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Process Kill Technology && Process Protection Against In Linux


0. 引言1. Kill Process By Kill Command2. Kill Process By Resource Limits3. Kill Process By Code Injection Into Running Process Via GDB4. Kill Process By Using Cross Process Virtual Memory Modify5. Kill Process By Using ptrace To Inject .so6. Protect Process By Three Guardian Against The Process7. Protect Process By Set SIGNAL Catch Handle Against Kill Command8. Protect Process By Using Linux Kernel To Hook Critical Function9. Protect Process By Using Linux Security Module(LSM) To Hook Critical Function10. Protect Process By Checking Who Is Opening The Process Handle


0. 引言

0x1: Linux系统攻防思想


1. 直接从外部杀死目标进程2. 进入到目标进程内部,从内部杀死、毁坏目标进程3. 劫持目标进程的正常启动、执行流程,从而杀死进程4. 利用系统原生的机制来"命令"进程结束5. 从内核态进程进程杀死

对于系统级攻防的对抗,我们需要明白,如果防御者和攻击者所处的层次维度是相同的(Ring3 against Ring3、Ring0 against Ring0),在这种情况下,防御者对于黑客是没有任何优势的,要做到有效的防御,就需要防御者能站在比攻击者更高(底层)的逻辑层次上,即底层防御思想。在这种思想的指导下,我们可以将系统级攻防的方法论分为以下2种

1. 边界防御思想在攻击向量的入口做鉴权、恶意检测一个典型的实践做法就是杀软会在驱动层做自我保护,防止恶意模块进入内核,而一旦恶意模块已经进入了Ring0,则杀软则选择"信任"这个模块2. 数据流分析思想从数据流动的角度对攻击向量进行分析,这个分析模型要求研究员能够充分考虑到数据从入口到输出整条链路上的各种流支,即考虑各种情况,分析数据在流动过程中可能会产生哪些畸形、变异

0x2: Linux下信号的概念



http://www.cnblogs.com/LittleHann/p/3867214.html搜索:0x1: 信号量(Signals)

0x3: Linux Kernel Writing to Read-Only Memory

控制寄存器(Control Register)是改变、控制CPU行为的一个很重要的"电子设备组件",目前已知的控制寄存器有

//Control registers in x86 series1. CR02. CR13. CR24. CR35. CR4//Additional Control registers in x86-64 series1. EFER2. CR8

1. CR0

The CR0 register is 32 bits long on the 386 and higher processors. On x86-64 processors in long mode, it (and the other control registers) is 64 bits long. CR0 has various control flags that modify the basic operation of the processor.


31 bit: PG: Paging    If 1, enable paging and use the CR3 register, else disable paging30 bit: CD: Cache disable    Globally enables/disable the memory cache29 bit: NW: Not-write through    Globally enables/disable write-through caching18 bit: AM: Alignment mask    Alignment check enabled if AM set, AC flag (in EFLAGS register) set, and privilege level is 316 bit: WP: Write protect    Determines whether the CPU can write to pages marked read-only when privilege level is 05  bit: NE: Numeric error    Enable internal x87 floating point error reporting when set, else enables PC style x87 error detection4  bit: ET: Extension type    On the 386, it allowed to specify whether the external math coprocessor was an 80287 or 803873  bit: TS: Task switched    Allows saving x87 task context upon a task switch only after x87 instruction used2  bit: EM: Emulation    If set, no x87 floating point unit present, if clear, x87 FPU present1  bit: MP: Monitor co-processor    Controls interaction of WAIT/FWAIT instructions with TS flag in CR00  bit: PE: Protected Mode Enable    If 1, system is in protected mode, else system is in real mode

2. CR1


3. CR2

Contains a value called Page Fault Linear Address (PFLA). When a page fault occurs, the address the program attempted to access is stored in the CR2 register.

4. CR3

Used when virtual addressing is enabled, hence when the PG bit is set in CR0. CR3 enables the processor to translate linear addresses into physical addresses by locating the page directory and page tables for the current task. Typically, the upper 20 bits of CR3 become the page directory base register(PDBR), which stores the physical address of the first page directory entry.

5. CR4

Used in protected mode to control operations such as virtual-8086 support, enabling I/O breakpoints, page size extension and machine check exceptions.

21 bit: SMAP: Supervisor Mode Access Protection Enable    If set, access of data in a higher ring generates a fault[1]20 bit: SMEP: Supervisor Mode Execution Protection Enable    If set, execution of code in a higher ring generates a fault18 bit: OSXSAVE: XSAVE and Processor Extended States Enable    17 bit: PCIDE: PCID Enable    If set, enables process-context identifiers (PCIDs).14 bit: SMXE: Safer Mode Extensions Enable    see Trusted Execution Technology (TXT)13 bit: VMXE: Virtual Machine Extensions Enable    see Intel VT-x10 bit: OSXMMEXCPT: Operating System Support for Unmasked SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions    If set, enables unmasked SSE exceptions.9  bit: OSFXSR: Operating system support for FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions    If set, enables SSE instructions and fast FPU save & restore8  bit: PCE: Performance-Monitoring Counter enable    If set, RDPMC can be executed at any privilege level, else RDPMC can only be used in ring 0.7  bit: PGE: Page Global Enabled    If set, address translations (PDE or PTE records) may be shared between address spaces.6  bit: MCE: Machine Check Exception    If set, enables machine check interrupts to occur.5  bit: PAE: Physical Address Extension,If set,changes page table layout to translate 32-bit virtual addresses into extended 36-bit physical addresses.4  bit: PSE: Page Size Extension    If unset, page size is 4 KiB, else page size is increased to 4 MiB (or 2 MiB with PAE set).3  bit: DE: Debugging Extensions    If set, enables debug register based breaks on I/O space access2  bit: TSD: Time Stamp Disable    If set, RDTSC instruction can only be executed when in ring 0, otherwise RDTSC can be used at any privilege level.1  bit: PVI: Protected-mode Virtual Interrupts    If set, enables support for the virtual interrupt flag (VIF) in protected mode.0  bit: VME: Virtual 8086 Mode Extensions    If set, enables support for the virtual interrupt flag (VIF) in virtual-8086 mode.

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1. Kill Process By Kill Command




kill [参数] [进程号]1. 参数    1) -(ASCII / number): 显示指定要发送的信号(ASCII字符 / 数字编号),若果不加信号的编号参数,则使用"-l"参数会列出全部的信号名称    2) -a: 当处理当前进程时,不限制命令名和进程号的对应关系    3) -p: 指定kill命令只打印相关进程的进程号,而不发送任何信号    4) -s (ASCII / number): 指定发送信号(ASCII字符 / 数字编号)    5) -u: 指定用户 2. 进程号: 可以通过ps、top命令获得

0x1: kill -s 9 PID / kill -s SIGKILL PID


0x2: kill PID / kill -s 15 PID / kill -s SIGTERM PID


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2. Kill Process By Resource Limits


1. RLIMIT_CPU: CPU time in msCPU时间的最大量值(秒),当超过此软限制时向该进程发送SIGXCPU信号2. RLIMIT_FSIZE: Maximum file size可以创建的文件的最大字节长度,当超过此软限制时向进程发送SIGXFSZ3. RLIMIT_DATA: Maximum size of the data segment数据段的最大字节长度4. RLIMIT_STACK: Maximum stack size栈的最大长度5. RLIMIT_CORE: Maximum core file size设定最大的core文件,当值为0时将禁止core文件非0时将设定产生的最大core文件大小为设定的值6. RLIMIT_RSS: Maximum resident set size最大驻内存集字节长度(RSS)如果物理存储器供不应求则内核将从进程处取回超过RSS的部份7. RLIMIT_NPROC: Maximum number of processes每个实际用户ID所拥有的最大子进程数,更改此限制将影响到sysconf函数在参数_SC_CHILD_MAX中返回的值8. RLIMIT_NOFILE: aximum number of open files每个进程能够打开的最多文件数。更改此限制将影响到sysconf函数在参数_SC_CHILD_MAX中的返回值9. RLIMIT_MEMLOCK: Maximum locked-in-memory address spaceThe maximum number of bytes of virtual memory that may be locked into RAM using mlock() and mlockall().10. RLIMIT_AS: Maximum address space size in bytesThe maximum size of the process virtual memory (address space) in bytes. This limit affects calls to brk(2), mmap(2) and mremap(2), which fail with the error ENOMEM upon exceeding this limit. Also automatic stack expansion will fail (and generate a SIGSEGV that kills the process when no alternate stack has been made available). Since the value is a long, on machines with a 32-bit long either this limit is at most 2 GiB, or this resource is unlimited.11. LOCKS: Maximum file locks held12. SIGPENDING: Maximum number of pending signals13. MSGQUEUE: Maximum bytes in POSIX mqueues14. NICE: Maximum nice prio allowed to raise to15. RTPRIO: Maximum realtime priority

The Linux kernel provides the getrlimit and setrlimit system calls to get and set resource limits per process. Each resource has an associated soft and hard limit.

1. soft limit: the value that the kernel enforces for the corresponding resource.    1) an unprivileged process may only set its soft limit to a value in the range from 0 up to the hard limit, and (irreversibly) lower its hard limit    2) A privileged process (one with the CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability) may make arbitrary changes to either limit value.2. hard limit: acts as a ceiling for the soft limit    1) A privileged process (one with the CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability) may make arbitrary changes to either limit value.


int getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlptr);int setrlimit(int resource, const struct rlimit rlptr);int prlimit(pid_t pid, int resource, const struct rlimit *new_limit, struct rlimit *old_limit);

struct rlimit

struct rlimit {    //要取得或设置的资源软限制的值    rlim_t rlim_cur;    //要取得或设置的资源硬限制的值    rlim_t rlim_max;};


1. 任何进程可以将软限制改为小于或等于硬限制2. 任何进程都可以将硬限制降低,但普通用户降低了就无法提高,该值必须等于或大于软限制3. 只有超级用户可以提高硬限制一个无限的限制由常量RLIM_INFINITY指定(The value RLIM_INFINITY denotes no limit on a resource)

0x1: setrlimit、getrlimit、prlimit编程示例

#define _GNU_SOURCE#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64#include <stdio.h>#include <time.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/resource.h>#define errExit(msg)     do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \               } while (0)int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    struct rlimit old, new;    struct rlimit *newp;    pid_t pid;    if (!(argc == 2 || argc == 4))     {        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <pid> [<new-soft-limit> <new-hard-limit>]\n", argv[0]);        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    pid = atoi(argv[1]);        /* PID of target process */    newp = NULL;    if (argc == 4)     {        new.rlim_cur = atoi(argv[2]);        new.rlim_max = atoi(argv[3]);        newp = &new;    }    /* Set CPU time limit of target process; retrieve and display previous limit */    if (prlimit(pid, RLIMIT_CPU, newp, &old) == -1)    {        errExit("prlimit-1");    }           printf("Previous limits: soft=%lld; hard=%lld\n", (long long) old.rlim_cur, (long long) old.rlim_max);    /* Retrieve and display new CPU time limit */    if (prlimit(pid, RLIMIT_CPU, NULL, &old) == -1)    {        errExit("prlimit-2");    }     printf("New limits: soft=%lld; hard=%lld\n", (long long) old.rlim_cur, (long long) old.rlim_max);    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}

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0x2: 使用ulimit杀死目标进程


1. 修改当前shell交互终端的limit值: 针对当前会话SESSION(同一个SID的进程组)的进程有效


ulimit [-acdfHlmnpsStvw] [size]-a: 显示目前资源限制的设定  -c: 设定core文件的最大值,单位为区块  -d: <数据节区大小> 程序数据节区的最大值,单位为KB -f: <文件大小> shell所能建立的最大文件,单位为区块 -H: 设定资源的硬性限制,也就是管理员所设下的限制  -m: <内存大小> 指定可使用内存的上限,单位为KB -n: <文件数目> 指定同一时间最多可开启的文件数 -p: <缓冲区大小> 指定管道缓冲区的大小,单位512字节 -s: <堆叠大小> 指定堆叠的上限,单位为KB -S: 设定资源的弹性限制 -t: 指定CPU使用时间的上限,单位为秒  -u: <程序数目> 用户最多可开启的程序数目  -v: <虚拟内存大小>  指定可使用的虚拟内存上限,单位为KB  

要达到kill process的目的,我们可以修改以下几个资源限制参数

ulimit -m 5: 限制目标进程可以使用的内存ulimit -t 1: 限制目标进程可以使用的CPU时间ulimit -s 1024: 限制目标进程可以使用的堆栈大小ulimit -n 10: 限制同一时间内可打开的文件数量,在Linux下,一切皆文件,包括用于网络连接的socket也是文件

使用ulimit需要注意的是它的作用范围,limit 限制的是当前 shell 进程以及其派生的子进程。举例来说,如果用户同时运行了两个 shell 终端进程,只在其中一个环境中执行了 ulimit – s 100,则该 shell 进程里创建文件的大小收到相应的限制,而同时另一个 shell 终端包括其上运行的子程序都不会受其影响


echo "test ulimit" > testls test -l//通过上面的 ulimit 设置我们已经把当前 shell 所能使用的最大内存限制在 1000KB 以下ulimit -d 1000 -m 1000 -v 1000ls test -l


从上面的结果可以看到,此时 ls 运行失败。根据系统给出的错误信息我们可以看出是由于调用 libc 库时内存分配失败而导致的 ls 出错

2. 修改linux的软硬件限制文件/etc/security/limits.conf: 对指定用户起作用、跨会话有效、每次重启都有效

vim /etc/security/limits.conf

# /etc/security/limits.conf##Each line describes a limit for a user in the form:##<domain>        <type>  <item>  <value>##Where:#<domain> can be:#        - a user name#        - a group name, with @group syntax#        - the wildcard *, for default entry#        - the wildcard %, can be also used with %group syntax, for maxlogin limit##<type> can have the two values:#        - "soft" for enforcing the soft limits#        - "hard" for enforcing hard limits##<item> can be one of the following:#        - core - limits the core file size (KB)#        - data - max data size (KB)#        - fsize - maximum filesize (KB)#        - memlock - max locked-in-memory address space (KB)#        - nofile - max number of open file descriptors#        - rss - max resident set size (KB)#        - stack - max stack size (KB)#        - cpu - max CPU time (MIN)#        - nproc - max number of processes#        - as - address space limit (KB)#        - maxlogins - max number of logins for this user#        - maxsyslogins - max number of logins on the system#        - priority - the priority to run user process with#        - locks - max number of file locks the user can hold#        - sigpending - max number of pending signals#        - msgqueue - max memory used by POSIX message queues (bytes)#        - nice - max nice priority allowed to raise to values: [-20, 19]#        - rtprio - max realtime priority# #*               soft    core            0#*               hard    rss             10000#@student        hard    nproc           20#@faculty        soft    nproc           20#@faculty        hard    nproc           50#ftp             hard    nproc           0#@student        -       maxlogins       4# End of file

需要注意的是,对配置文件的修改不会立即生效,rlimit没有hot reload机制,需要手工reboot之后才能让新的配置生效

3. 修改 /proc 下的配置文件对整个系统的资源使用做一个总的限制: 全局有效、重启后失效

1. /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max2. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range...



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3. Kill Process By Code Injection(Replace) Into Running Process Via GDB

Linux下没有Windows下的CreateRemoteThread()直接向远程进程创建(注入)新线程的机制,不能直接在目标进程中创建一个新的自杀线程去kill,而是需要采用GDB调试debug的方式,将"Kill Function Shellcode"直接注入到目标进程的内存空间中,本质就是实现对目标进程的内存修改以实现函数劫持。为了实现这种技术,我们需要先了解几个Linux下的几个基本原理

0x1: Linux ELF


0x2: Linux GDB Debug


0x3: 实验示例程序准备

1. dynlib.h + dynlib.c: 动态(共享)库libdynlib.so,用于演示被注入(替换)的目标函数2. app.c: 目标主程序,会链接libdynlib.so库,调用其中的目标函数3. injection.c: 用于注入的hooked函数


1. dynlib.h + dynlib.c

//dynlib.hextern void print();//dynlib.c#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <unistd.h>#include "dynlib.h"extern void print(){    static unsigned int counter = 0;    ++counter;    printf("%d : PID %d : In print()\n", counter, getpid());}

2. app.c

//app.c#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include "dynlib.h"int main(){     while(1)     {         print();         printf("Going to sleep...\n");         sleep(3);         printf("Waked up...\n");     }     return 0;}

3. injection.c

//injection.c#include <stdlib.h>extern void print();extern void injection(){      print();  //原本的工作,调用print()函数     system("date");  //添加的额外工作}

0x4: 编译并运行程序

//动态库libdynlib.so在编译时指定了-fPIC选项,用来生成地址无关的程序gcc -g -Wall dynlib.c -fPIC -shared -o libdynlib.so//appgcc -g app.c -ldynlib -L ./ -o app//injection.ogcc -Wall injection.c -c -o injection.o//libdynlib.so编译完成后,需要将生成的libdynlib.so文件拷贝到/usr/lib/目录下,再执行该程序cp ./libdynlib.so /usr/lib64/./app


0x5: 调试目标程序: app

//4837是目标进程的PIDgdb app 4847


0x6: 将注入代码加载到可执行程序的内存中


//利用O_RDWR(值为2)的读/写权限打开injection.o文件。一会之后我们在加载注入代码时做写修改,因此需要写权限(gdb) call open("injection.o", 2)//返回值为系统分配的文件描述符,可以看到值为3$1 = 3/*调用mmap()系统调用将该文件载入进程的地址空间1560代表injection.o的文件size为1560mmap()函数原型如下#include <sys/mman.h>void *mmap(void *start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);1. start: 映射区的开始地址,设置为0时表示由系统决定映射区起始地址 2. length: 映射区的长度,这里为injection.o文件的长度,我们在编译生成.o文件的时候需要记下它的size3. prot: 期望的内存保护标志(即映射权限),不能与文件的打开模式冲突,这里为1|2|4(即PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,读/写/执行)4. flags: 指定映射对象的类型,映射选项和映射页是否可以共享 5. fd: 表示已经打开的文件描述符,这里为3 6. offset: 表示被映射对象内容的起点,这里为0*/(gdb) call mmap(0, 1560, 1|2|4, 1, 3, 0)//如果函数执行成功,则返回被映射文件在映射区的起始地址 $2 = 714252288(gdb)



cat /proc/4953/maps00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 912254                             /zhenghan/gdbkill/app00600000-00601000 rw-p 00000000 08:02 912254                             /zhenghan/gdbkill/app00c34000-00c55000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [heap]3cbf600000-3cbf620000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 41                             /lib64/ld-2.12.so3cbf81f000-3cbf820000 r--p 0001f000 08:02 41                             /lib64/ld-2.12.so3cbf820000-3cbf821000 rw-p 00020000 08:02 41                             /lib64/ld-2.12.so3cbf821000-3cbf822000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 3cbfe00000-3cbff8a000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 43                             /lib64/libc-2.12.so3cbff8a000-3cc018a000 ---p 0018a000 08:02 43                             /lib64/libc-2.12.so3cc018a000-3cc018e000 r--p 0018a000 08:02 43                             /lib64/libc-2.12.so3cc018e000-3cc018f000 rw-p 0018e000 08:02 43                             /lib64/libc-2.12.so3cc018f000-3cc0194000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7fdf2a71b000-7fdf2a71e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7fdf2a71e000-7fdf2a71f000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 145931                     /usr/lib64/libdynlib.so7fdf2a71f000-7fdf2a91e000 ---p 00001000 08:02 145931                     /usr/lib64/libdynlib.so7fdf2a91e000-7fdf2a91f000 rw-p 00000000 08:02 145931                     /usr/lib64/libdynlib.so7fdf2a92a000-7fdf2a92b000 rwxs 00000000 08:02 912259                     /zhenghan/gdbkill/injection.o7fdf2a92b000-7fdf2a92d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7fffe21c4000-7fffe21d9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]7fffe21ff000-7fffe2200000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]


0x7: 重定位

readelf -r appRelocation section .rela.dyn at offset 0x480 contains 1 entries:  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend000000600a08  000100000006 R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT 0000000000000000 __gmon_start__ + 0Relocation section .rela.plt at offset 0x498 contains 4 entries:  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend000000600a28  000300000007 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO 0000000000000000 puts + 0000000600a30  000400000007 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO 0000000000000000 __libc_start_main + 0000000600a38  000500000007 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO 0000000000000000 sleep + 0000000600a40  000600000007 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO 0000000000000000 print + 0


1. print符号重定位位于app程序的绝对(虚拟)地址: 000000600a40偏移处2. 重定位的类型为: R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO3. 在程序被加载到内存且在运行之前,重定位地址是一个绝对虚拟地址4. 该重定位驻留在程序二进制镜像的.rel.plt段内。PLT即"Procedure Linkage Table"的缩写,是为函数间接调用提供的表,即在app调用print函数不是直接跳转到函数的位置,而是首先跳转到"Procedure Linkage Table"的入口处,之后再从PLT跳转到函数的实际代码处5. 在"Procedure Linkage Table"这种模式下,如果要调用的函数位于一个动态库中(如本例中的libdynlib.so),那么这种做法是必要的,因为我们不可能提前知道动态库会被加载到进程空间的什么位置,以及动态库中的第一个函数是什么(本例中为print()函数)。所有这些信息只在程序被加载到内存之后且运行之前有效,这时系统的动态链接器(Linux系统中为ld-linux.so)会解决重定位的问题,使请求的函数能够被正确调用6. 在本文的例子中,动态链接器会将libdynlib.so加载到可执行进程的地址空间,找到print()函数在库中的地址,并将该地址赋值到重定位地址: 000000600a40,即间接跳转表中,这样,app进程在执行过程中,通过间接跳转表,就可以正确调用到动态链接库中的指定函数


//查看print()函数的地址(gdb) p & print$3 = (void (*)()) 0x7ffc537625bc <print>p/x * 0x000000600a40(gdb) p/x * 0x000000600a40$4 = 0x537625bc//injection()函数的地址可以通过对injection.o文件运行readelf –s(显示目标文件的符号表)得到:readelf -s injection.oSymbol table .symtab contains 12 entries:   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND      1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS injection.c     2: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    1      3: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    3      4: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    4      5: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    5      6: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    7      7: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    8      8: 0000000000000000     0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT    6      9: 0000000000000000    26 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 injection    10: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND print    11: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  UND system//函数(符号)injection位于injection.o文件.text段的偏移0处 //.text段起始于injection.o文件的偏移0x00000040处readelf -S injection.o Section Headers:  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset    Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000    0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0  [ 1] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000040    000000000000001a  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     4  [ 2] .rela.text        RELA             0000000000000000  000005b8    0000000000000048  0000000000000018          11     1     8  [ 3] .data             PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000005c    0000000000000000  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     4  [ 4] .bss              NOBITS           0000000000000000  0000005c    0000000000000000  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     4  [ 5] .rodata           PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000005c    0000000000000005  0000000000000000   A       0     0     1  [ 6] .comment          PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000061    000000000000002e  0000000000000001  MS       0     0     1  [ 7] .note.GNU-stack   PROGBITS         0000000000000000  0000008f    0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     1  [ 8] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         0000000000000000  00000090    0000000000000038  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8  [ 9] .rela.eh_frame    RELA             0000000000000000  00000600    0000000000000018  0000000000000018          11     8     8  [10] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  000000c8    0000000000000061  0000000000000000           0     0     1  [11] .symtab           SYMTAB           0000000000000000  00000470    0000000000000120  0000000000000018          12     9     8  [12] .strtab           STRTAB           0000000000000000  00000590    0000000000000024  0000000000000000           0     0     1

0x8: 用injection()函数替换print()函数

injection.o文件已经被加载到app进程内存空间的地址0x:7ffc5396e000。因此injection()函数的最终绝对虚拟地址为0x7ffc5396e000+0x40 = 0x7ffc5396e040

我们接下来用0x7ffc5396e040替换print()函数的重定位地址: 0x000000600a40

(gdb) set *0x000000600a40 = 0x7ffc5396e000+0x40

0x9: 解决injection()函数的重定位


readelf -r injection.oRelocation section .rela.text at offset 0x5b8 contains 3 entries:  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend00000000000a  000a00000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 print - 400000000000f  00050000000a R_X86_64_32       0000000000000000 .rodata + 0000000000014  000b00000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 system - 4Relocation section .rela.eh_frame at offset 0x600 contains 1 entries:  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend000000000020  000200000002 R_X86_64_PC32     0000000000000000 .text + 0/*1. print重定位引用libdynlib.so库中的print()函数调用2. .rodata重定位指向保存在.rodata只读数据段的"date"常量字符串(即system(date)调用中的"date")3. system重定位引用系统的system()函数调用需要注意的是所有这三个重定位是驻留在.rel.text段中的,因此它们的偏移是相对于.text段而言的 *///我们需要手动解决以上三个重定位,为这三个内存位置设置适当的地址。程序进程地址空间中的这些重定位地址是通过求和计算出来的:1. injection.o在进程地址空间中的起始地址: 0x7ffc5396e0002. .text段在injection.o目标文件中的起始偏移量: 0x403. 相对于.text段的重定位偏移量    1) print: 0x00000000000a    2) .rodata: 0x00000000000f    3) system: 0x000000000014


(gdb) p & system// system()函数的地址$5 = 0x3cbfe3e8f0 <system> (gdb) p * (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x000000000014)// system符号重定位的加数$6 = 0 (gdb) set * (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x000000000014) = 0x3cbfe3e8f0 - (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x000000000014) - 4(gdb) p & print// print()函数的地址$7 = (void (*)()) 0x7ffc537625bc <print>(gdb) p * (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x00000000000a)// print符号重定位的加数$8 = 0(gdb) set * (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x00000000000a) = 0x7ffc537625bc - (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x00000000000a) - 0(gdb) p * (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x00000000000f)// .rodata符号重定位的加数$9 = 0//0x0000005c.rodata 段在injection.o目标文件中的偏移(见第七节结尾处)(gdb) set * (0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x40 + 0x00000000000f) = 0x7ffc5396e000 + 0x0000005c //解决了injection()函数代码中的所有3个重定位,那么要做的准备工作就做完了,可以退出gdb调试器了。应用程序会继续运行,并且在此之后,除了继续之前的打印工作,程序同时还会输出当前的日期q

回到我们本小节的最终目的来看,使用GDB调试技术进行Process Kill

1. 使用GDB Debugger挂载Attach到目标进程上,调用: call exit(0),强制目标进程退出2. 使用GDB Debugger挂载Attach到目标进程上,向其中注入一段hooked函数,劫持目标进程的核心功能,或者直接退出3. 使用GDB Debugger挂载Attach到目标进程上,对其中关键的代码偏移位置进行修改,典型地如关键if判断语句,强制目标进程偏离正常代码逻辑,导致退出

Relevant Link:



4. Kill Process By Using Cross Process Virtual Memory Modify

通过跨进程虚拟内存修改、破坏,从而迫使目标进程退出。在基于虚拟内存(Vitual Memory)机制的前提下,即使单个进程的虚拟内存遭到了清零攻击,Linux系统下的其他进程也会正常运行而不受任何影响


#include <sys/uio.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {        if (argc != 2)         return -1;        int pid = atoi(argv[1]);        int size = 1024;        int nwrite;        struct iovec local;        struct iovec remote;        void *buf = malloc(size);        void* p = 0;    //write zero to the target process        while (p < 0xffffffff)        {                local.iov_base = buf;                local.iov_len = size;                remote.iov_base = (void*)p;                p += size;                remote.iov_len = size;                nwrite = process_vm_writev(pid, &local, 1, &remote, 1, 0);        }        free(buf);        return 0;}

通过这种暴力的方法,实现对目标进程的虚拟内存的破坏,从而达到KILL Process的目的

Relevant Link:



5. Kill Process By Using ptrace To Inject .so


0x1: ptrace简介


#include <sys/ptrace.h>long int ptrace(enum __ptrace_request request, pid_t pid, void * addr, void * data)/*ptrace参数1. request: 决定ptrace做什么: /usr/include/sys/ptrace.h    1) PTRACE_TRACEME    PTRACE_TRACEME是被父进程用来跟踪子进程的.正如前面所说的,任何信号(除了SIGKILL),不管是从外来的还是由exec系统调用产生的,都将使得子进程被暂停,由父进程决定子进程的行为.在request为PTRACE_TRACEME情况下,ptrace()只干一件事,它检查当前进程的ptrace标志是否已经被设置,没有的话就设置ptrace标志,除了request的任何参数(pid,addr,data)都将被忽略.        2) PTRACE_ATTACH    request为PTRACE_ATTACH也就意味着,一个进程想要控制另外一个进程.需要注意的是,任何进程都不能跟踪控制起始进程init,一个进程也不能跟踪自己.某种意义上,调用ptrace的进程就成为了ID为pid的进程的’父’进程.但是,被跟踪进程的真正父进程是ID为getpid()的进程.    3) PTRACE_DETACH:    用来停止跟踪一个进程.跟踪进程决定被跟踪进程的生死.PTRACE_DETACH会恢复PTRACE_ATTACH和PTRACE_TRACEME的所有改变.父进程通过data参数设置子进程的退出状态(exit code).子进程的ptrace标志就被复位,然后子进程被移到它原来所在的任务队列中.这时候,子进程的父进程的ID被重新写回子进程的父进程标志位.可能被修改了的single-step标志位也会被复位.最后,子进程被唤醒,貌似神马都没有发生过;参数addr会被忽略    4) PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, PTRACE_PEEKDATA, PTRACE_PEEKUSER:    这些宏用来读取子进程的内存和用户态空间(user space).PTRACE_PEEKTEXT和PTRACE_PEEKDATA从子进程内存读取数据,两者功能是相同的.PTRACE_PEEKUSER从子进程的user space读取数据.它们读一个字节的数据,保存在临时的数据结构中,然后使用put_user()(它从内核态空间读一个字符串到用户态空间)将需要的数据写入参数data,返回0表示成功.    对PTRACE_PEEKTEXT和PTRACE_PEEKDATA而言,参数addr是子进程内存中将被读取的数据的地址.对PTRACE_PEEKUSER来说,参数addr是子进程用户态空间的偏移量,此时data被无视.    5) PTRACE_POKETEXT, PTRACE_POKEDATA, PTRACE_POKEUSER:    这些宏行为与上面的几个是类似的.唯一的不同是它们用来写入data    6) PTRACE_SYSCALL, PTRACE_CONT:    这些宏用来唤醒暂停的子进程.在每次系统调用之后,PTRACE_SYSCALL使子进程暂停,而PTRACE_CONT让子进程继续运行.子进程的返回状态都是由ptrace()参数data设置的.但是,这只限于返回状态是有效的情况.ptrace()重置子进程的single-step位,设置/复位syscall-trace位,然后唤醒子进程;参数addr被无视.    7) PTRACE_SINGLESTEP    PTRACE_SINGLESTEP的行为与PTRACE_SYSCALL无异,除了子进程在每次机器指令后都被暂停(PTRACE_SYSCALL是使子进程每次在系统调用后被暂停).single-step会被设置,跟PTRACE_SYSCALL一样,参数data包含返回状态,参数addr被无视.    8) PTRACE_KILL    PTRACE_KILL被用来终止子进程.”谋杀”是这样进行的: 首先ptrace() 查看子进程是不是已经死了.如果不是, 子进程的返回码被设置为sigkill. single-step位被复位.然后子进程被唤醒,运行到返回码时子进程就死掉了.2. pid: 被跟踪进程的ID3. addr: 进程空间偏移量3. data: 存储从进程空间偏移量为addr的地方开始将被读取/写入的数据 ptrace返回值1. EPERM: 权限错误,进程无法被跟踪.2. ESRCH: 目标进程不存在或者已经被跟踪.3. EIO: 参数request的值无效,或者从非法的内存读/写数据.4. EFAULT: 需要读/写数据的内存未被映射.*/

0x2: ptrace编程示例

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <signal.h>#include <syscall.h>#include <sys/ptrace.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/wait.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <errno.h>int main(void){        long long counter = 0;  /*  machine instruction counter */        int wait_val;           /*  child‘s return value        */        int pid;                /*  child‘s process id          */        puts("Please wait");        switch (pid = fork()) {        case -1:                perror("fork");                break;        case 0: /*  child process starts        */                ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0, 0);                /*                  *  must be called in order to allow the                 *  control over the child process                 */                 execl("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL);                /*                 *  executes the program and causes                 *  the child to stop and send a signal                  *  to the parent, the parent can now                 *  switch to PTRACE_SINGLESTEP                    */                 break;                /*  child process ends  */        default:/*  parent process starts       */                wait(&wait_val);                 /*                    *   parent waits for child to stop at next                  *   instruction (execl())                  */                while (wait_val == 1407 ) {                        counter++;                        if (ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, pid, 0, 0) != 0)                                perror("ptrace");                        /*                          *   switch to singlestep tracing and                          *   release child                         *   if unable call error.                         */                        wait(&wait_val);                        /*   wait for next instruction to complete  */                }                /*                 * continue to stop, wait and release until                 * the child is finished; wait_val != 1407                 * Low=0177L and High=05 (SIGTRAP)                 */        }        printf("Number of machine instructions : %lld\n", counter);        return 0;}

0x3: 基于ptrace向运行中进程注入.so并执行相关函数

我们已经学习了如何通过GDB单步调试的方式将.so注入到目标进程中,并手工完成函数地址重定位、以及目标函数replace hook替换,从而实现代码注入函数劫持的目的


1. 让目标进程执行一段代码,通过dlopen把需要注入的"inject.so"加载到目标进程的空间中    1) 在目标进程中找到存放"加载inject.so的实现代码"的空间(通过mmap实现)    2) 把"加载inject.so的实现代码"写入目标进程指定的空间    3) 启动执行2. dlopen会自动完成inject.so的载入和函数重定位这些事情3. 使用"inject.so"中的函数replace目标进程中的指定函数,完成function replace hook

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6. Protect Process By Three Guardian Against The Process

0x1: Linux下双守护、三守护进程


1. 守护进程: 服务例程(service),定时的监控其他被守护进程,如果发现被守护进程被关闭,则主动启动恢复被守护进程2. 被守护进程: 普通进程,同时被守护进程也具有守护进程的功能,对守护例程(server)进行监控,并在需要的时候启动恢复守护例程

0x2: Linux下Deamon守护进程



1. 首先是程序运行后调用fork,并让父进程退出。子进程获得一个新的进程ID,但继承了父进程的进程组ID 2. 调用setsid创建一个新的session,使自己成为新session和新进程组的leader,并使进程没有控制终端(tty) 3. 改变当前工作目录至根目录,以免影响可加载文件系统。或者也可以改变到某些特定的目录 4. 设置文件创建mask为0,避免创建文件时权限的影响 5. 关闭不需要的打开文件描述符。因为Daemon程序在后台执行,不需要于终端交互,通常就关闭STDIN、STDOUT和STDERR。其它根据实际情况处理。另一个问题是Daemon程序不能和终端交互,也就无法使用printf方法输出信息了 6. Daemon程序不能和终端交互,也就无法使用printf方法输出信息了。我们可以使用syslog机制来实现信息的输出,方便程序的调试 


#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <syslog.h>#include <signal.h>int daemon_init(void) {     pid_t pid;     if((pid = fork()) < 0)     {        return(-1);     }     else if(pid != 0)     {        exit(0); /* parent exit */     }          /* child continues */     setsid(); /* become session leader */     chdir("/"); /* change working directory */     umask(0); /* clear file mode creation mask */     close(0); /* close stdin */     close(1); /* close stdout */     close(2); /* close stderr */     return(0); } void sig_term(int signo) {     if(signo == SIGTERM)     /* catched signal sent by kill(1) command */     {             syslog(LOG_INFO, "program terminated.");         closelog();         exit(0);     } } int main(void) {     if(daemon_init() == -1)     {           printf("can‘t fork self/n");           exit(0);     }     openlog("daemontest", LOG_PID, LOG_USER);     syslog(LOG_INFO, "program started.");     signal(SIGTERM, sig_term); /* arrange to catch the signal */     while(1)     {           sleep(1); /* put your main program here */     }     return(0); }


ps axj | grep deamon



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7. Protect Process By Set SIGNAL Catch Handle Against Kill Command


0x1: 可屏蔽、不可屏蔽信号的分类

1. 不可屏蔽信号信号不可屏蔽,意味着我们无法针对这类信号设置"信号处理例程",则如果目标进程收到这类信号,一定会终止进程    1) SIGKILL: Kill (terminate immediately): 常用的Ctrl+C 发出的是SIGKILL信号    2) SIGSTOP: Stop executing temporarily2. 默认屏蔽信号    1) SIGCHLD: Child process terminated, stopped (or continued*)3. 可屏蔽信号对于可屏蔽信号,如果在进程中没有对其进行捕获处理的话,进程在收到它们时,会终止,SIGUSR2    1) SIGABRT: Process aborted    2) SIGALRM: Signal raised by alarm    3) SIGFPE: Floating point exception: "erroneous arithmetic operation"    4) SIGPIPE: Write to pipe with no one reading    5) SIGINT: Interrupt    6) SIGHUP: Hangup    7) SIGILL: Illegal instruction    8) SIGQUIT: Quit and dump core    9) SIGSEGV: Segmentation violation    10) SIGTERM: Termination (request to terminate)    11) SIGUSR1: User-defined 1    12) SIGUSR2: User-defined 2

0x2: 设置对指定信号的捕获


typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);sighandler_t signal(int signum, sighandler_t handler);/*1. signum: 目标信号2. handler: 处理方法    1) 自定义的函数,也可以是    2) SIG_IGN: 目标信号将被忽略    3) SIG_DFL: 将被忽略的信号恢复*/


#include <sys/types.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <signal.h>void handler(){    printf("capture a SIGALRM signal\n");}int main(){    //设置对SIGALRM信号的捕获    signal(SIGTERM, handler);    //等待外部传入信号    pause();     //如果打印了这行就说明我们对信号进行了正确的捕获,程序收到信号后正常运行    printf("the process will run normally\n");}


gcc catch_signal.c -o catch_signal./catch_signalps -ef | grep catch_signalkill 12233//程序成功对kill指令发出的SIGTERM信号进行了捕获,并继续正常运行



0x3: 通过发送信号KILL进程

可以向其他进程发送SIGNAL信号的"C API"

1. killint kill(pid_t pid, int sig); 2. sigqueueint sigqueue(pid_t pid, int sig, const union sigval value);


1. sys_kill: 向进程或进程组发信号

需要明白的是,Linux下使用KILL、KILLALL...指令进行Process Kill本质上是在调用C API


#ifndef _APUE_H_#define _APUE_H_#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include <string.h>#include <assert.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/wait.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <errno.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <signal.h>void err_exit(char *m){    perror(m);        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}#endif /* _APUE_H_ */int main(int argc, char *argv[]){        if(argc != 2)    {                fprintf(stderr, "usage: ./%s pid\n", argv[0]);        }        pid_t pid = atoi(argv[1]);        union sigval v;        v.sival_int = 100;        sigqueue(pid, SIGTERM, v);        return 0;}


gcc send.c -o sendps -ef | grep catch_signal./send 12436



1. 防护模块应该保持足够的第三方独立性,而不应该将防御机制侵入到待保护进程的代码中2. 可以灵活地指定需要保护的目标进程、需要屏蔽的信号3. 要对Linux下的SIGNAL信号进行监控、审核,针对信号本身进行Hook无法实现,只能针对信号产生的源头函数(系统调用)进行Hook审计    1) kill     2) sigqueue   

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8. Protect Process By Using Linux Kernel To Hook Critical Function

对于进程保护,我们这里不考虑在Ring3层进行Ring3 Function Replace Hook,我们采用对syscall hook的方式进行底层防御,因为所有的Ring3层的指令和C API最终都会调用到系统底层

1. sys_kill: 禁止非法用户向目标进程发送信号http://lxr.oss.org.cn/source/kernel/signal.c/source/kernel/signal.cint kill(pid_t pid, int sig);判断发送系统调用的"发起进程",只允许白名单中可信的进程向受保护进程发送"信号"(我们要假设目标受保护进程没有设立对应的信号捕获机制)    1) 判断发起系统调用的进程的pid、进程名(只允许白名单) 2. sys_delete_module: 禁止非法用户卸载保护驱动http://lxr.oss.org.cn/source/kernel/module.c/source/kernel/module.cint delete_module(const char *name, int flags);判断发送系统调用的"发起进程",只允许白名单中可信的进程卸载我们的保护模块    1) 判断发起系统调用的进程的pid、进程名(只允许白名单)    2) 判断传入的待卸载的驱动的名字(保护自己)3. sys_ptrace: 禁止非法用户去附加调试目标程序 http://lxr.oss.org.cn/source/kernel/ptrace.c#L1183long ptrace(enum __ptrace_request request, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data);    1) 判断发起系统调用的进程的pid、进程名(只允许白名单)    2) 判断待调试挂载ptrace的目标进程pid、进程名(禁止目标受保护进程被调试4. sys_process_vm_writev: 禁止非法用户向目标进程的虚拟内存中写入数据http://lxr.oss.org.cn/source/include/linux/syscalls.h#L840long sys_process_vm_writev(pid_t pid, const struct iovec __user *lvec, unsigned long liovcnt, const struct iovec __user *rvec, unsigned long riovcnt, unsigned long flags);    1) 判断传入的待写入进程的pid、进程名(保护目标进程不被跨进程内存读写破坏)

0x1: Linux下syscall table replace hook



Relevant Link:


0x2: 编程实例


1. sys_kill    1) 只允许"指定进程""受保护进程"发起KILL系统调用:/usr/bin/topMonitor kill protected_process2. sys_delete_module    1) 只允许指定进程卸载保护模块:topMonitor rmmod syscall_hk    2) 禁止非指定进程卸载保护模块(保护自己):other process cant rmmod syscall_hk    3) 非指定进程可以卸载其他模块:other process can rmmod other module3. sys_ptrace    1) 禁止任何程序调试、挂载"受保护进程":any process cant debug protected_process4. sys_process_vm_writev    1) 禁止任何程序向"受保护进程"进行跨进程虚拟内存读写5. topMonitor    1) 开机自动insmod加载保护模块:insmod syscall_hk.ko when start up


#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/types.h>#include <asm/uaccess.h>#include <asm/cacheflush.h>#include <linux/syscalls.h>#include <linux/delay.h>    // loops_per_jiffy   #include <linux/proc_fs.h>#include <linux/string.h>#include <linux/cred.h>#include <linux/fs.h> #define CR0_WP 0x00010000   // Write Protect Bit (CR0:16)#define BUF_SIZE 1024/* Just so we do not taint the kernel */MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");void **syscall_table;unsigned long **find_sys_call_table(void);long (*orig_sys_kill)(int pid, int sig);long (*orig_sys_delete_module)(const char *name, unsigned int flags);long (*orig_sys_ptrace)(long request, long pid, unsigned long addr, unsigned long data);long (*orig_sys_process_vm_writev)(pid_t pid, const struct iovec __user *lvec, unsigned long liovcnt, const struct iovec __user *rvec, unsigned long riovcnt, unsigned long flags);unsigned long **find_sys_call_table() {        unsigned long ptr;    unsigned long *p;    for (ptr = (unsigned long)sys_close; ptr < (unsigned long)&loops_per_jiffy; ptr += sizeof(void *))     {                     p = (unsigned long *)ptr;        if (p[__NR_close] == (unsigned long)sys_close)         {            printk(KERN_DEBUG "Found the sys_call_table!!!\n");            return (unsigned long **)p;        }    }        return NULL;}  char* getNameByPid( pid_t pid ) {     struct task_struct * task = NULL, * p = NULL;     struct list_head * pos = NULL;     char *callProcess;    task = & init_task;       list_for_each( pos, &task->tasks )     {         p = list_entry( pos, struct task_struct, tasks ) ;          //printk( KERN_ALERT "%d/t%s/n" , p->pid, p->comm ) ;         if (p->pid == pid)        {             callProcess = p->comm;        }    }          return callProcess;}  long my_sys_kill(int pid, int sig) {    long ret;     char *callProcess;    char *destinationProcess;    //获取系统调用发起者的进程名    callProcess = current->comm;    //获取kill指令的目标进程名    destinationProcess = getNameByPid(pid);    //禁止"受保护进程"被KILL    //if ( (strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliHids") == 0) || (strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliYunDunUpdate") == 0) || ( strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliYunDun") == 0) )    if ( (strcmp(destinationProcess, "killme") == 0) )    {        //相同,禁止执行,返回值:1         ret = -1;             }    else    {        //不相同,放行继续执行        ret = orig_sys_kill(pid, sig);        //printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s is killing the %s(pid: %d): signal = (%d)\n", callProcess, destinationProcess, pid, sig);     }     return ret;}long my_sys_delete_module(const char *name, unsigned int flags){    long ret;        if ( (strcmp(name, "driverp") == 0) )    {        //相同,禁止执行,返回值:1        ret = -1;             }    else    {        //不相同,放行继续执行        ret = orig_sys_delete_module(name, flags);        //printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s is being unload(%d)\n", name, flags);    }      return ret;}long my_sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, unsigned long addr, unsigned long data){    long ret;    char *destinationProcess;    //获取目标进程名    destinationProcess = getNameByPid(pid);    //禁止"受保护进程"被KILL    //if ( (strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliHids") == 0) || (strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliYunDunUpdate") == 0) || ( strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliYunDun") == 0) )    if ( (strcmp(destinationProcess, "killme") == 0) )    {        //相同,禁止执行,返回值:1         ret = -1;             }    else    {        //不相同,放行继续执行        ret = orig_sys_ptrace(request, pid, addr, data);        //printk(KERN_DEBUG "%d is being ptracing(%d)\n", pid, request);    }          return ret;} long my_sys_process_vm_writev(pid_t pid, const struct iovec __user *lvec, unsigned long liovcnt, const struct iovec __user *rvec, unsigned long riovcnt, unsigned long flags){    long ret;    char *destinationProcess;    //获取目标进程名    destinationProcess = getNameByPid(pid);    //禁止"受保护进程"被KILL    //if ( (strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliHids") == 0) || (strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliYunDunUpdate") == 0) || ( strcmp(destinationProcess, "AliYunDun") == 0) )    if ( (strcmp(destinationProcess, "killme") == 0) )    {        //相同,禁止执行,返回值:1         ret = -1;             }    else    {        //不相同,放行继续执行        ret = orig_sys_process_vm_writev(pid, lvec, liovcnt, rvec, riovcnt, flags);        //printk(KERN_DEBUG "%d is being ptracing(%d)\n", pid, request);    }          return ret;}static int __init syscall_init(void){    int ret;    unsigned long addr;    unsigned long cr0;      syscall_table = (void **)find_sys_call_table();    if (!syscall_table)     {        printk(KERN_DEBUG "Cannot find the system call address\n");         return -1;    }    cr0 = read_cr0();    write_cr0(cr0 & ~CR0_WP);    //将syscall_table附近的3个内存页(page)的内存页面的读写权限打开,    addr = (unsigned long)syscall_table;    ret = set_memory_rw(PAGE_ALIGN(addr) - PAGE_SIZE, 3);    if(ret)     {        printk(KERN_DEBUG "Cannot set the memory to rw (%d) at addr %16lX\n", ret, PAGE_ALIGN(addr) - PAGE_SIZE);    }     else     {        printk(KERN_DEBUG "3 pages set to rw");    }        orig_sys_kill = syscall_table[__NR_kill];    orig_sys_delete_module = syscall_table[__NR_delete_module];    orig_sys_ptrace = syscall_table[__NR_ptrace];    orig_sys_process_vm_writev = syscall_table[__NR_process_vm_writev];    syscall_table[__NR_kill] = my_sys_kill;    syscall_table[__NR_delete_module] = my_sys_delete_module;    syscall_table[__NR_ptrace] = my_sys_ptrace;    syscall_table[__NR_process_vm_writev] = my_sys_process_vm_writev;    write_cr0(cr0);      return 0;}static void __exit syscall_release(void){    unsigned long cr0;        cr0 = read_cr0();    write_cr0(cr0 & ~CR0_WP);        syscall_table[__NR_kill] = orig_sys_kill;    syscall_table[__NR_delete_module] = orig_sys_delete_module;    syscall_table[__NR_ptrace] = orig_sys_ptrace;    syscall_table[__NR_process_vm_writev] = orig_sys_process_vm_writev;        write_cr0(cr0);}module_init(syscall_init);module_exit(syscall_release); 

Relevant Link:


0x3: 在真实环境下需要改进的方案

1. 要做到通用型的进程保护模块,即protect.ko应该是一个目标进程独立的保护模块,受保护进程不需要进行额外的修改就可以享受到保护模块的保护2. 在内核态的保护模块protect.ko中开放一个Ring0-Ring3通信接口,允许由Ring3传入"受保护进程元数据"    1) Protect PID、    2) Protect Process Name针对PID、进程名进行进程保护3. 需要建立可信通道进程保护需要考虑的一个很重要的问题是,除了防止黑客去KILL受保护目标进程,还要能够透明地接入原本的业务流程,让原始可信的管理员(或者控制服务端)能够通过一个"受信任通道"的方式去"合法"地杀死进程    1) 基于进程间通信+简单加密防重放验证,在受保护进程中增加一个进程间通信接口,当收到指定的"KILL信号"的时候,在程序逻辑内部调用exit()自杀    2) 对于可信KILL指令通道的设计,可以考虑在kill(int pid, int sig)的sig参数中,设计一个加密过的特别参数,用于指定这个kill请求是合法的,不过这种方法存在被破解的可能    3) 基于系统调用发起方的"进程绝对路径",例如,如果是"/usr/local/trust/trust_process"发起的kill()系统调用,则予以放行    获取进程绝对路径的方法请参阅另一篇文章    http://www.cnblogs.com/LittleHann/p/3927316.html


9. Protect Process By Using Linux Security Module(LSM) To Hook Critical Function



int security_task_kill(struct task_struct *p, struct siginfo *info, int sig, u32 secid){    return security_ops->task_kill(p, info, sig, secid);}

使用LSMs可以在Linux Source Code层次上进行串行的审计、阻断,关于LSMs的相关知识,请参阅另一篇文章

Relevant Link:



10. Protect Process By Checking Who Is Opening The Process Handle


1. 如果是白名单的常驻服务进程在打开目标进程的进程句柄,则开放读写权限给这个句柄2. 如果是非可信的进程在打开目标进程的进程句柄,则将写权限flag去掉,使黑客无法kill目标进程



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Process Kill Technology && Process Protection Against In Linux