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/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2011      Zynga Inc. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************//* Managed JavaScript Inheritance * Based on John Resig‘s Simple JavaScript Inheritance http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/ * MIT Licensed. *//** * @namespace */var cc = cc || {};//function ClassManager(){    //tells own name    return arguments.callee.name || (arguments.callee.toString()).match(/^function ([^(]+)/)[1];}ClassManager.id=(0|(Math.random()*998));ClassManager.instanceId=(0|(Math.random()*998));ClassManager.compileSuper=function(func, name, id){    //make the func to a string    var str = func.toString();    //find parameters    var pstart = str.indexOf(‘(‘);    var pend = str.indexOf(‘)‘);    var params = str.substring(pstart+1, pend);    params = params.trim();    //find function body    var bstart = str.indexOf(‘{‘);    var bend = str.lastIndexOf(‘}‘);    var str = str.substring(bstart+1, bend);    //now we have the content of the function, replace this._super    //find this._super    while(str.indexOf(‘this._super‘)!= -1)    {        var sp = str.indexOf(‘this._super‘);        //find the first ‘(‘ from this._super)        var bp = str.indexOf(‘(‘, sp);        //find if we are passing params to super        var bbp = str.indexOf(‘)‘, bp);        var superParams = str.substring(bp+1, bbp);        superParams = superParams.trim();        var coma = superParams? ‘,‘:‘‘;        //find name of ClassManager        var Cstr = arguments.callee.ClassManager();        //replace this._super        str = str.substring(0, sp)+  Cstr+‘[‘+id+‘].‘+name+‘.call(this‘+coma+str.substring(bp+1);    }    return Function(params, str);};ClassManager.compileSuper.ClassManager = ClassManager;ClassManager.getNewID=function(){    return this.id++;};ClassManager.getNewInstanceId=function(){    return this.instanceId++;};(function () {    var initializing = false, fnTest = /\b_super\b/;    var releaseMode = (document[‘ccConfig‘] && document[‘ccConfig‘][‘CLASS_RELEASE_MODE‘]) ? document[‘ccConfig‘][‘CLASS_RELEASE_MODE‘] : null;    if(releaseMode) {        console.log("release Mode");    }    /**     * The base Class implementation (does nothing)     * @class     */    cc.Class = function () {    };    /**     * Create a new Class that inherits from this Class     * @param {object} prop     * @return {function}     */    cc.Class.extend = function (prop) {        var _super = this.prototype;        // Instantiate a base Class (but only create the instance,        // don‘t run the init constructor)        var prototype = Object.create(_super);        var classId = ClassManager.getNewID();        ClassManager[classId] = _super;        // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype. We make function        // properties non-eumerable as this makes typeof === ‘function‘ check        // unneccessary in the for...in loop used 1) for generating Class()        // 2) for cc.clone and perhaps more. It is also required to make        // these function properties cacheable in Carakan.        var desc = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true };        for (var name in prop) {            if(releaseMode && typeof prop[name] == "function" && typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name])) {                desc.value = ClassManager.compileSuper(prop[name], name, classId);                Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, desc);            } else if(typeof prop[name] == "function" && typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name])){                desc.value = (function (name, fn) {                    return function () {                        var tmp = this._super;                        // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method                        // but on the super-Class                        this._super = _super[name];                        // The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we                        // remove it when we‘re done executing                        var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);                        this._super = tmp;                        return ret;                    };                })(name, prop[name]);                Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, desc);            } else if(typeof prop[name] == "function") {                desc.value = prop[name];                Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, desc);            } else{                prototype[name] = prop[name];            }        }        prototype.__instanceId = null;        // The dummy Class constructor        function Class() {            this.__instanceId = ClassManager.getNewInstanceId();            // All construction is actually done in the init method            if (this.ctor)                this.ctor.apply(this, arguments);        }        Class.id = classId;        // desc = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true,        //          value: XXX }; Again, we make this non-enumerable.        desc.value =http://www.mamicode.com/ classId;        Object.defineProperty(prototype, ‘__pid‘, desc);        // Populate our constructed prototype object        Class.prototype = prototype;        // Enforce the constructor to be what we expect        desc.value =http://www.mamicode.com/ Class;        Object.defineProperty(Class.prototype, ‘constructor‘, desc);        // And make this Class extendable        Class.extend = arguments.callee;        //add implementation method        Class.implement = function (prop) {            for (var name in prop) {                prototype[name] = prop[name];            }        };        return Class;    };    Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind || function (bind) {        var self = this;        return function () {            var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);            return self.apply(bind || null, args);        };    };})();//my onlycc.ArrayRemoveObject = function (arr, delObj) {    for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {        if (arr[i] == delObj) {            arr.splice(i, 1);            break;        }    }};cc.log = function (message) {    if (!cc.IS_SHOW_DEBUG_ON_PAGE) {        console.log.apply(console, arguments);    } else {        cc._logToWebPage(message);    }};cc.NODE_TAG_INVALID = -1;cc.s_globalOrderOfArrival = 1;cc.Node = cc.Class.extend(/** @lends cc.Node# */{    _zOrder:0,    // children (lazy allocs),    _children:null,    _parent:null,    _tag:cc.NODE_TAG_INVALID,    _orderOfArrival:0,    _initializedNode:false,    _initNode:function () {        this._children = [];        this._initializedNode = true;    },    ctor:function () {        if (this._initializedNode === false)            this._initNode();        return true;    },    init:function () {        if (this._initializedNode === false)            this._initNode();        return true;    },    _child:function(func){        var arr=this._children        if(arr.length){            for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {                if(false==arr[i]._child(func)){                    return false                }            }        }        if(func.apply(this)==false){            return false        }        return true    },    _arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector:function (array, callbackType) {        if (!array || array.length === 0)            return;        var i, len = array.length,node;        var nodeCallbackType = cc.Node.StateCallbackType;        switch (callbackType) {            case nodeCallbackType.onEnter:                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {                    node = array[i];                    if (node)                        node.onEnter();                }                break;            case nodeCallbackType.onExit:                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {                    node = array[i];                    if (node)                        node.onExit();                }                break;            case nodeCallbackType.cleanup:                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {                    node = array[i];                    if (node)                        node.cleanup();                }                break;            case nodeCallbackType.updateTransform:                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {                    node = array[i];                    if (node)                        node.updateTransform();                }                break;            case nodeCallbackType.sortAllChildren:                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {                    node = array[i];                    if (node)                        node.sortAllChildren();                }                break;            default :                throw "Unknown callback function";                break;        }    },    getZOrder:function () {        return this._zOrder;    },    _setZOrder:function (z) {        this._zOrder = z;    },    setZOrder:function (z) {        this._setZOrder(z);        if (this._parent)            this._parent.reorderChild(this, z);    },    reorderChild:function (child, zOrder) {        if(!child)            throw "cc.Node.reorderChild(): child must be non-null";        child.setOrderOfArrival(cc.s_globalOrderOfArrival++);        child._setZOrder(zOrder);        this._reorderChildDirty = true;    },    getChildrenCount:function () {        return this._children.length;    },    getChildren:function () {        return this._children;    },    isRunning:function () {        return this._running;    },    getParent:function () {        return this._parent;    },    setParent:function (Var) {        this._parent = Var;    },    getTag:function () {        return this._tag;    },    setTag:function (Var) {        this._tag = Var;    },    getChildByTag:function (aTag) {        var __children = this._children;        if (__children != null) {            for (var i = 0; i < __children.length; i++) {                var node = __children[i];                if (node && node._tag == aTag)                    return node;            }        }        //throw "not found";        return null;    },    addChild:function (child, zOrder, tag) {        if(!child)            throw "cc.Node.addChild(): child must be non-null";        if (child === this) {            cc.log(‘cc.Node.addChild(): An Node can\‘t be added as a child of itself.‘);            return;        }        if (child._parent !== null) {            cc.log("cc.Node.addChild(): child already added. It can‘t be added again");            return;        }        var tmpzOrder = (zOrder != null) ? zOrder : child._zOrder;        child._tag = (tag != null) ? tag : child._tag;        this._insertChild(child, tmpzOrder);        child._parent = this;        if (this._running) {            child.onEnter();        }    },    removeFromParent:function (cleanup) {        if (this._parent) {            if (cleanup == null)                cleanup = true;            this._parent.removeChild(this, cleanup);        }    },    removeChild:function (child, cleanup) {        // explicit nil handling        if (this._children.length === 0)            return;        if (cleanup == null)            cleanup = true;        if (this._children.indexOf(child) > -1)            this._detachChild(child, cleanup);    },    removeChildByTag:function (tag, cleanup) {        if(tag === cc.NODE_TAG_INVALID)            cc.log("cc.Node.removeChildByTag(): argument tag is an invalid tag");        var child = this.getChildByTag(tag);        if (child == null)            cc.log("cocos2d: removeChildByTag(tag = " + tag + "): child not found!");        else            this.removeChild(child, cleanup);    },    removeAllChildren:function (cleanup) {        // not using detachChild improves speed here        var __children = this._children;        if (__children != null) {            if (cleanup == null)                cleanup = true;            for (var i = 0; i < __children.length; i++) {                var node = __children[i];                if (node) {                    // IMPORTANT:                    //  -1st do onExit                    //  -2nd cleanup                    if (this._running) {                        node.onExit();                    }                    if (cleanup)                        node.cleanup();                    // set parent nil at the end                    node.setParent(null);                }            }            this._children.length = 0;        }    },    _detachChild:function (child, doCleanup) {        // IMPORTANT:        //  -1st do onExit        //  -2nd cleanup        if (this._running) {            child.onExit();        }        // If you don‘t do cleanup, the child‘s actions will not get removed and the        // its scheduledSelectors_ dict will not get released!        if (doCleanup)            child.cleanup();        // set parent nil at the end        child.setParent(null);        cc.ArrayRemoveObject(this._children, child);    },    _insertChild:function (child, z) {        this._children.push(child);        child._setZOrder(z);        this._reorderChildDirty = true;    },    setOrderOfArrival:function (Var) {        this._orderOfArrival = Var;    },    sortAllChildren:function () {        if (this._reorderChildDirty) {            var _children = this._children;            var i, j, length = _children.length,tempChild;            // insertion sort            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {                var tempItem = _children[i];                j = i - 1;                tempChild =  _children[j];                //continue moving element downwards while zOrder is smaller or when zOrder is the same but mutatedIndex is smaller                while (j >= 0 && ( tempItem._zOrder < tempChild._zOrder ||                    ( tempItem._zOrder == tempChild._zOrder && tempItem._orderOfArrival < tempChild._orderOfArrival ))) {                    _children[j + 1] = tempChild;                    j = j - 1;                    tempChild =  _children[j];                }                _children[j + 1] = tempItem;            }            //don‘t need to check children recursively, that‘s done in visit of each child            this._reorderChildDirty = false;        }    },    onEnter:function () {        this._running = true;//should be running before resumeSchedule        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node.StateCallbackType.onEnter);    },    onExit:function () {        this._running = false;        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node.StateCallbackType.onExit);    },    cleanup:function () {        // timers        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node.StateCallbackType.cleanup);    },    updateTransform:function () {        // Recursively iterate over children        this._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(this._children, cc.Node.StateCallbackType.updateTransform);    }});cc.Node.create = function () {    return new cc.Node();};cc.Node.StateCallbackType = {onEnter:1, onExit:2, cleanup:3, updateTransform:5,  sortAllChildren:7};cc.Sprite=cc.Node.extend({})cc.Sprite.create = function () {    return new cc.Sprite();};cc.Layer=cc.Node.extend({})cc.Layer.create = function () {    return new cc.Layer();};cc.Scene=cc.Node.extend({})cc.Scene.create = function () {    return new cc.Scene();};cc.Middle=function(){    var next=function(func1,func2){        return function(){            var arg=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)            var arr=[].concat(arg)            arg.push(function(){                func2.apply(this,arr)            })            return func1.apply(this,arg);        }    }    var arg=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)    var func=arg[arg.length-1]    for(var i=arg.length-2;i>=0;i--){        func=next(arg[i],func)    }    return func}cc.Director={    _runningScene:null,    replaceScene:function(scene){        if(this._runningScene){            this._runningScene.onExit()        }        scene.onEnter()        scene._arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(scene._children, cc.Node.StateCallbackType.sortAllChildren);        this._runningScene=scene    }}





var layer1=cc.Layer.extend({    context:$("div"),    init:function(){    },    //点击交互事件    initMenu:function(){    },    //开始    onEnter:function(){        this._super()        $("#id").replaceWith(this.context)    },    //结束    onExit:function(){        this._super()        this.context.remove()    }})//每个scene对应一个页面var Scene1=cc.Scene.extend({    onEnter:function(){        this._super()        var layer=new layer1()        layer.init()        this.addChild(layer)    }})