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English Learning

English Learning

Three principle

  • Formal definition
    Define terms by placing it in a category and then identifying the features that distinguish it from other members of the same category.

       Must has category.

  • Avoid circular definitions, which merely restate the term to be defined and therefore fail to clarify it.

    Circular: Integration is thing that integrate chips together.
    Revised: Integration is an operation used in the calculus whereby the integral of a function is determined

  • State definitions positively; focus on what the term is rather than on what it is not.
    Negative: In legal transaction, real property is not personal property.
    Positive: Real property is legal terminology for the right or interest a person has in land and the permanent structures on that land.


For example:

  • Reform is a change to a better condition.[noun]
  • Kidnap is a action that seize and take away a person by force.[noun]
  • Meal is food eaten to satisfy hunger.[noun]
  • Job is the work that one does to earn money.[noun]
  • Happy is emotion that showing pleasure.[adj]
  • Intervene be placed or located between other things or extend between spaces and events.[verb]

Fequently Confused Words


a while use the word as a noun to indicate a period of time. stay here for a while
awhile use the word as an adverb that means a short perod of time. You may need to wait awhile
can suggests ability Although he is Chinese,he can speak English fluently.
may suggests permission or possibility May i go to lunch early? The report may be true.
compose The parts (in entirety) make up the whole. The XYZ committee is composed of 12 members.
the whole consists of the parts(in entirety).
It comprises eight designers,four testers.[Use consists of]
include to contain(but not necessarily in entirety) The team also includes an editor who is among ther technical writers.
due to
introduces an adjective phrase that usually follows some form of the verb "to be",am is are was and were
Her success is due to hard work.
because of introduces an adverbial phrase She resigned because of ill health.
farther refers to physical distance Tom walked farther than Mike.
further refers to additional time,quantity,or degree. Suzanne and Helena plan to discuss the plan further.
in regard to Use ‘in regard to‘ In regard to your last question, I think a meeting is a good idea

with regards to

Use ‘regarding‘

Regarding your last question,I think a meeting is a good idea.


Use ‘regardless‘
‘irregardless‘ is double negative .

Prefix ‘ir‘ --- not

Regardless --- unmindful


Used when talking about the first mentioned of the two things

The menu offered beef and chicken.I chose the former/latter.(beef/chicken)


Used when referring to the first mentioned of a list of more than two things.

We have three options; to continue on this road, to take the road through town, or take the next turn left. I think the first/last is the best option. (to continue on this road/to take the next turn left)