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LeetCode "Longest Consecutive Sequence"

Comparison-based sorting takes O(nlgn), so hashset is a good idea. After keeping records of all numbers in the hashset, you start checking each number. If it is isolated (no n-1 nor n+1) that number will be removed from hashset; If not isolated, we do a BFS scanning. Since each number is only checked once, it is O(n) with 2 passes.

class Solution {public:    int longestConsecutive(vector<int> &num) {        unordered_set<int> rec;                 for (int i : num )                     if(rec.find(i) == rec.end())    rec.insert(i);                int cnt = 1, currcnt = 0;        while(!rec.empty())        {            int i = *rec.begin();            if( (rec.find(i - 1) == rec.end()) &&                 (rec.find(i + 1) == rec.end()) )            {                rec.erase(i);                continue;            }            queue<int> q; q.push(i);            while(!q.empty())            {                int n = q.front();                currcnt ++;                q.pop(); rec.erase(n);                if(rec.find(n - 1) != rec.end()) q.push(n - 1);                if(rec.find(n + 1) != rec.end()) q.push(n + 1);            }            cnt = std::max(currcnt, cnt);            currcnt = 0;                    }        return cnt;    }};