首页 > 代码库 > libevent源码分析:http-server例子



  1 /*  2 * gcc -g -o http-server http-server.c -levent  3 */  4 #include <stdio.h>  5 #include <stdlib.h>  6 #include <string.h>  7   8 #include <sys/types.h>  9 #include <sys/stat.h> 10 #include <sys/socket.h> 11 #include <signal.h> 12 #include <fcntl.h> 13 #include <unistd.h> 14 #include <dirent.h> 15 #include <errno.h> 16  17 #include <event2/event.h> 18 #include <event2/http.h> 19 #include <event2/buffer.h> 20 #include <event2/util.h> 21 #include <event2/keyvalq_struct.h> 22  23 #include <netinet/in.h> 24 #include <arpa/inet.h> 25  26 char uri_root[512]; 27  28 static const struct table_entry { 29     const char *extension; 30     const char *content_type; 31 } content_type_table[] = { 32     { "txt", "text/plain" },  33     { "c", "text/plain" },  34     { "h", "text/plain" },  35     { "html", "text/html" },  36     { "htm", "text/html" }, 37     { "css", "text/css" }, 38     { "gif", "image/gif" },  39     { "jpg", "image/jpg" },  40     { "jpeg", "image/jpeg" },  41     { "png", "image/png" },  42     { "pdf", "application/pdf" },  43     { "ps", "application/postscript" },  44     { NULL, NULL }, 45 }; 46  47 /* Try to guess a good content-type for ‘path‘ */ 48 const char* guess_content_type(const char *path) 49 { 50     const char *last_period, *extension; 51     const struct table_entry *ent; 52     last_period = strrchr(path, .); 53     if (!last_period || strchr(last_period, /)) 54     { 55         goto not_found; 56     } 57  58     extension = last_period + 1; 59     for (ent = &content_type_table[0]; ent->extension; ++ent) 60     { 61         if (!evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(ent->extension, extension)) 62         { 63             return ent->content_type; 64         } 65     } 66  67 not_found: 68     return "application/misc"; 69 } 70  71 /* Callbase used for the /dump URI, and for every non-get request: 72 ** dumps all information to stdout and gives base a trivial 200 ok */ 73 void dump_request_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) 74 { 75     const char *cmdtype; 76     struct evkeyvalq *headers; 77     struct evkeyval *header; 78     struct evbuffer *buf; 79  80     switch (evhttp_request_get_command(req)) 81     { 82     case EVHTTP_REQ_GET: 83         cmdtype = "GET"; 84         break; 85     case EVHTTP_REQ_POST: 86         cmdtype = "POST"; 87         break; 88     case EVHTTP_REQ_HEAD: 89         cmdtype = "HEAD"; 90         break; 91     case EVHTTP_REQ_PUT: 92         cmdtype = "PUT"; 93         break; 94     case EVHTTP_REQ_DELETE: 95         cmdtype = "DELETE"; 96         break; 97     case EVHTTP_REQ_OPTIONS: 98         cmdtype = "OPTIONS"; 99         break;100     case EVHTTP_REQ_TRACE:101         cmdtype = "TRACE";102         break;103     case EVHTTP_REQ_CONNECT:104         break;105     case EVHTTP_REQ_PATCH:106         cmdtype = "PATCH";107         break;108     default:109         cmdtype = "unknown";110         break;111     }112 113     printf("Received a %s request for %s\nHeader:\n", cmdtype, evhttp_request_get_uri(req));114 115     headers = evhttp_request_get_input_headers(req);116     for (header = headers->tqh_first; header; header = header->next.tqe_next)117     {118         printf(" %s: %s\n", header->key, header->value);119     }120 121     buf = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(req);122     puts("Input data: <<<<");123     while (evbuffer_get_length(buf))124     {125         int n;126         char cbuf[128];127         n = evbuffer_remove(buf, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf));128         if (n > 0)129         {130             (void)fwrite(cbuf, 1, n, stdout);131         }132     }133     puts(">>>");134 135     evhttp_send_reply(req, 200, "ok", NULL);136 }137 138 /* This callback gets invoked when we get and http request than doesn‘t match 139 * any other callback. Like any evhttp server callback, it has a simple job:140 * it must eventually call evhttp_send_error() or evhttp_send_reply(). 141 */142 void send_document_cb(struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg)143 {144     struct evbuffer *evb = NULL;145     const char *docroot = arg;146     const char *uri = evhttp_request_get_uri(req);147     struct evhttp_uri *decoded = NULL;148     const char *path;149     char *decoded_path;150     char *whole_path = NULL;151     size_t len;152     int fd = -1;153     struct stat st;154 155     if (evhttp_request_get_command(req) != EVHTTP_REQ_GET)156     {157         dump_request_cb(req, arg);158         return;159     }160 161     printf("Got a GET request for <%s>\n", uri);162 163     /* Decode the URI */164     decoded = evhttp_uri_parse(uri);165     if (!decoded)166     {167         printf("It‘s not a good URI, Sneding BADREQUEST\n");168         evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, 0);169         return;170     }171 172     /* Let‘s see what path the user asked for. */173     path = evhttp_uri_get_path(decoded);174     if (!path)175     {176         path = "/";177     }178 179     /* We need to decode it, to see what path the user really wanted */180     decoded_path = evhttp_uridecode(path, 0, NULL);181     if (decoded_path == NULL)182     {183         goto err;184     }185 186     /* Don‘t allow any ".."‘s in the path, to avoid exposing stuff outside 187     * of the docroot. This test is both overzealous and underzealous:188     * it forbids aceptable paths like "/this/one..here", but it doesn‘t189     * do anything to prevent symlink following. */190     if (strstr(decoded_path, ".."))191     {192         goto err;193     }194 195     len = strlen(decoded_path) + strlen(docroot) + 2;196     if (!(whole_path = malloc(len)))197     {198         perror("malloc");199         goto err;200     }201     evutil_snprintf(whole_path, len, "%s/%s", docroot, decoded_path);202 203     if (stat(whole_path, &st) < 0)204     {205         goto err;206     }207 208     /* This holds the content we‘re sending */209     evb = evbuffer_new();210 211     if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))212     {213         /* If it‘s a directory, read the comments and make a little index page */214         DIR *d;215         struct dirent *ent;216         const char *trailing_slash = "";217 218         if (!strlen(path) || path[strlen(path) - 1] != /)219         {220             trailing_slash = "/";221         }222 223         if (!(d = opendir(whole_path)))224         {225             goto err;226         }227 228         evbuffer_add_printf(evb, 229             "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"230             "<html>\n  "231             "  <head>\n"232             "    <meta charset=‘utf-8‘>\n"233             "    <title>%s</title>\n"234             "    <base href=http://www.mamicode.com/‘%s%s‘>/n"235             "  </head>\n"236             "  <body>\n"237             "    <h1>%s</h1>\n"238             "    <ul>\n", 239             decoded_path, /* xxx html-escape this. */240             path, /* xxx html-escape this? */241             trailing_slash, 242             decoded_path /* xx html-escape this */243             );244 245         while ((ent = readdir(d)))246         {247             const char *name = ent->d_name;248             evbuffer_add_printf(evb,249                 "    <li><a href=http://www.mamicode.com/"%s\">%s</a>\n", name, name);250         }251 252         evbuffer_add_printf(evb, "</ul></body></html>\n");253         closedir(d);254         evhttp_add_header(evhttp_request_get_output_headers(req),255             "Content-Type", "text/html");256     }257     else258     {259         /* Otherwise it‘s a file; and it to the buffer to get send via sendfile */260         const char *type = guess_content_type(decoded_path);261         if ((fd = open(whole_path, O_RDONLY)) < 0)262         {263             perror("open");264             goto err;265         }266 267         if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0)268         {269             /* Make sure the length still matches, now that we opened the file :/ */270             perror("fstat");271             goto err;272         }273         evhttp_add_header(evhttp_request_get_output_headers(req),274             "Content-Type", type);275         evbuffer_add_file(evb, fd, 0, st.st_size);276     }277 278     evhttp_send_reply(req, 200, "OK", evb);279     goto done;280 281 err:282     evhttp_send_error(req, 404, "Document was not found");283     if (fd >= 0)284     {285         close(fd);286     }287 288 done:289     if (decoded)290     {291         evhttp_uri_free(decoded);292     }293 294     if (decoded_path)295     {296         free(decoded_path);297     }298 299     if (whole_path)300     {301         free(whole_path);302     }303 304     if (evb)305     {306         evbuffer_free(evb);307     }308 }309 310 void syntax(void)311 {312     fprintf(stdout, "Syntax: http-server <docroot>\n");313 }314 315 int main(int argc, char **argv)316 {317     struct event_base *base;318     struct evhttp *http;319     struct evhttp_bound_socket *handle;320     int port = 0;321 322     if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)323     {324         printf("signal error, errno[%d], error[%s]", errno, strerror(errno));325         return -1;326     }327 328     if (argc < 2)329     {330         syntax();331         return -1;332     }333 334     base = event_base_new();335     if (!base)336     {337         printf("Couldn‘t create an event_base:exiting\n");338         return -1;339     }340 341     /* Create a new http oject to handle request */342     http = evhttp_new(base);343     if (!http)344     {345         printf("Couldn‘t create evhttp.Exiting\n");346         return -1;347     }348 349     /* The /dump URI will dump all requests to stdout and say 200 ok */350     evhttp_set_cb(http, "/dump", dump_request_cb, NULL);351 352     /* We want to accept arbitrary requests, so we need to set a "generic" cb353     * We can also add callbacks for specific paths */354     evhttp_set_gencb(http, send_document_cb, argv[1]);355 356     /* Now we teel the evhttp what port to listen on */357     handle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(http, "", port);358     if (!handle)359     {360         printf("Couldn‘t bind to port[%d], exiting\n", port);361         return -1;362     }363 364     {365         /* Extract and display the address we‘re listening on. */366         struct sockaddr_storage ss;367         evutil_socket_t fd;368         ev_socklen_t socklen = sizeof(ss);369         char addrbuf[128];370         void *inaddr;371         const char *addr;372         int got_port = -1;373         fd = evhttp_bound_socket_get_fd(handle);374         memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));375         if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ss, &socklen))376         {377             perror("getsockname() failed");378             return -1;379         }380 381         if (ss.ss_family == AF_INET)382         {383             got_port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in*)&ss)->sin_port);384             inaddr = &((struct sockaddr_in*)&ss)->sin_addr;385         }386         else if (ss.ss_family == AF_INET6)387         {388             got_port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6*)&ss)->sin6_port);389             inaddr = &((struct sockaddr_in6*)&ss)->sin6_addr;390         }391         else392         {393             printf("Weird address family\n");394             return 1;395         }396 397         addr = evutil_inet_ntop(ss.ss_family, inaddr, addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf));398         if (addr)399         {400             printf("Listening on %s:%d\n", addr, got_port);401             evutil_snprintf(uri_root, sizeof(uri_root), "http://%s:%d", addr, got_port);402         }403         else404         {405             printf("evutil_inet_ntop failed\n");406             return -1;407         }408     }409     event_base_dispatch(base);410 411     return 0;412 }
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2、调用event_base_new函数得到一个event base对象。







