首页 > 代码库 > 初学并查集-2:最优布线问题


题目描述 Description



输入描述 Input Description

输入第一行为两个整数n,m(2<=n<=100000,2<=m<=100000),表示计算机总数,和可以互相建立连接的连接个数。接下来m行,每行三个整数a,b,c 表示在机器a和机器b之间建立连接的话费是c。(题目保证一定存在可行的连通方案, 数据中可能存在权值不一样的重边,但是保证没有自环)

输出描述 Output Description


样例输入 Sample Input

3 3

1 2 1

1 3 2

2 3 1

样例输出 Sample Output


数据范围及提示 Data Size & Hint

最终答案需要用long long类型来保存

type r=record       x,y,v:longint;       end;var n,m:longint; total:int64;    used:array[1..100000]of boolean;    cost:array[1..100000]of r;    father:array[1..100000]of longint;    i,j,k,l:longint;    line:longint;procedure qsort(i,j:longint);          var head,tail,k:longint;              temp:r;          begin head:=i; tail:=j;                k:=cost[(head+tail) div 2].v;                while head<tail do                      begin while cost[head].v<k do inc(head);                            while k<cost[tail].v do dec(tail);                            if head<=tail                               then begin temp:=cost[head];                                          cost[head]:=cost[tail];                                          cost[tail]:=temp;                                          inc(head);                                          dec(tail);                                    end;                      end;                if head<j then qsort(head,j);                if i<tail then qsort(i,tail);          end;function find(x:longint):longint;         begin if father[x]=x                  then exit(x);               father[x]:=find(father[x]);               exit(father[x]);         end;procedure union(x,y:longint);          begin father[find(x)]:=find(father[y]);          end;begin total:=0;      readln(n,m);      fillchar(used,sizeof(used),true);      fillchar(cost,sizeof(cost),0);      for i:=1 to n do          father[i]:=i;      for i:=1 to m do          readln(cost[i].x,cost[i].y,cost[i].v);      qsort(1,m);      line:=0;      i:=0;      while i<=m do            begin inc(i);                  if find(cost[i].x)<>find(cost[i].y)                     then begin inc(line);                                union(cost[i].x,cost[i].y);                                inc(total,cost[i].v);                          end;            end;      writeln(total);end.
