首页 > 代码库 > ListView的为空、加载中以及出错的显示状态


public class EmptyLayout {

private Context mContext;
private ViewGroup mLoadingView;
private ViewGroup mEmptyView;
private ViewGroup mErrorView;
private Animation mLoadingAnimation;
private ListView mListView;
private int mErrorMessageViewId;
private int mEmptyMessageViewId;
private int mLoadingMessageViewId;
private LayoutInflater mInflater;
private boolean mViewsAdded;
private int mLoadingAnimationViewId;
private View.OnClickListener mLoadingButtonClickListener;
private View.OnClickListener mEmptyButtonClickListener;
private View.OnClickListener mErrorButtonClickListener;

// ---------------------------
// static variables
// ---------------------------
* The empty state
public final static int TYPE_EMPTY = 1;
* The loading state
public final static int TYPE_LOADING = 2;
* The error state
public final static int TYPE_ERROR = 3;

// ---------------------------
// default values
// ---------------------------
private int mEmptyType = TYPE_LOADING;
private String mErrorMessage = "Oops! Something wrong happened";
private String mEmptyMessage = "No items yet";
private String mLoadingMessage = "Please wait";
private int mLoadingViewButtonId = R.id.buttonLoading;
private int mErrorViewButtonId = R.id.buttonError;
private int mEmptyViewButtonId = R.id.buttonEmpty;
private boolean mShowEmptyButton = true;
private boolean mShowLoadingButton = true;
private boolean mShowErrorButton = true;

// ---------------------------
// getters and setters
// ---------------------------
* Gets the loading layout
* @return the loading layout
public ViewGroup getLoadingView() {
return mLoadingView;

* Sets loading layout
* @param loadingView the layout to be shown when the list is loading
public void setLoadingView(ViewGroup loadingView) {
this.mLoadingView = loadingView;

* Sets loading layout resource
* @param res the resource of the layout to be shown when the list is loading
public void setLoadingViewRes(int res){
this.mLoadingView = (ViewGroup) mInflater.inflate(res, null);

* Gets the empty layout
* @return the empty layout
public ViewGroup getEmptyView() {
return mEmptyView;

* Sets empty layout
* @param emptyView the layout to be shown when no items are available to load in the list
public void setEmptyView(ViewGroup emptyView) {
this.mEmptyView = emptyView;

* Sets empty layout resource
* @param res the resource of the layout to be shown when no items are available to load in the list
public void setEmptyViewRes(int res){
this.mEmptyView = (ViewGroup) mInflater.inflate(res, null);

* Gets the error layout
* @return the error layout
public ViewGroup getErrorView() {
return mErrorView;

* Sets error layout
* @param errorView the layout to be shown when list could not be loaded due to some error
public void setErrorView(ViewGroup errorView) {
this.mErrorView = errorView;

* Sets error layout resource
* @param res the resource of the layout to be shown when list could not be loaded due to some error
public void setErrorViewRes(int res){
this.mErrorView = (ViewGroup) mInflater.inflate(res, null);

* Gets the loading animation
* @return the loading animation
public Animation getLoadingAnimation() {
return mLoadingAnimation;

* Sets the loading animation
* @param animation the animation to play when the list is being loaded
public void setLoadingAnimation(Animation animation) {
this.mLoadingAnimation = animation;

* Sets the resource of loading animation
* @param animationResource the animation resource to play when the list is being loaded
public void setLoadingAnimationRes(int animationResource) {
mLoadingAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, animationResource);

* Gets the list view for which this library is being used
* @return the list view
public ListView getListView() {
return mListView;

* Sets the list view for which this library is being used
* @param listView
public void setListView(ListView listView) {
this.mListView = listView;

* Gets the last set state of the list view
* @return loading or empty or error
public int getEmptyType() {
return mEmptyType;

* Sets the state of the empty view of the list view
* @param emptyType loading or empty or error
public void setEmptyType(int emptyType) {
this.mEmptyType = emptyType;

* Gets the message which is shown when the list could not be loaded due to some error
* @return the error message
public String getErrorMessage() {
return mErrorMessage;

* Sets the message to be shown when the list could not be loaded due to some error
* @param errorMessage the error message
* @param messageViewId the id of the text view within the error layout whose text will be changed into this message
public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage, int messageViewId) {
this.mErrorMessage = errorMessage;
this.mErrorMessageViewId = messageViewId;

* Sets the message to be shown when the list could not be loaded due to some error
* @param errorMessage the error message
public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
this.mErrorMessage = errorMessage;

* Gets the message which will be shown when the list will be empty for not having any item to display
* @return the message which will be shown when the list will be empty for not having any item to display
public String getEmptyMessage() {
return mEmptyMessage;

* Sets the message to be shown when the list will be empty for not having any item to display
* @param emptyMessage the message
* @param messageId the id of the text view within the empty layout whose text will be changed into this message
public void setEmptyMessage(String emptyMessage, int messageViewId) {
this.mEmptyMessage = emptyMessage;
this.mEmptyMessageViewId = messageViewId;

* Sets the message to be shown when the list will be empty for not having any item to display
* @param emptyMessage the message
public void setEmptyMessage(String emptyMessage) {
this.mEmptyMessage = emptyMessage;

* Gets the message which will be shown when the list is being loaded
* @return
public String getLoadingMessage() {
return mLoadingMessage;

* Sets the message to be shown when the list is being loaded
* @param loadingMessage the message
* @param messageViewId the id of the text view within the loading layout whose text will be changed into this message
public void setLoadingMessage(String loadingMessage, int messageViewId) {
this.mLoadingMessage = loadingMessage;
this.mLoadingMessageViewId = messageViewId;

* Sets the message to be shown when the list is being loaded
* @param loadingMessage the message
public void setLoadingMessage(String loadingMessage) {
this.mLoadingMessage = loadingMessage;

* Gets the view in the loading layout which will be animated when the list is being loaded
* @return the view in the loading layout which will be animated when the list is being loaded
public int getLoadingAnimationViewId() {
return mLoadingAnimationViewId;

* Sets the view in the loading layout which will be animated when the list is being loaded
* @param loadingAnimationViewId the id of the view
public void setLoadingAnimationViewId(int loadingAnimationViewId) {
this.mLoadingAnimationViewId = loadingAnimationViewId;

* Gets the OnClickListener which perform when LoadingView was click
* @return
public View.OnClickListener getLoadingButtonClickListener() {
return mLoadingButtonClickListener;

* Sets the OnClickListener to LoadingView
* @param loadingButtonClickListener OnClickListener Object
public void setLoadingButtonClickListener(View.OnClickListener loadingButtonClickListener) {
this.mLoadingButtonClickListener = loadingButtonClickListener;

* Gets the OnClickListener which perform when EmptyView was click
* @return
public View.OnClickListener getEmptyButtonClickListener() {
return mEmptyButtonClickListener;

* Sets the OnClickListener to EmptyView
* @param emptyButtonClickListener OnClickListener Object
public void setEmptyButtonClickListener(View.OnClickListener emptyButtonClickListener) {
this.mEmptyButtonClickListener = emptyButtonClickListener;

* Gets the OnClickListener which perform when ErrorView was click
* @return
public View.OnClickListener getErrorButtonClickListener() {
return mErrorButtonClickListener;

* Sets the OnClickListener to ErrorView
* @param errorButtonClickListener OnClickListener Object
public void setErrorButtonClickListener(View.OnClickListener errorButtonClickListener) {
this.mErrorButtonClickListener = errorButtonClickListener;

* Gets if a button is shown in the empty view
* @return if a button is shown in the empty view
public boolean isEmptyButtonShown() {
return mShowEmptyButton;

* Sets if a button will be shown in the empty view
* @param showEmptyButton will a button be shown in the empty view
public void setShowEmptyButton(boolean showEmptyButton) {
this.mShowEmptyButton = showEmptyButton;

* Gets if a button is shown in the loading view
* @return if a button is shown in the loading view
public boolean isLoadingButtonShown() {
return mShowLoadingButton;

* Sets if a button will be shown in the loading view
* @param showEmptyButton will a button be shown in the loading view
public void setShowLoadingButton(boolean showLoadingButton) {
this.mShowLoadingButton = showLoadingButton;

* Gets if a button is shown in the error view
* @return if a button is shown in the error view
public boolean isErrorButtonShown() {
return mShowErrorButton;

* Sets if a button will be shown in the error view
* @param showEmptyButton will a button be shown in the error view
public void setShowErrorButton(boolean showErrorButton) {
this.mShowErrorButton = showErrorButton;

* Gets the ID of the button in the loading view
* @return the ID of the button in the loading view
public int getmLoadingViewButtonId() {
return mLoadingViewButtonId;

* Sets the ID of the button in the loading view. This ID is required if you want the button the loading view to be click-able.
* @param loadingViewButtonId the ID of the button in the loading view
public void setLoadingViewButtonId(int loadingViewButtonId) {
this.mLoadingViewButtonId = loadingViewButtonId;

* Gets the ID of the button in the error view
* @return the ID of the button in the error view
public int getErrorViewButtonId() {
return mErrorViewButtonId;

* Sets the ID of the button in the error view. This ID is required if you want the button the error view to be click-able.
* @param errorViewButtonId the ID of the button in the error view
public void setErrorViewButtonId(int errorViewButtonId) {
this.mErrorViewButtonId = errorViewButtonId;

* Gets the ID of the button in the empty view
* @return the ID of the button in the empty view
public int getEmptyViewButtonId() {
return mEmptyViewButtonId;

* Sets the ID of the button in the empty view. This ID is required if you want the button the empty view to be click-able.
* @param emptyViewButtonId the ID of the button in the empty view
public void setEmptyViewButtonId(int emptyViewButtonId) {
this.mEmptyViewButtonId = emptyViewButtonId;


// ---------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------

private void changeEmptyType() {


// insert views in the root view
if (!mViewsAdded) {
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
RelativeLayout rl = new RelativeLayout(mContext);
if (mEmptyView!=null) rl.addView(mEmptyView);
if (mLoadingView!=null) rl.addView(mLoadingView);
if (mErrorView!=null) rl.addView(mErrorView);
mViewsAdded = true;

ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) mListView.getParent();

// change empty type
if (mListView!=null) {
View loadingAnimationView = null;
if (mLoadingAnimationViewId > 0) loadingAnimationView = ((Activity) mContext).findViewById(mLoadingAnimationViewId);
switch (mEmptyType) {
if (mEmptyView!=null) mEmptyView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
if (mErrorView!=null) mErrorView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
if (mLoadingView!=null) {
if (loadingAnimationView!=null && loadingAnimationView.getAnimation()!=null) loadingAnimationView.getAnimation().cancel();
if (mEmptyView!=null) mEmptyView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
if (mErrorView!=null) mErrorView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
if (mLoadingView!=null) {
if (loadingAnimationView!=null && loadingAnimationView.getAnimation()!=null) loadingAnimationView.getAnimation().cancel();
if (mEmptyView!=null) mEmptyView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
if (mErrorView!=null) mErrorView.setVisibility(View.GONE);
if (mLoadingView!=null) {
if (mLoadingAnimation != null && loadingAnimationView!=null) {
else if (loadingAnimationView!=null) {

private void refreshMessages() {
if (mEmptyMessageViewId>0 && mEmptyMessage!=null) ((TextView)mEmptyView.findViewById(mEmptyMessageViewId)).setText(mEmptyMessage);
if (mLoadingMessageViewId>0 && mLoadingMessage!=null) ((TextView)mLoadingView.findViewById(mLoadingMessageViewId)).setText(mLoadingMessage);
if (mErrorMessageViewId>0 && mErrorMessage!=null) ((TextView)mErrorView.findViewById(mErrorMessageViewId)).setText(mErrorMessage);

private void setDefaultValues() {
if (mEmptyView==null) {
mEmptyView = (ViewGroup) mInflater.inflate(R.layout.view_empty, null);
if (!(mEmptyMessageViewId>0)) mEmptyMessageViewId = R.id.textViewMessage;
if (mShowEmptyButton && mEmptyViewButtonId>0 && mEmptyButtonClickListener!=null) {
View emptyViewButton = mEmptyView.findViewById(mEmptyViewButtonId);
if (emptyViewButton != null) {
else if (mEmptyViewButtonId>0) {
View emptyViewButton = mEmptyView.findViewById(mEmptyViewButtonId);
if (mLoadingView==null) {
mLoadingView = (ViewGroup) mInflater.inflate(R.layout.view_loading, null);
mLoadingAnimationViewId = R.id.imageViewLoading;
if (!(mLoadingMessageViewId>0)) mLoadingMessageViewId = R.id.textViewMessage;
if (mShowLoadingButton && mLoadingViewButtonId>0 && mLoadingButtonClickListener!=null) {
View loadingViewButton = mLoadingView.findViewById(mLoadingViewButtonId);
if (loadingViewButton != null) {
else if (mLoadingViewButtonId>0) {
View loadingViewButton = mLoadingView.findViewById(mLoadingViewButtonId);
if (mErrorView==null) {
mErrorView = (ViewGroup) mInflater.inflate(R.layout.view_error, null);
if (!(mErrorMessageViewId>0)) mErrorMessageViewId = R.id.textViewMessage;
if (mShowErrorButton && mErrorViewButtonId>0 && mErrorButtonClickListener!=null) {
View errorViewButton = mErrorView.findViewById(mErrorViewButtonId);
if (errorViewButton != null) {
else if (mErrorViewButtonId>0) {
View errorViewButton = mErrorView.findViewById(mErrorViewButtonId);

private static Animation getRotateAnimation() {
final RotateAnimation rotateAnimation = new RotateAnimation(0, 360, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, .5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, .5f);
rotateAnimation.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
return rotateAnimation;

// ---------------------------
// public methods
// ---------------------------

* Constructor
* @param context the context (preferred context is any activity)
public EmptyLayout(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mInflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

* Constructor
* @param context the context (preferred context is any activity)
* @param listView the list view for which this library is being used
public EmptyLayout(Context context, ListView listView) {
mContext = context;
mInflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
mListView = listView;

* Shows the empty layout if the list is empty
public void showEmpty() {
this.mEmptyType = TYPE_EMPTY;

* Shows loading layout if the list is empty
public void showLoading() {
this.mEmptyType = TYPE_LOADING;

* Shows error layout if the list is empty
public void showError() {
this.mEmptyType = TYPE_ERROR;
