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C语言 解决迷宫问题练习




There is a maze as shown in the diagram below. In the maze in the form of a 100*100 matrix, the white background represents the road while the yellow background represents the wall.

Assuming the upper left corner block to be (0, 0), the horizontal direction to be x direction and vertical direction to be y direction, the starting point of the maze is (1. 1) and the arriving point is (13, 13).

Create a program to determine if there is a path to reach the arriving point from the starting point.

In the following example, there is the path.

In the following example, the starting point is (1, 1) and the arriving point is (11, 11). Thus, there is no route.


It should be noted that the above example uses 16x16 instead of 100x100 because of the space limitation.



The first line of the input file provides the test case number. The test cases are followed in next lines.

Total of 10 test cases are given.

In each test case, 1 refers to the wall, 0 refers to the road, 2 refers to the starting point and 3 refers to the arriving point.


The output file outputs the test case number following the ‘#’ symbol. It is followed by a space, 0 or 1 to indicate whether the arriving point can be reached (1 - yes, 0 – no).




[Input Example]




















[Output Example]

#1 1

#2 1



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#include<stdio.h>int search(int startI,int startJ,int endI,int endJ);char maze[100][101];int success=0;void main(){    int L;    //freopen("maze2_test.txt","r",stdin);    for(L=0;L<10;L++)    {        int i,j;        int T=0;        int result;        int startI=0,startJ=0;        int endI=0,endJ=0;            scanf("%d",&T);        for(i=0;i<100;i++)            scanf("%s",maze[i]);        for(i=0;i<100;i++)            for(j=0;j<100;j++)            {                if(maze[i][j]==2)                {                    startI=i;                    startJ=j;                }                if(maze[i][j]==3)                {                    endI=i;                    endJ=j;                }            }        success=0;        result=search(startI,startJ,endI,endJ);                printf("#%d %d\n",T,result);        /*for(i=0;i<16;i++)        {                printf("%s",maze[i]);            printf("\n");        }*/    }}int search(int startI,int startJ,int endI,int endJ){    if(maze[startI][startJ]==3)        success=1;    maze[startI][startJ]=1;    if(success==0&&maze[startI+1][startJ]!=1&&maze[startI+1][startJ]!=2)        search(startI+1,startJ,endI,endJ);     if(success==0&&maze[startI][startJ+1]!=1&&maze[startI+1][startJ]!=2)        search(startI,startJ+1,endI,endJ);    if(success==0&&maze[startI-1][startJ]!=1&&maze[startI+1][startJ]!=2)        search(startI-1,startJ,endI,endJ);    if(success==0&&maze[startI][startJ-1]!=1&&maze[startI+1][startJ]!=2)        search(startI,startJ-1,endI,endJ);    if(success==0)        maze[startI][startJ]=0;    return success;    }
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#include<stdio.h>typedef struct node{    int x;    int y;}Node;void push(Node shu[10000],Node n);Node pop(Node shu[10000]);int empty(Node shu[10000]);int front=-1;int rear=-1;void main(){    int L,T;    freopen("maze2_test_input.txt","r",stdin);    //freopen("test.txt","r",stdin);    for(L=0;L<10;L++)    {        int i,j;        int result=0;        front=-1;        rear=-1;        Node shu[10000];        Node n;        char maze[100][101];        scanf("%d",&T);        for(i=0;i<100;i++)            scanf("%s",maze[i]);                for(i=0;i<100;i++)        {            for(j=0;j<100;j++)                if(maze[i][j]==2)                {                    n.x=i;                    n.y=j;                    push(shu,n);                }        }        while(1)        {            if(!empty(shu))            {                n=pop(shu);                                Node n1,n2,n3,n4;                if(maze[n.x][n.y]==3)                {                    result=1;                    break;                }                maze[n.x][n.y]=1;                if(maze[n.x+1][n.y]!=1&&maze[n.x+1][n.y]!=2)                {                    n1.x=n.x+1;                    n1.y=n.y;                    push(shu,n1);                    //printf("(%d,%d) ",n1.x,n1.y);                }                if(maze[n.x-1][n.y]!=1&&maze[n.x-1][n.y]!=2)                {                    n2.x=n.x-1;                    n2.y=n.y;                    push(shu,n2);                    //printf("(%d,%d) ",n2.x,n2.y);                }                if(maze[n.x][n.y+1]!=1&&maze[n.x][n.y+1]!=2)                {                    n3.x=n.x;                    n3.y=n.y+1;                    push(shu,n3);                    //printf("(%d,%d) ",n3.x,n3.y);                }                if(maze[n.x][n.y-1]!=1&&maze[n.x][n.y-1]!=2)                {                    n4.x=n.x;                    n4.y=n.y-1;                    push(shu,n4);                //    printf("(%d,%d) ",n4.x,n4.y);                }            }            else            {                result=0;                break;            }        }     printf("#%d %d\n",T,result);     //printf("%d,%d\n",n.x,n.y);    }}void push(Node shu[10000],Node n){    rear++;    shu[rear].x=n.x;    shu[rear].y=n.y;}Node pop(Node shu[10000]){    Node n;    if(!empty(shu))    {        front++;        n.x=shu[front].x;        n.y=shu[front].y;    }    return n;}int empty(Node shu[10000]){    if(front==rear)        return 1;    return 0;}
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