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机器学习笔记(Washington University)- Classification Specialization-week 3

1. Quality metric

Quality metric for the desicion tree is the classification error

error=number of incorrect  predictions / number of examples


2. Greedy algorithm


Step 1: Start with an empty tree

Step 2: Select a feature to split data


  Split data for each feature 

  Calculate classification error of this decision stump

  choose the one with the lowest error

For each split of the tree:

  Step 3: If all data in these nodes have same y value

      Or if we already use up all the features, stop.        

  Step 4: Otherwise go to step 2 and continue on this split


predict(tree_node, input)

if current tree_node is a leaf:

  return majority class of data points in leaf


  next_node = child node of tree_node whose feature value agrees with input

  return (tree_node, input)

3  Threshold split

Threshold split is for the continous input

we just pick a threshold value for the continous input and classify the data.


Step 1: Sort the values of a feature hj(x) {v1, v2,...,vn}

Step 2: For i = 1 .... N-1(all the data points)

      consider split ti=(vi+vi+1)/2

      compute the classification error of the aplit

    choose ti with the lowest classification error


机器学习笔记(Washington University)- Classification Specialization-week 3