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Cats(3)- freeK-Free编程更轻松,Free programming with freeK

   在上一节我们讨论了通过Coproduct来实现DSL组合:用一些功能简单的基础DSL组合成符合大型多复杂功能应用的DSL。但是我们发现:cats在处理多层递归Coproduct结构时会出现编译问题。再就是Free编程是一个繁复的工作,容易出错,造成编程效率的低下。由于Free编程目前是函数式编程的主要方式(我个人认为),我们必须克服Free编程的效率问题。通过尝试,发现freeK可以作为一个很好的Free编程工具。freeK是个开源的泛函组件库,我们会在这次讨论里用freeK来完成上次讨论中以失败暂停的多层Coproduct Free程序。我们先试试Interact和Login两个混合DSL例子:

 1   object ADTs { 2     sealed trait Interact[+A] 3     object Interact { 4       case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String] 5       case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit] 6     } 7     sealed trait Login[+A] 8     object Login { 9       case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Boolean]10     }11   }12   object DSLs {13     import ADTs._14     import Interact._15     import Login._16     type PRG = Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL17     val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG]18 19     val authenticDSL: Free[PRG.Cop, Boolean] =20       for {21         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freek[PRG]22         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freek[PRG]23         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freek[PRG]24       } yield auth25   }



 1   object IMPLs { 2     import ADTs._ 3     import Interact._ 4     import Login._ 5     val idInteract = new (Interact ~> Id) { 6       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match { 7         case Ask(p) => {println(p); scala.io.StdIn.readLine} 8         case Tell(m) => println(m) 9       }10     }11     val idLogin = new (Login ~> Id) {12       def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match {13         case Authenticate(u,p) => (u,p) match {14           case ("Tiger","123") => true15           case _ => false16         }17       }18     }19     val interactLogin = idInteract :&: idLogin20   }




1 object freeKDemo extends App {2   import FreeKModules._3   import DSLs._4   import IMPLs._5   val r0 = authenticDSL.foldMap(interactLogin.nat)6   val r = authenticDSL.interpret(interactLogin)7   println(r0)8   println(r)9 }



1 object Dependencies {2   trait PasswordControl {3     val mapPasswords: Map[String,String]4     def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pwd: String): Boolean5   }6 }


 1     import Dependencies._ 2     type ReaderContext[A] = Reader[PasswordControl,A] 3     object readerInteract extends (Interact ~> ReaderContext) { 4       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderContext[A] = ia match { 5         case Ask(p) => Reader {pc => {println(p); scala.io.StdIn.readLine}} 6         case Tell(m) => Reader {_ => println(m)} 7       } 8     } 9     object readerLogin extends (Login ~> ReaderContext) {10       def apply[A](la: Login[A]): ReaderContext[A] = la match {11         case Authenticate(u,p) => Reader {pc => pc.matchUserPassword(u,p)}12       }13     }14     val userInteractLogin = readerLogin :&: readerInteract



 1 object freeKDemo extends App { 2   import FreeKModules._ 3   import DSLs._ 4   import IMPLs._ 5  // val r0 = authenticDSL.foldMap(interactLogin.nat) 6  // val r = authenticDSL.interpret(interactLogin) 7   import Dependencies._ 8   object UserPasswords extends PasswordControl { 9    override val mapPasswords: Map[String, String] = Map(10      "Tiger" -> "123",11      "John" -> "456"12    )13    override def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pwd: String): Boolean =14      mapPasswords.getOrElse(uid,pwd+"!") == pwd15   }16 17   interactLoginDSL.interpret(userInteractLogin).run(UserPasswords)18 }




1     sealed trait Auth[+A]2     object Auth {3       case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Boolean]4     }


 1 object Dependencies { 2   trait PasswordControl { 3     val mapPasswords: Map[String,String] 4     def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pswd: String): Boolean 5   } 6   trait AccessControl { 7     val mapAccesses: Map[String, Boolean] 8     def grandAccess(uid: String): Boolean 9   }10   trait Authenticator extends PasswordControl with AccessControl11 }


1     import Dependencies._2     type ReaderContext[A] = Reader[Authenticator,A]


 1   import Auth._ 2     type PRG3 = Auth :|: PRG   //Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL 3     val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3] 4     val authorizeDSL: Free[PRG3.Cop, Unit] = 5        for { 6          uid <- Ask("Enter your User ID:").freek[PRG3] 7          pwd <- Ask("Enter your Password:").freek[PRG3] 8          auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freek[PRG3] 9          perm <-  if (auth) Authorize(uid).freek[PRG3]10                   else Free.pure[PRG3.Cop,Boolean](false)11           _ <- if (perm) Tell(s"Hello $uid, access granted!").freek[PRG3]12                else Tell(s"Sorry $uid, access denied!").freek[PRG3]13     } yield()


1     val readerAuth = new (Auth ~> ReaderContext) {2       def apply[A](aa: Auth[A]): ReaderContext[A] = aa match {3         case Authorize(u) => Reader {ac => ac.grandAccess(u)}4       }5     }6     val userAuth = readerAuth :&: userInteractLogin


 1   import Dependencies._ 2   object AuthControl extends Authenticator { 3     override val mapPasswords = Map( 4       "Tiger" -> "1234", 5       "John" -> "0000" 6     ) 7     override def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pswd: String) = 8       mapPasswords.getOrElse(uid, pswd+"!") == pswd 9 10     override val mapAccesses = Map (11       "Tiger" -> true,12       "John" -> false13     )14     override def grandAccess(uid: String) =15       mapAccesses.getOrElse(uid, false)16   }17 18 //  interactLoginDSL.interpret(userInteractLogin).run(AuthControl)19   authorizeDSL.interpret(userAuth).run(AuthControl)


 1 Enter your User ID: 2 Tiger 3 Enter your Password: 4 1234 5 Hello Tiger, access granted! 6  7 Process finished with exit code 0 8 ... 9 Enter your User ID:10 John11 Enter your Password:12 000013 Sorry John, access denied!14 15 Process finished with exit code 0


  1 import cats.free.Free  2 import cats.{Id, ~>}  3 import cats.data.Reader  4 import demo.app.FreeKModules.ADTs.Auth.Authorize  5 import freek._  6 object FreeKModules {  7   object ADTs {  8     sealed trait Interact[+A]  9     object Interact { 10       case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String] 11       case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit] 12     } 13     sealed trait Login[+A] 14     object Login { 15       case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Boolean] 16     } 17     sealed trait Auth[+A] 18     object Auth { 19       case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Boolean] 20     } 21   } 22   object DSLs { 23     import ADTs._ 24     import Interact._ 25     import Login._ 26     type PRG = Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL 27     val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG] 28  29     val authenticDSL: Free[PRG.Cop, Boolean] = 30       for { 31         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freek[PRG] 32         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freek[PRG] 33         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freek[PRG] 34       } yield auth 35  36     val interactLoginDSL: Free[PRG.Cop, Unit] = 37       for { 38         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freek[PRG] 39         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freek[PRG] 40         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freek[PRG] 41         _ <- if (auth) Tell(s"Hello $uid, welcome to the zoo!").freek[PRG] 42              else Tell(s"Sorry, Who is $uid?").freek[PRG] 43       } yield () 44  45     import Auth._ 46     type PRG3 = Auth :|: PRG   //Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL 47     val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3] 48     val authorizeDSL: Free[PRG3.Cop, Unit] = 49        for { 50          uid <- Ask("Enter your User ID:").freek[PRG3] 51          pwd <- Ask("Enter your Password:").freek[PRG3] 52          auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freek[PRG3] 53          perm <-  if (auth) Authorize(uid).freek[PRG3] 54                   else Free.pure[PRG3.Cop,Boolean](false) 55           _ <- if (perm) Tell(s"Hello $uid, access granted!").freek[PRG3] 56                else Tell(s"Sorry $uid, access denied!").freek[PRG3] 57     } yield() 58  59   } 60   object IMPLs { 61     import ADTs._ 62     import Interact._ 63     import Login._ 64     val idInteract = new (Interact ~> Id) { 65       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match { 66         case Ask(p) => {println(p); scala.io.StdIn.readLine} 67         case Tell(m) => println(m) 68       } 69     } 70     val idLogin = new (Login ~> Id) { 71       def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match { 72         case Authenticate(u,p) => (u,p) match { 73           case ("Tiger","123") => true 74           case _ => false 75         } 76       } 77     } 78     val interactLogin = idInteract :&: idLogin 79     import Dependencies._ 80     type ReaderContext[A] = Reader[Authenticator,A] 81     object readerInteract extends (Interact ~> ReaderContext) { 82       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderContext[A] = ia match { 83         case Ask(p) => Reader {pc => {println(p); scala.io.StdIn.readLine}} 84         case Tell(m) => Reader {_ => println(m)} 85       } 86     } 87     object readerLogin extends (Login ~> ReaderContext) { 88       def apply[A](la: Login[A]): ReaderContext[A] = la match { 89         case Authenticate(u,p) => Reader {pc => pc.matchUserPassword(u,p)} 90       } 91     } 92     val userInteractLogin = readerLogin :&: readerInteract 93  94     val readerAuth = new (Auth ~> ReaderContext) { 95       def apply[A](aa: Auth[A]): ReaderContext[A] = aa match { 96         case Authorize(u) => Reader {ac => ac.grandAccess(u)} 97       } 98     } 99     val userAuth = readerAuth :&: userInteractLogin100   }101 102 }103 object Dependencies {104   trait PasswordControl {105     val mapPasswords: Map[String,String]106     def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pswd: String): Boolean107   }108   trait AccessControl {109     val mapAccesses: Map[String, Boolean]110     def grandAccess(uid: String): Boolean111   }112   trait Authenticator extends PasswordControl with AccessControl113 }114 115 object freeKDemo extends App {116   import FreeKModules._117   import DSLs._118   import IMPLs._119  // val r0 = authenticDSL.foldMap(interactLogin.nat)120  // val r = authenticDSL.interpret(interactLogin)121   import Dependencies._122   object AuthControl extends Authenticator {123     override val mapPasswords = Map(124       "Tiger" -> "1234",125       "John" -> "0000"126     )127     override def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pswd: String) =128       mapPasswords.getOrElse(uid, pswd+"!") == pswd129 130     override val mapAccesses = Map (131       "Tiger" -> true,132       "John" -> false133     )134     override def grandAccess(uid: String) =135       mapAccesses.getOrElse(uid, false)136   }137 138 //  interactLoginDSL.interpret(userInteractLogin).run(AuthControl)139   authorizeDSL.interpret(userAuth).run(AuthControl)140 }
















Cats(3)- freeK-Free编程更轻松,Free programming with freeK