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Changing a Service's Configuration

Changing a Service‘s Configuration


A service configuration program uses the ChangeServiceConfig and ChangeServiceConfig2 functions to change the configuration parameters of an installed service. The program opens a handle to the service object, modifies its configuration, and then closes the service object handle.

In the following example, the DoDisableSvc function uses ChangeServiceConfig to change the service start type to "Disabled", the DoEnableSvc function usesChangeServiceConfig to change the service start type to "Enabled", and the DoUpdateSvcDesc function uses ChangeServiceConfig2 to set the service description to "This is a test description". The szSvcName variable is a global variable that contains the name of the service. For the complete example that sets this variable, seeSvcConfig.cpp.

//// Purpose: //   Disables the service.//// Parameters://   None// // Return value://   None//VOID __stdcall DoDisableSvc(){    SC_HANDLE schSCManager;    SC_HANDLE schService;    // Get a handle to the SCM database.      schSCManager = OpenSCManager(         NULL,                    // local computer        NULL,                    // ServicesActive database         SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);  // full access rights      if (NULL == schSCManager)     {        printf("OpenSCManager failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());        return;    }    // Get a handle to the service.    schService = OpenService(         schSCManager,            // SCM database         szSvcName,               // name of service         SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG);  // need change config access      if (schService == NULL)    {         printf("OpenService failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());         CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);        return;    }        // Change the service start type.    if (! ChangeServiceConfig(         schService,        // handle of service         SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // service type: no change         SERVICE_DISABLED,  // service start type         SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, // error control: no change         NULL,              // binary path: no change         NULL,              // load order group: no change         NULL,              // tag ID: no change         NULL,              // dependencies: no change         NULL,              // account name: no change         NULL,              // password: no change         NULL) )            // display name: no change    {        printf("ChangeServiceConfig failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());     }    else printf("Service disabled successfully.\n");     CloseServiceHandle(schService);     CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);}//// Purpose: //   Enables the service.//// Parameters://   None// // Return value://   None//VOID __stdcall DoEnableSvc(){    SC_HANDLE schSCManager;    SC_HANDLE schService;    // Get a handle to the SCM database.      schSCManager = OpenSCManager(         NULL,                    // local computer        NULL,                    // ServicesActive database         SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);  // full access rights      if (NULL == schSCManager)     {        printf("OpenSCManager failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());        return;    }    // Get a handle to the service.    schService = OpenService(         schSCManager,            // SCM database         szSvcName,               // name of service         SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG);  // need change config access      if (schService == NULL)    {         printf("OpenService failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());         CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);        return;    }        // Change the service start type.    if (! ChangeServiceConfig(         schService,            // handle of service         SERVICE_NO_CHANGE,     // service type: no change         SERVICE_DEMAND_START,  // service start type         SERVICE_NO_CHANGE,     // error control: no change         NULL,                  // binary path: no change         NULL,                  // load order group: no change         NULL,                  // tag ID: no change         NULL,                  // dependencies: no change         NULL,                  // account name: no change         NULL,                  // password: no change         NULL) )                // display name: no change    {        printf("ChangeServiceConfig failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());     }    else printf("Service enabled successfully.\n");     CloseServiceHandle(schService);     CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);}//// Purpose: //   Updates the service description to "This is a test description".//// Parameters://   None// // Return value://   None//VOID __stdcall DoUpdateSvcDesc(){    SC_HANDLE schSCManager;    SC_HANDLE schService;    SERVICE_DESCRIPTION sd;    LPTSTR szDesc = TEXT("This is a test description");    // Get a handle to the SCM database.      schSCManager = OpenSCManager(         NULL,                    // local computer        NULL,                    // ServicesActive database         SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);  // full access rights      if (NULL == schSCManager)     {        printf("OpenSCManager failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());        return;    }    // Get a handle to the service.    schService = OpenService(         schSCManager,            // SCM database         szSvcName,               // name of service         SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG);  // need change config access      if (schService == NULL)    {         printf("OpenService failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());         CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);        return;    }        // Change the service description.    sd.lpDescription = szDesc;    if( !ChangeServiceConfig2(        schService,                 // handle to service        SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, // change: description        &sd) )                      // new description    {        printf("ChangeServiceConfig2 failed\n");    }    else printf("Service description updated successfully.\n");    CloseServiceHandle(schService);     CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);}

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