSocket[text.m_sFrom].Disconnect(false);                                this.m_dicSocket[text.m_sFrom].Close();                                this.m_dicSocket.Remove(text.m_sFrom);                                //User userFound = this.m_listUser.Find(delegate(User user) { return user.m_sUserName == text.m_sFrom; });                                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFound.m_sUserName))//struct为值类型, 不能与null比较                                //{                                //    this.m_listUser.Remove(userFound);                                //}                            }                            //非重复登录                            this.m_dicSocket.Add(text.m_sFrom, client);                            if (m_eventClientAccount != null)                            {                                m_eventClientAccount(text.m_sFrom, "logon");                            }                            //立即发送心跳给客户端                            //... 或者客户端主动发送心跳                        }                        //用户登记                        //this.m_listUser.Add(new User(text.m_sFrom, DateTime.Now));                        //服务器发送一条成功连接信息给客户端                        //if (client.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectWrite))                        //{                        //    Text textToClient = new Text();                        //    textToClient._from = "server";                        //    textToClient._to = new string[] { text._from };                        //    textToClient._cmd_type = CMD_LOGON_RESULT.SUCCESS;                        //    textToClient._content = "成功连接到服务器";                        //    client.Send(BinarySerializer.Serialize(textToClient, Common.m_PacketLenSize, Common.m_PacketLenSize));                        //}                        continue;                    }                    else                    {                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(m_nListeningInterval);                        continue;                    }                }                catch (Exception ex)                {                    string s = ex.ToString();                    this.SetEventOnRunError(ex.Message);                    SocketCommon.AppendLog("listener.log", ex.ToString());                    goto END;                }            END:                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(m_nListeningInterval);            }        }        /// <summary>接受消息</summary>        void ReceiveText()        {            while (true)            {                this.m_mreReceiver.WaitOne();                System.Net.Sockets.Socket socketCurrent = null;                try                {                    List<System.Net.Sockets.Socket> tmp = new List<System.Net.Sockets.Socket>();                    //IEnumerator enumerator = this.dicSocket.Values.GetEnumerator();                    //while (enumerator.MoveNext()){tmp.Add((Socket)enumerator.Current);}                    lock (this.m_dicSocket)                    {                        foreach (System.Net.Sockets.Socket s in this.m_dicSocket.Values)                        {                            tmp.Add(s);                        }                    }                    if (tmp.Count > 0)                    {                        System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Select(tmp, null, null, 1000);//select                        foreach (System.Net.Sockets.Socket socketOne in tmp)                        {                            socketCurrent = socketOne;                            byte[] bytesData = http://www.mamicode.com/new byte[SocketCommon.m_PacketSize];                            byte[] bytesSize = new byte[SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize];                            int DataSize;                            int recvSizeRtn = 0;                            recvSizeRtn += socketOne.Receive(bytesSize, SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize, SocketFlags.None);                            if (recvSizeRtn > 0)                            {                                while (recvSizeRtn != SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize)                                {                                    recvSizeRtn += socketOne.Receive(bytesSize,                                        recvSizeRtn,                                        SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize - recvSizeRtn,                                        SocketFlags.None);                                }                                DataSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytesSize, 0);                            }                            else if (recvSizeRtn == 0)                            {                                throw new Exception("the peer has performed an orderly shutdown");                            }                            else                            {                                throw new Exception("an error occurred");                            }                            int recvDataRtn = 0;                            recvDataRtn += socketOne.Receive(bytesData, DataSize, SocketFlags.None);                            if (recvDataRtn > 0)                            {                                while (recvDataRtn != DataSize)                                {                                    recvDataRtn += socketOne.Receive(bytesData,                                        recvDataRtn,                                        DataSize - recvDataRtn,                                        SocketFlags.None);                                }                                byte[] aRealData = http://www.mamicode.com/new byte[DataSize];                                for (int i = 0; i < DataSize; i++)                                {                                    aRealData[i] = bytesData[i];                                }                                Text text = (Text)BinarySerializer.Deserialize(aRealData);                                //当即转发, 否则保存到listText中                                List<System.Net.Sockets.Socket> listSocket = new List<System.Net.Sockets.Socket>();                                int count = text.m_asTo.Length;                                lock (this.m_dicSocket)                                {                                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)                                    {                                        if (this.m_dicSocket.ContainsKey(text.m_asTo[i]))                                        {                                            listSocket.Add(this.m_dicSocket[text.m_asTo[i]]);                                        }                                        else                                        {                                            //如果接收方为服务器本身则另做处理                                            if (text.m_asTo[i] == "server")                                            {                                                if (this.m_eventServerHaveText != null)                                                {                                                    //this.m_eventServerHaveText(text);                                                    lock (m_objLockQueueHaveText)                                                    {                                                        m_queueHaveText.Enqueue(text);                                                    }                                                }//end if                                                if (text.m_enumCmdType.Equals(CMD_SERVER.TEXT))                                                {                                                }//end if                                                else if (text.m_enumCmdType.Equals(CMD_SERVER.KEEP_ALIVE))                                                {                                                    //if (text.m_sContentRemark == "wag")                                                    //{                                                    //    MessageBox.Show("wag");                                                    //}                                                    Text textKeepAlive = new Text();                                                    textKeepAlive.m_sFrom = "server";                                                    textKeepAlive.m_asTo = new string[] { text.m_sFrom };                                                    textKeepAlive.m_enumCmdType = CMD_SERVER.KEEP_ALIVE;                                                    textKeepAlive.m_datetimeSend = DateTime.Now;                                                    socketOne.Send(BinarySerializer.Serialize(textKeepAlive,                                                        SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize,                                                        SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize));                                                }//end else if                                            }//end if                                            else                                            {                                                //flg 2014-02-23 19:31                                                //lock (this.m_listText)                                                //{                                                //    Text _text = new Text();                                                //    _text.m_sFrom = text.m_sFrom;                                                //    _text.m_sFromIp = text.m_sFromIp;                                                //    _text.m_asTo = new string[] { text.m_asTo[i] };                                                //    _text.m_datetimeSend = text.m_datetimeSend;                                                //    _text.m_typeContent = text.m_typeContent;                                                //    _text.m_objContent = text.m_objContent;                                                //    _text.m_sUserPwd = text.m_sUserPwd;                                                //    _text.m_enumCmdType = text.m_enumCmdType;                                                //    this.m_listText.Add(_text);                                                //}                                            }//end else                                        }//end else                                    }//end for                                }//end lock                                for (int i = 0; i < listSocket.Count; i++)                                {                                    Text _text = new Text();                                    if (listSocket[i].Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectWrite))                                    {                                        _text.m_sFrom = text.m_sFrom;                                        _text.m_sFromIp = text.m_sFromIp;                                        _text.m_asTo = new string[] { text.m_asTo[i] };                                        _text.m_datetimeSend = text.m_datetimeSend;                                        _text.m_typeContent = text.m_typeContent;                                        _text.m_objContent = text.m_objContent;                                        _text.m_sContentRemark = text.m_sContentRemark;                                        _text.m_sUserPwd = text.m_sUserPwd;                                        _text.m_enumCmdType = text.m_enumCmdType;                                        listSocket[i].Send(BinarySerializer.Serialize(_text,                                            SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize,                                            SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize));                                        continue;                                    }//end if                                }//end for                            }                            else if (recvDataRtn == 0)                            {                                throw new Exception("the peer has performed an orderly shutdown");                            }                            else                            {                                throw new Exception("an error occurred");                            }                        }//end foreach                    }                    else                    {                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5);                        continue;                    }                }                catch (Exception ex)                {                    string s = ex.ToString();                    this.SetEventOnRunError("ReceiveText: " + ex.ToString());                    this.RemoveAbnormal(socketCurrent);                    SocketCommon.AppendLog("receive.log", ex.ToString());                    continue;                }            }        }        public void AppendOneText(Text text)        {            lock (this.m_listText)            {                this.m_listText.Add(text);            }        }        /// <summary>转发消息</summary>        void SwitchSendText()        {            while (true)            {                this.m_mreSend.WaitOne();                System.Net.Sockets.Socket currentSocket = null;                try                {                    if (this.m_listText.Count > 0)                    {                        lock (this.m_listText)                        {                            List<Text> listRemove = new List<Text>();                            foreach (Text text in this.m_listText)                            {                                int count = text.m_asTo.Length;                                System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket = null;                                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)                                {                                    this.m_dicSocket.TryGetValue(text.m_asTo[i], out socket);                                    if (socket != null)                                    {                                        currentSocket = socket;                                        if (socket.Poll(2000, SelectMode.SelectWrite))                                        {                                            Text _text = new Text();                                            _text.m_sFrom = text.m_sFrom;                                            _text.m_sFromIp = text.m_sFromIp;                                            _text.m_asTo = new string[] { text.m_asTo[i] };                                            _text.m_datetimeSend = text.m_datetimeSend;                                            _text.m_typeContent = text.m_typeContent;                                            _text.m_objContent = text.m_objContent;                                            _text.m_sContentRemark = text.m_sContentRemark;                                            _text.m_sUserPwd = text.m_sUserPwd;                                            _text.m_enumCmdType = text.m_enumCmdType;                                            socket.Send(BinarySerializer.Serialize(_text,                                                SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize,                                                SocketCommon.m_PacketLenSize));                                        }                                    }                                }                                listRemove.Add(text);                            }                            foreach (Text t in listRemove)                            {                                m_listText.Remove(t);                            }                            listRemove.Clear();                        }                    }                    else                    {                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5);                        continue;                    }                }                catch (Exception ex)                {                    string s = ex.ToString();                    this.SetEventOnRunError(ex.Message);                    this.RemoveAbnormal(currentSocket);                    SocketCommon.AppendLog("send.log", s);                    continue;                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 移除不正常的socket对象, 并且将对应的用户移除        /// </summary>        private void RemoveAbnormal(System.Net.Sockets.Socket currentSocket)        {            //lock (this.m_dicSocket)            //{            //    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, System.Net.Sockets.Socket> item in this.m_dicSocket)            //    {            //        if (item.Value =http://www.mamicode.com/= currentSocket)>//        {            //            this.m_dicSocket.Remove(item.Key);            //            User userFind = this.m_listUser.Find(delegate(User user) { return user.m_sUserName == item.Key; });            //            if (userFind != null)            //            {            //                this.m_listUser.Remove(userFind);            //            }            //            break;            //        }            //    }            //}            lock (this.m_dicSocket)            {                List<string> listKey = new List<string>();                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, System.Net.Sockets.Socket> item in this.m_dicSocket)                {                    if (item.Value =http://www.mamicode.com/= currentSocket)                    {                        listKey.Add(item.Key);                    }                }                foreach (string key in listKey)                {                    this.m_dicSocket.Remove(key);                    //User userFind = this.m_listUser.Find(delegate(User user) { return user.m_sUserName == key; });                    //if (userFind != null)                    //{                    //    this.m_listUser.Remove(userFind);                    //}                    if (m_eventClientAccount != null)                    {                        m_eventClientAccount(key,"logoff");                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 错误通知        /// </summary>        private void SetEventOnRunError(string error)        {            if (this.m_eventInfo != null)            {                this.m_eventInfo(error);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 关闭        /// </summary>        public void Close()        {            this.m_mreListener.Reset();            if (this.m_threadListener != null)            {                this.m_threadListener.Abort();            }            this.m_mreReceiver.Reset();            if (this.m_threadReceiver != null)            {                this.m_threadReceiver.Abort();            }            this.m_mreSend.Reset();            if (this.m_threadSend != null)            {                this.m_threadSend.Abort();            }            this.m_mreHaveText.Reset();            if (this.m_threadHaveText != null)            {                this.m_threadHaveText.Abort();            }            if (this.m_socketListener != null)            {                this.m_socketListener.Close();            }            this.m_listText.Clear();            //this.m_listUser.Clear();            this.m_dicSocket.Clear();        }    }}









FCL 系列 - 4. FCL.Net.dll