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Lesson 63-64 Who has the most stressful job?

1 at any time 随时 aging 老化n,变老v

2 commission委托nv eg. The Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a study into low-input farming.农业部委托对低投入耕作进行研究

     佣金,委员会n eg. The salesmen work on commission only.销售人员只根据销售量提取佣金。

3 in question考虑之中的 eg.  This is not the point in question.那不是要考虑的要点。

   被谈论着的 eg. Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question.查看正在讨论的这段文字前面的信息。

4 administration管理,执行,监管n eg. Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated.执法标准下降了。


5 lessen减少,缩小v eg. He is used to a lot of attention from his wife,which will inevitably lessen when the baby is born.他习惯了妻子对他的百般关注,但孩子出生后这种关注就会不可避免地减少

6  favor 宠爱,关切n eg. A coach should not favor one player over another on the team.教练不应偏爱队里的某个球员,而不喜欢另一个

            赞成,照顾v  eg. Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances.最近的民意调查显示,60%的人赞成在某些情况下可以堕胎

7 air traffic controller空中交通管制员 all day long一整天

8 wreck毁掉,失事v eg. A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty.联盟本来可以击败政府并毁掉该条约的。

           毁坏的建筑,车祸,身体极差的人 eg. You look a wreck.你看起来身体很糟糕。

9 inverse相反的adj,对立面n eg. The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination.拉力的大小与他们离终点的距离成反比。

eg. There is no sign that you bothered to consider the inverse of your logic.你根本就不想把你的逻辑反过来考虑

10 delegate 代表n 授权,委托v eg. Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。

11 underling下属n eg. Regulate the underling people job grade according to HR policy.根据人事部门政策,对下属人员职位等级的调整.