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New York University

Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS)


Deadline for PhD addmission for Fall 2015: Dec 12

Machine learning or computer vision faculties: 

Yann LeCun: professor, you must know him!

Mehryar Mohri: professor, husband of Corinna Cortes, author of the book "Foundations of Machine Learning".

  He claims not to reply the massive emails regarding to joining his lab. Instead, one can refer to his lab in the formal application.

David Sontag: assistant professor

My research focuses on machine learning and probabilistic inference. My group is particularly interested in machine learning problems motivated by clinical medicine. For example, we are developing algorithms to learn probabilistic models for medical diagnosis directly from unstructured clinical data, automatically discovering and predicting latent (hidden) variables.

Edu: Postdoc at Microsoft Research, PhD from MIT, BS from UCB with Stuart Russell.

Christoph Bregler: professor, motion capture

Rob Fergus: computer vision, computational photography (on leave, working at Facebook AI Research)

Davi Geiger: computer vision,

To be continued ...

New York University