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[POJ 1385] Lifting the Stone (计算几何)




首先,三角形的重心: ( (x1+x2+x3)/3 , (y1+y2+y3)/3 )







 1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 #include <cmath> 5 using namespace std; 6 typedef long long LL; 7 #define EPS 1e-8 8 #define X first 9 #define Y second10 11 typedef struct _POINT{ // 用pair<double,double>会MLE!!12     double first;13     double second;14 }POINT;15 16 typedef POINT VECTOR;17 double operator*(VECTOR x,VECTOR y){18     double res;19     res = x.X*y.Y-x.Y*y.X ;20     return res;21 }22 VECTOR operator-(POINT x,POINT y){23     VECTOR res;24     res.X = x.X - y.X ;25     res.Y = x.Y - y.Y ;26     return res;27 }28 29 const int MAX_N = 1000001;30 int T,N;31 POINT pt[MAX_N];32 33 POINT getCenter(POINT points[],int n){34     POINT res;35     double area,areamulx,areamuly;36     area = 0.0; areamulx = 0.0 ; areamuly = 0.0;37     for(int i=1;i<n-1;i++){38         VECTOR v1 = points[i]-points[0];39         VECTOR v2 = points[i+1]-points[i]; // 后面如果fabs会损失精度。。40         double tarea = v1 * v2 / 2.0;41         area += tarea;42         areamulx += (points[0].X+points[i].X+points[i+1].X)*tarea;43         areamuly += (points[0].Y+points[i].Y+points[i+1].Y)*tarea;44     }45     res.X = areamulx / (3.0*area);46     res.Y = areamuly / (3.0*area);47     return res;48 }49 50 int main(){51     scanf("%d",&T);52     while( T-- ){53         scanf("%d",&N);54         for(int i=0;i<N;i++){55             scanf("%lf%lf",&pt[i].X,&pt[i].Y);56         }57         POINT ans = getCenter(pt,N);58         printf("%.2lf %.2lf\n",ans.X+EPS,ans.Y+EPS);59     }60     return 0;61 }


[POJ 1385] Lifting the Stone (计算几何)