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.NET Core R2安装及示例教程
前几天.NET Core发布了.NET Core 1.0.1 R2 预览版,之前想着有时间尝试下.NET Core。由于各种原因,就没有初试。刚好,前几天看到.NET Core发布新版本了,决定要去一探究竟。于是乎,就立马去官网查找相关的信息,为初探做准备。
本人使用的是Windows 10 64位系统,安装过Visual Studio 2015,如果没有安装,请先安装。
进入.NET Core官网,进入下载页面1,进入下载页面2,下载所需的安装文件。 需要下载的文件:
- .NET Core Installer(RC2)
- .NET Core SDK Installer(Preview 1)
- Windows (Server Hosting)
- DotNetCore.1.0.0.RC2-VS2015Tools
- NuGet Manager extension for Visual Studio
.NET Core 1.0.3 SDK - Installer | .NET Core 1.0.3 SDK - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core on Docker | |
Visual Studio 2015 Tools (Preview 2) | x64 / x86 .exe | |
Visual Studio 2017 Tools (Preview 3) | Installing .NET Core tools in Visual Studio 2017 Installing .NET Core RC3 tools for all other platforms |
.NET Core 1.0.3 runtime - Installer | .NET Core 1.0.3 runtime - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
Windows Server Hosting | x64 / x86 .exe | - |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core on Docker |
.NET Core 1.1 SDK - Installer | .NET Core 1.1 SDK - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Docker | |
Visual Studio 2015 Tools (Preview 2) * | x64 / x86 .exe | |
Visual Studio 2017 Tools (Preview 3) * | Installing .NET Core tools in Visual Studio 2017 Installing .NET Core RC3 tools for all other platforms |
(*) Visual Studio tools include .NET Core 1.0.1. To add .NET Core 1.1 support you need to also install the .NET Core 1.1 runtime.
.NET Core 1.1 runtime - Installer | .NET Core 1.1 runtime - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
Windows Server Hosting | x64 / x86 .exe | - |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Docker |
Step-by-step instructions
Windows系统直接下载安装文件即可。 Windows (Server Hosting)的作用相当于iis,是.NET Core Web项目的服务宿主程序,即可以直接使用Server Hosting运行Web项目。
安装.NET Core
提示:请先卸载.NET Core之前的版本,否则会报错。
报错信息: The project is configured to use .NET Core SDK version 1.0.0-preview1-002702 which is not installed or cannot be found under the path C:\Program Files\dotnet\bin. These components are required to build and run this project. NetCoreR2.Sample.ConsoleApp
安装.NET Core SDK
安装Server Hosting
安装.NET Core VS2015Tools
安装NuGet Manager extension for Visual Studio
双击下载的NuGet.Tools.vsix,选择同意协议,然后点击"Insteall"安装,等待安装结束。 NuGet Manager extension for Visual Studio Download
示例有控制台程序和ASP.NET Core Web程序。
.NET Core控制台程序
打开Visual Studio 2015,新建一个项目:文件-新建-项目
在左侧模板选择.NET Core,右侧选择控制台应用程序(.NET Core)。 输入名称NetCoreR2.Sample.ConsoleApp
,点击"确定"按钮。 OK,.NET Core控制台应用程序创建完成。
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace NetCoreR2.Sample.ConsoleApp{ public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello .NET Core 1.0.0 R2 Console App!"); Console.ReadLine(); } }}
ASP.NET Core Web项目
在上面的解决方案上新建一个ASP.NET Core Web项目:添加-新建项目
选择ASP.NET Core Web Application(.NET Core),点击"确定",创建项目。
选择Web 应用程序
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Threading.Tasks;using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;// For more information on enabling MVC for empty projects, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=397860namespace NetCoreR2.Sample.WebApp.Controllers{ public class HelloController : Controller { // GET: /<controller>/ public IActionResult Index() { ViewData["Msg"] = "Hello .NET Core 1.0.0 R2 Asp.Net Core MVC App!"; return View(); } }}
@{ ViewData["Title"] = "Hello Index Page";}<h3>@ViewData["Msg"].ToString()</h3>
本文就介绍到这里。 如有疑问请联系我。
.NET Core R2安装及示例教程