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CodeForces 785D Anton and School - 2







#include <cstdio>#include <cmath>#include <cstring>#include <map>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;typedef long long LL; char s[200010];long long L[200010],R[200010];LL fac[200010];long long mod = 1e9+7;void init()    {        int i;        fac[0] =1;        for(i =1; i <= 200000; i++)            fac[i] = fac[i-1]*i%mod;    }    LL pow(LL a, LL b)    {        LL tmp = a % mod, ans =1;        while(b)        {            if(b &1)  ans = ans * tmp % mod;            tmp = tmp*tmp % mod;            b >>=1;        }        return  ans;    }    LL C(LL n, LL m)    {        if(m>n||m<0)return 0;        return  fac[n]*pow(fac[m]*fac[n-m],mod-2)%mod;    }   int main(){		init();	scanf("%s",s);	int len = strlen(s);	for(int i=1;i<=len;i++)	{		L[i] = L[i-1];		if(s[i-1]==‘(‘) L[i]++;	}	for(int i=len;i>=1;i--)	{		R[i] = R[i+1];		if(s[i-1]==‘)‘) R[i]++;	}	long long ans = 0;	for(int i=1;i<=len;i++)	{		if(s[i-1]==‘(‘) continue;		if(L[i]==0) continue;		long long m,k1,k2;		m = min(L[i],R[i]);		if(m==0) k1=1;		else k1 = C(L[i]+R[i],m);		m = min(L[i],R[i]-1);		if(m==0) k2=1;		else k2 = C(L[i]+R[i]-1,m);				long long k = (k1-k2+mod)%mod;		ans = ( ans + k ) %mod;	}	printf("%lld\n",ans);	return 0;}

CodeForces 785D Anton and School - 2