首页 > 代码库 > 《赖氏经典英语语法》练习二



Exercise 1:

1, Strike while the iron is hot.

2, The chairman introduced the speaker;then he left the hall.

3, We don‘t necessarily grow wiser as we grow older.

4, The lecturer will come, or he will send a substitute.

5,I can not afford a new car; besides, I have a old Ford.

6, I will not accept the position, nor I want you to take it.

7, You will not be able to keep your appointment unless you hurry.

8, Put the manuscript where the editor can find it.

9, I do the work; he gets the credit!

10, We were so late that we missed the concert.

11, You have broken the law; therefore, you must be punished.

12, Although he is rich, he is not happy.

13, It wil not be long before I came back.

14, You must not waste time in that life is short.

15, Since you insist, I reconsider the matter.


3,随着年龄的增长,我们不一定会变得更聪明。(from google)
