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(字典树)codeforces - 713A Sonya and Queries





这题居然写了一个小时,一开始20分钟差不多写完了,但是一直坑在两种长度不同的情况上,后来仔细一想,卧槽,so easy啊,直接默认全部补全到18位不就行了。。那样这题就是一个简单的求前缀的个数。



  1 #include <set>  2 #include <map>  3 #include <list>  4 #include <cmath>  5 #include <queue>  6 #include <vector>  7 #include <bitset>  8 #include <string>  9 #include <cctype> 10 #include <cstdio> 11 #include <cstring> 12 #include <cstdlib> 13 #include <iostream> 14 #include <algorithm> 15  16 using namespace std; 17  18 typedef long long ll; 19 typedef unsigned long long ull; 20 #define inf (0x3f3f3f3f) 21 #define lnf (0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f) 22 #define eps (1e-8) 23 int sgn(double a){return a < -eps ? -1 : a < eps ? 0 : 1;} 24  25 //-------------------------- 26  27 typedef struct  Trie_node { 28     int cnt; 29     struct  Trie_node* next[2]; 30     int exist; 31 } TrieNode,*Trie; 32  33 TrieNode* createTrieNode() { 34     TrieNode* node = (TrieNode *)malloc(sizeof(TrieNode)); 35     node->cnt = 0; 36     node->exist =0; 37     memset(node->next, 0, sizeof(node->next)); 38     return node; 39 } 40  41 void Trie_insert(Trie root, ll &nn) { 42     Trie node = root; 43     for(int i=0;i<18;i++){ 44         int id=nn&1; 45         if(node->next[id]==NULL)node->next[id]=createTrieNode(); 46         node=node->next[id]; 47         node->cnt++; 48         nn/=10; 49     } 50 } 51  52 void Trie_remove(Trie root,ll &nn){ 53     Trie node = root; 54     for(int i=0;i<18;i++){ 55         int id=nn&1; 56         node=node->next[id]; 57         node->cnt--; 58         nn/=10; 59     } 60 } 61  62 int Trie_search(Trie root, string word) { 63     Trie node = root; 64     reverse(word.begin(),word.end()); 65     int len=word.length(); 66     for(int i=0;i<18-len;i++){ 67         word.push_back(0); 68     } 69     for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++) { 70         int id = word[i]-0; 71         node = node->next[id]; 72         if(node==NULL||node->cnt<=0)return 0; 73     } 74     return node->cnt; 75 } 76 char op[2]; 77 char num[20]; 78 ll nn; 79 void solve() { 80     TrieNode *root=createTrieNode(); 81     int n; 82     scanf("%d",&n); 83     for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ 84         scanf("%s",op); 85         if(op[0]==+){ 86             scanf("%I64d",&nn); 87             Trie_insert(root,nn); 88         } 89         if(op[0]==-){ 90             scanf("%I64d",&nn); 91             Trie_remove(root,nn); 92         } 93         if(op[0]==?){ 94             scanf("%s",num); 95             printf("%d\n",Trie_search(root,num)); 96         } 97     } 98 } 99 100 101 102 103 int main() {104 105 106 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE107     freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);108     //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);109 110 #endif111     //iostream::sync_with_stdio(false);112     solve();113     return 0;114 }


(字典树)codeforces - 713A Sonya and Queries