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One measure of ``unsortedness‘‘ in a sequence is the number of pairs of entries that are out of order with respect to each other. For instance, in the letter sequence ``DAABEC‘‘, this measure is 5, since D is greater than four letters to its right and E is greater than one letter to its right. This measure is called the number of inversions in the sequence. The sequence ``AACEDGG‘‘ has only one inversion (E and D)---it is nearly sorted---while the sequence ``ZWQM‘‘ has 6 inversions (it is as unsorted as can be---exactly the reverse of sorted). 

You are responsible for cataloguing a sequence of DNA strings (sequences containing only the four letters A, C, G, and T). However, you want to catalog them, not in alphabetical order, but rather in order of ``sortedness‘‘, from ``most sorted‘‘ to ``least sorted‘‘. All the strings are of the same length. 


The first line contains two integers: a positive integer n (0 < n <= 50) giving the length of the strings; and a positive integer m (0 < m <= 100) giving the number of strings. These are followed by m lines, each containing a string of length n.


Output the list of input strings, arranged from ``most sorted‘‘ to ``least sorted‘‘. Since two strings can be equally sorted, then output them according to the orginal order.

Sample Input


Sample Output



 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <cstring> 4 #include <algorithm> 5 using namespace std; 6  7 const int maxn = 105; 8 char str[maxn][55]; 9 int num[300];10 11 int n, m;12 int ans[10];13 int ord(int k) {14     int cnt = 0;15     for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {16         int x = num[(int)str[k][i]];17         for(int j = 4; j > x; j--) {18             cnt += ans[j];19         }20         ans[x]++;21     }22     return cnt;23 }24 void init() {25     memset(ans, 0, sizeof(ans));26     num[(int)A] = 1;27     num[(int)C] = 2;28     num[(int)G] = 3;29     num[(int)T] = 4;30 }31 32 struct Node {33     int id;34     int num1;35 }node[maxn];36 37 bool cmp(Node n1, Node n2) {38     if(n1.num1 != n2.num1) return n1.num1 < n2.num1;39     return n1.id < n2.id;40 }41 42 43 int main() {44     init();45     while(EOF != scanf("%d %d",&n, &m) ) {46         for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {47             scanf("\n%s", str[i]);48         }49         for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {50             memset(ans, 0, sizeof(ans));51             node[i].id = i;52             node[i].num1 = ord(i);53         }54         sort(node, node + m, cmp);55         for(int i = 0; i < m;i++) {56             printf("%s\n", str[node[i].id]);57         }58     }59     return 0;60 }
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 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <cstring> 4 #include <algorithm> 5 using namespace std; 6  7 int lowbit(int x) { 8     return x & ( - x ); 9 }10 11 int c[305];12 void Add(int x, int val) {13     while(x > 0) {14         c[x] += val;15         x -= lowbit(x);16     }17 }18 19 int Sum(int x) {20     int sum = 0;21     while(x <= 300) {22         sum += c[x];23         x += lowbit(x);24     }25     return sum;26 }    27 28 29 char str[105][55];30 struct Node {31     int id;32     int ord;33 }node[105];34 35 bool cmp(Node n1, Node n2) {36     if(n1.ord != n2.ord) return n1.ord < n2.ord;37     return n1.id < n2.id;38 }39 40 int main() {41     int n, m;42     while(EOF != scanf("%d %d",&n, &m) ) {43         for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {44             scanf("\n%s", str[i]);45             memset(c, 0, sizeof(c));46             int sum = 0;47             for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {48                 sum += Sum(str[i][j]);49                 sum -= c[str[i][j]];50                 Add(str[i][j], 1);51             }52             node[i].id = i;53             node[i].ord = sum;54         }55         sort(node, node + m, cmp);56         for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {57             printf("%s\n", str[node[i].id]);58         }59     }60     return 0;61 }
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