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Project Page

  • Kafka Project Home
  • Kafka Mailing Lists

General information:

  • Kafka papers and presentations
  • Kafka applications and usage
  • Non-java client support
  • JMX reporters
  • Kafka ecosystem
  • System Tools

0.7 Release

  • Kafka compression
  • Wire protocol
  • Kafka internals
  • Operation
  • MirrorMaker tool

0.8 Release

  • 0.8 changes and Quick start
  • Producer examples
  • High level consumer examples
  • SimpleConsumer Examples
  • Performance
  • Replication design
  • Replication presentation at ApacheCon 2013
  • Wire protocol
  • Zookeeper data structures
  • Migrating from 0.7 to 0.8
  • Replication tools
  • KafkaController internals

0.8.1 Release

  • Dynamic topic-level configuration
  • Log compaction

0.9 Release

Consumer client redesign

Future stuff:

  • Future release plan
  • Idempotent Producer
  • Quota design
  • Hierarchical topics
  • Offset management
  • Restful Api
  • Audit trail proposal


  • Developer setup
  • Git workflow
  • Kafka system tests
  • Component maintainer