首页 > 代码库 > http接口自动化测试框架实现
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- #****************************************************************
- # TestFrame.py
- # Author : Vince
- # Version : 1.1.2
- # Date : 2011-3-14
- # Description: 自动化测试平台
- #****************************************************************
- import os,sys, urllib, httplib, profile, datetime, time
- from xml2dict import XML2Dict
- import win32com.client
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
- #import MySQLdb
- #Excel表格中测试结果底色
- OK_COLOR=0xffffff
- NG_COLOR=0xff
- #NT_COLOR=0xffff
- #Excel表格中测试结果汇总显示位置
- TESTTIME=[1, 14]
- TESTRESULT=[2, 14]
- #Excel模版设置
- #self.titleindex=3 #Excel中测试用例标题行索引
- #self.casebegin =4 #Excel中测试用例开始行索引
- #self.argbegin =3 #Excel中参数开始列索引
- #self.argcount =8 #Excel中支持的参数个数
- class create_excel:
- def __init__(self, sFile, dtitleindex=3, dcasebegin=4, dargbegin=3, dargcount=8):
- self.xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch(‘et.Application‘) #MS:Excel WPS:et
- try:
- self.book = self.xlApp.Workbooks.Open(sFile)
- except:
- print_error_info()
- print "打开文件失败"
- exit()
- self.file=sFile
- self.titleindex=dtitleindex
- self.casebegin=dcasebegin
- self.argbegin=dargbegin
- self.argcount=dargcount
- self.allresult=[]
- self.retCol=self.argbegin+self.argcount
- self.xmlCol=self.retCol+1
- self.resultCol=self.xmlCol+1
- def close(self):
- #self.book.Close(SaveChanges=0)
- self.book.Save()
- self.book.Close()
- #self.xlApp.Quit()
- del self.xlApp
- def read_data(self, iSheet, iRow, iCol):
- try:
- sht = self.book.Worksheets(iSheet)
- sValue=http://www.mamicode.com/str(sht.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value)
- except:
- self.close()
- print(‘读取数据失败‘)
- exit()
- #去除‘.0‘
- if sValue[-2:]==‘.0‘:
- sValue = sValue[0:-2]
- return sValue
- def write_data(self, iSheet, iRow, iCol, sData, color=OK_COLOR):
- try:
- sht = self.book.Worksheets(iSheet)
- sht.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = sData.decode("utf-8")
- sht.Cells(iRow, iCol).Interior.Color=color
- self.book.Save()
- except:
- self.close()
- print(‘写入数据失败‘)
- exit()
- #获取用例个数
- def get_ncase(self, iSheet):
- try:
- return self.get_nrows(iSheet)-self.casebegin+1
- except:
- self.close()
- print(‘获取Case个数失败‘)
- exit()
- def get_nrows(self, iSheet):
- try:
- sht = self.book.Worksheets(iSheet)
- return sht.UsedRange.Rows.Count
- except:
- self.close()
- print(‘获取nrows失败‘)
- exit()
- def get_ncols(self, iSheet):
- try:
- sht = self.book.Worksheets(iSheet)
- return sht.UsedRange.Columns.Count
- except:
- self.close()
- print(‘获取ncols失败‘)
- exit()
- def del_testrecord(self, suiteid):
- try:
- #为提升性能特别从For循环提取出来
- nrows=self.get_nrows(suiteid)+1
- ncols=self.get_ncols(suiteid)+1
- begincol=self.argbegin+self.argcount
- #提升性能
- sht = self.book.Worksheets(suiteid)
- for row in range(self.casebegin, nrows):
- for col in range(begincol, ncols):
- str=self.read_data(suiteid, row, col)
- #清除实际结果[]
- startpos = str.find(‘[‘)
- if startpos>0:
- str = str[0:startpos].strip()
- self.write_data(suiteid, row, col, str, OK_COLOR)
- else:
- #提升性能
- sht.Cells(row, col).Interior.Color = OK_COLOR
- #清除TestResul列中的测试结果,设置为NT
- self.write_data(suiteid, row, self.argbegin+self.argcount+1, ‘ ‘, OK_COLOR)
- self.write_data(suiteid, row, self.resultCol, ‘NT‘, NT_COLOR)
- except:
- self.close()
- print(‘清除数据失败‘)
- exit()
- #执行调用
- def HTTPInvoke(IPPort, url):
- conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(IPPort)
- conn.request("GET", url)
- rsps = conn.getresponse()
- data = rsps.read()
- conn.close()
- return data
- #获取用例基本信息[Interface,argcount,[ArgNameList]]
- def get_caseinfo(Data, SuiteID):
- caseinfolist=[]
- sInterface=Data.read_data(SuiteID, 1, 2)
- argcount=int(Data.read_data(SuiteID, 2, 2))
- #获取参数名存入ArgNameList
- ArgNameList=[]
- for i in range(0, argcount):
- ArgNameList.append(Data.read_data(SuiteID, Data.titleindex, Data.argbegin+i))
- caseinfolist.append(sInterface)
- caseinfolist.append(argcount)
- caseinfolist.append(ArgNameList)
- return caseinfolist
- #获取输入
- def get_input(Data, SuiteID, CaseID, caseinfolist):
- sArge=‘‘
- #参数组合
- for j in range(0, caseinfolist[1]):
- if Data.read_data(SuiteID, Data.casebegin+CaseID, Data.argbegin+j) != "None":
- sArge=sArge+caseinfolist[2][j]+‘=‘+Data.read_data(SuiteID, Data.casebegin+CaseID, Data.argbegin+j)+‘&‘
- #去掉结尾的&字符
- if sArge[-1:]==‘&‘:
- sArge = sArge[0:-1]
- sInput=caseinfolist[0]+sArge #组合全部参数
- return sInput
- #结果判断
- def assert_result(sReal, sExpect):
- sReal=str(sReal)
- sExpect=str(sExpect)
- if sReal==sExpect:
- return ‘OK‘
- else:
- return ‘NG‘
- #将测试结果写入文件
- def write_result(Data, SuiteId, CaseId, resultcol, *result):
- if len(result)>1:
- ret=‘OK‘
- for i in range(0, len(result)):
- if result[i]==‘NG‘:
- ret=‘NG‘
- break
- if ret==‘NG‘:
- Data.write_data(SuiteId, Data.casebegin+CaseId, resultcol,ret, NG_COLOR)
- else:
- Data.write_data(SuiteId, Data.casebegin+CaseId, resultcol,ret, OK_COLOR)
- Data.allresult.append(ret)
- else:
- if result[0]==‘NG‘:
- Data.write_data(SuiteId, Data.casebegin+CaseId, resultcol,result[0], NG_COLOR)
- elif result[0]==‘OK‘:
- Data.write_data(SuiteId, Data.casebegin+CaseId, resultcol,result[0], OK_COLOR)
- else: #NT
- Data.write_data(SuiteId, Data.casebegin+CaseId, resultcol,result[0], NT_COLOR)
- Data.allresult.append(result[0])
- #将当前结果立即打印
- print ‘case‘+str(CaseId+1)+‘:‘, Data.allresult[-1]
- #打印测试结果
- def statisticresult(excelobj):
- allresultlist=excelobj.allresult
- count=[0, 0, 0]
- for i in range(0, len(allresultlist)):
- #print ‘case‘+str(i+1)+‘:‘, allresultlist[i]
- count=countflag(allresultlist[i],count[0], count[1], count[2])
- print ‘Statistic result as follow:‘
- print ‘OK:‘, count[0]
- print ‘NG:‘, count[1]
- print ‘NT:‘, count[2]
- #解析XmlString返回Dict
- def get_xmlstring_dict(xml_string):
- xml = XML2Dict()
- return xml.fromstring(xml_string)
- #解析XmlFile返回Dict
- def get_xmlfile_dict(xml_file):
- xml = XML2Dict()
- return xml.parse(xml_file)
- #去除历史数据expect[real]
- def delcomment(excelobj, suiteid, iRow, iCol, str):
- startpos = str.find(‘[‘)
- if startpos>0:
- str = str[0:startpos].strip()
- excelobj.write_data(suiteid, iRow, iCol, str, OK_COLOR)
- return str
- #检查每个item (非结构体)
- def check_item(excelobj, suiteid, caseid,real_dict, checklist, begincol):
- ret=‘OK‘
- for checkid in range(0, len(checklist)):
- real=real_dict[checklist[checkid]][‘value‘]
- expect=excelobj.read_data(suiteid, excelobj.casebegin+caseid, begincol+checkid)
- #如果检查不一致测将实际结果写入expect字段,格式:expect[real]
- #将return NG
- result=assert_result(real, expect)
- if result==‘NG‘:
- writestr=expect+‘[‘+real+‘]‘
- excelobj.write_data(suiteid, excelobj.casebegin+caseid, begincol+checkid, writestr, NG_COLOR)
- ret=‘NG‘
- return ret
- #检查结构体类型
- def check_struct_item(excelobj, suiteid, caseid,real_struct_dict, structlist, structbegin, structcount):
- ret=‘OK‘
- if structcount>1: #传入的是List
- for structid in range(0, structcount):
- structdict=real_struct_dict[structid]
- temp=check_item(excelobj, suiteid, caseid,structdict, structlist, structbegin+structid*len(structlist))
- if temp==‘NG‘:
- ret=‘NG‘
- else: #传入的是Dict
- temp=check_item(excelobj, suiteid, caseid,real_struct_dict, structlist, structbegin)
- if temp==‘NG‘:
- ret=‘NG‘
- return ret
- #获取异常函数及行号
- def print_error_info():
- """Return the frame object for the caller‘s stack frame."""
- try:
- raise Exception
- except:
- f = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back
- print (f.f_code.co_name, f.f_lineno)
- #测试结果计数器,类似Switch语句实现
- def countflag(flag,ok, ng, nt):
- calculation = {‘OK‘:lambda:[ok+1, ng, nt],
- ‘NG‘:lambda:[ok, ng+1, nt],
- ‘NT‘:lambda:[ok, ng, nt+1]}
- return calculation[flag]()
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- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #****************************************************************
- # xxx_server_case.py
- # Author : Vince
- # Version : 1.0
- # Date : 2011-3-10
- # Description: 内容服务系统测试代码
- #****************************************************************
- from testframe import *
- from common_lib import *
- httpString=‘http://xxx.com/xxx_product/test/‘
- expectXmldir=os.getcwd()+‘/TestDir/expect/‘
- realXmldir=os.getcwd()+‘/TestDir/real/‘
- def run(interface_name, suiteid):
- print ‘【‘+interface_name+‘】‘ + ‘ Test Begin,please waiting...‘
- global expectXmldir, realXmldir
- #根据接口名分别创建预期结果目录和实际结果目录
- expectDir=expectXmldir+interface_name
- realDir=realXmldir+interface_name
- if os.path.exists(expectDir) == 0:
- os.makedirs(expectDir)
- if os.path.exists(realDir) == 0:
- os.makedirs(realDir)
- excelobj.del_testrecord(suiteid) #清除历史测试数据
- casecount=excelobj.get_ncase(suiteid) #获取case个数
- caseinfolist=get_caseinfo(excelobj, suiteid) #获取Case基本信息
- #遍历执行case
- for caseid in range(0, casecount):
- #检查是否执行该Case
- if excelobj.read_data(suiteid,excelobj.casebegin+caseid, 2)==‘N‘:
- write_result(excelobj, suiteid, caseid, excelobj.resultCol, ‘NT‘)
- continue #当前Case结束,继续执行下一个Case
- #获取测试数据
- sInput=httpString+get_input(excelobj, suiteid, caseid, caseinfolist)
- XmlString=HTTPInvoke(com_ipport, sInput) #执行调用
- #获取返回码并比较
- result_code=et.fromstring(XmlString).find("result_code").text
- ret1=check_result(excelobj, suiteid, caseid,result_code, excelobj.retCol)
- #保存预期结果文件
- expectPath=expectDir+‘/‘+str(caseid+1)+‘.xml‘
- #saveXmlfile(expectPath, XmlString)
- #保存实际结果文件
- realPath=realDir+‘/‘+str(caseid+1)+‘.xml‘
- saveXmlfile(realPath, XmlString)
- #比较预期结果和实际结果
- ret2= check_xmlfile(excelobj, suiteid, caseid,expectPath, realPath)
- #写测试结果
- write_result(excelobj, suiteid, caseid, excelobj.resultCol, ret1, ret2)
- print ‘【‘+interface_name+‘】‘ + ‘ Test End!‘
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- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #****************************************************************
- # main.py
- # Author : Vince
- # Version : 1.0
- # Date : 2011-3-16
- # Description: 测试组装,用例执行入口
- #****************************************************************
- from testframe import *
- from xxx_server_case import *
- import xxx_server_case
- #产品系统接口测试
- #设置测试环境
- xxx_server_case.excelobj=create_excel(os.getcwd()+‘/TestDir/xxx_Testcase.xls‘)
- xxx_server_case.com_ipport=xxx.com‘
- #Add testsuite begin
- run("xxx_book_list", 4)
- #Add other suite from here
- #Add testsuite end
- statisticresult(xxx_server_case.excelobj)
- xxx_server_case.excelobj.close()
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