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  1 #include<iostream>  2 #include<queue>  3 #include<vector>  4 using namespace std;  5   6 template<class T>  7 class binaryTree  8 {  9     struct node 10     { 11         T elem; 12         node *left; 13         node *right; 14  15         node(const T &x,node *lt=NULL,node *rt=NULL) 16         :elem(x),left(lt),right(rt){} 17         ~node(){} 18     }; 19  20 private: 21     node *root; 22     void makeEmpty(node *&t); 23     void levelTraverse(node *&t); 24 public: 25     binaryTree(node *t=NULL) 26     { 27         root=t; 28     } 29     void createBinaryTree(); 30     void levelTraverse() 31     { 32         levelTraverse(root); 33     } 34     ~binaryTree() 35     { 36         makeEmpty(root); 37     } 38 }; 39  40 //使用队列构造一个二叉查找树 41 template<class T> 42 void binaryTree<T>::createBinaryTree() 43 { 44     queue<node *>que; 45     node *t; 46     T value; 47  48     cout<<"enter root:(-1 represent NULL)"<<":"; 49     cin>>value; 50  51     root=new node(value); 52     que.push(root); 53  54     T ldata,rdata; 55  56     while(!que.empty()) 57     { 58         t=que.front(); 59         que.pop(); 60  61         cout<<"enter left son of the node "<<t->elem<<":"; 62         cin>>ldata; 63         cout<<"enter right son of the node "<<t->elem<<":"; 64         cin>>rdata; 65  66         if(ldata!=-1) 67             que.push(t->left=new node(ldata)); 68         if(rdata!=-1) 69             que.push(t->right=new node(rdata)); 70     } 71     cout<<"construct complement!"<<endl; 72 } 73  74 template<class T> 75 void binaryTree<T>::makeEmpty(node *&t) 76 { 77     if(t->left!=NULL) 78         makeEmpty(t->left); 79     if(t->right!=NULL) 80         makeEmpty(t->right); 81     delete t; 82 } 83  84 template<class T> 85 void binaryTree<T>::levelTraverse(node *&t) 86 { 87     if(t==NULL) 88         return; 89  90     vector<node *>arr; 91     int cur=0; 92     int last=1; 93  94     arr.push_back(t); 95     while(cur<last) 96     { 97         while(cur<last) 98         { 99             cout<<arr[cur]->elem<<\t;100             if(arr[cur]->left!=NULL)101                 arr.push_back(arr[cur]->left);102             if(arr[cur]->right!=NULL)103                 arr.push_back(arr[cur]->right);104             ++cur;105         }106 107         last=arr.size();108         cout<<endl;109     }110 }111 112 int main()113 {114     binaryTree<int>tree;115     tree.createBinaryTree();116     tree.levelTraverse();117     return 0;118 }
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 1 template<class T> 2 void binaryTree<T>::levelTraverse(node *&t) 3 { 4     queue<node *>que; 5     que.push(t); 6     while(!que.empty()) 7     { 8         node *q=que.front(); 9         cout<<q->elem<<ends;10         if(q->left!=NULL)11             que.push(q->left);12         if(q->right!=NULL)13             que.push(q->right);14         que.pop();15     }16 }
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 1 template<class T> 2 void binaryTree<T>::levelTraverse(node *&t) 3 { 4     queue<node *>que; 5     node *sign; 6     //标记值 7     sign->elem=-1; 8     que.push(t); 9     que.push(sign);10     while(que.size()>1)11     {12         node *q=que.front();13         cout<<q->elem<<ends;14         if(q->left!=NULL)15             que.push(q->left);16         if(q->right!=NULL)17             que.push(q->right);18         que.pop();19 20         //若遇到标记值,出对,入队,输出换行,开始下一层遍历21         if(que.front()->elem==-1)22         {23             que.pop();24             que.push(sign);25             cout<<endl;26         }27     }28 }
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