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sort utility



Create an interface called Sortable in a package called sortPack. It should have one method compare which takes an Object as a parameter and returns an integer. In the same package create a class called Sort with a static method called sortAny which takes a Sortable array as a parameter. It sorts the array using the compare method in Sortable.

Create a class called NewPerson which implements Sortable and give the concrete implementation of the compare method.

In another class write a main to use the above sort utility.


1 package sortPack;2 3 interface  Sortable {4     int compare(Object o);5 }


 1 package sortPack; 2  3 public class NewPerson implements Sortable { 4     int ID; 5  6     public NewPerson(int ID) { 7         this.ID = ID; 8     } 9 10     public int getID() {11         return ID;12     }13 14     public int compare(Object o) {15         int res = 1;16 17         if (this.ID > ((NewPerson) o).ID)18             return 0;19         return res;20     }21 22 }


 1 package sortPack; 2  3 import java.util.Arrays; 4  5 public class Sort { 6      7     static  void sortAny (Sortable arr[]){ 8         Sortable temp; 9         for(int i=0;i<arr.length-1;i++){10             for(int j=i+1;j<arr.length;j++){11                 if((arr[i]).compare(arr[j])==0){12                     temp=arr[i];13                     arr[i]=arr[j];14                     arr[j]=temp;15                 }16         }17         }18         19     }20 }



 1 package sortPack; 2  3 public class TestSort { 4  5     public static void main(String[] args) { 6          7        NewPerson[] person = { new NewPerson(123),  8                                new NewPerson(128), 9                                new NewPerson(111), 10                                new NewPerson(121), 11                                new NewPerson(113),12                                new NewPerson(101), 13                                new NewPerson(116) };14         System.out.println("Before Sort:");15         for(NewPerson per:person){16             System.out.print(per.getID()+"  ");17         }18         Sort.sortAny(person);19         20         System.out.println("\nAfter  Sort:");        21         for(NewPerson per:person){22             System.out.print(per.getID()+"  ");23         }24 25     }26 27 }