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一起做cocos2d-x 小游戏1







用的是cocos2d-x 3.2 怎么搭建问问度娘 ^^!



class Chessboard : public cocos2d::Node{public:    virtual bool init();          CREATE_FUNC(Chessboard);    //重置棋盘    void reSet();protected:    Point        maBoardPoints[4][4];    BYTE        maBoardData[4][4];};bool Chessboard::init(){    //////////////////////////////    // 1. super init first    if ( !Node::init() )    {        return false;    }        Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();    Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();        //棋盘底图    int i = 0 , j = 0;    auto bg = Sprite::create("muwen.png");    if( bg != NULL )    {        int iX = 0, iY = 0, iW = 0, iH = 0 ;        iW = bg->getContentSize().width;        iH = bg->getContentSize().height;        iX = ceil(visibleSize.width/iW);        iY = ceil(visibleSize.height/iH);        for ( i = 0; i < iX; i++ )        {            for ( j = 0; j < iY; j++ )            {                auto temp = Sprite::create("muwen.png");                temp->setAnchorPoint(CCPointZero);                temp->setPosition(ccp(i*iW,j*iH));                addChild(temp);            }        }    }    //棋牌黑框 3*3    auto cell = Sprite::create("point.png");    if( cell != NULL )    {        int iLineW = 18;        int x = visibleSize.width/2 - 1.5*cell->getContentSize().width;        int y = visibleSize.height/2 - 1.5*cell->getContentSize().height;        for ( i    = 0;  i < 3;  i++ )        {            for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )            {                auto temp = Sprite::create("point.png");                temp->setAnchorPoint(CCPointZero);                Point pos = ccp(x+1*iLineW+i*(cell->getContentSize().width-iLineW),y+1*iLineW+j*(cell->getContentSize().height-iLineW));                temp->setPosition(pos);                addChild(temp);                maBoardPoints[i][j] = ccp(pos.x+8,pos.y+8);            }        }    }    //初始化外围的点的坐标    for ( i = 0;  i < 3;  i++ )    {        maBoardPoints[i][3].x = maBoardPoints[i][2].x;        maBoardPoints[i][3].y = maBoardPoints[i][2].y + (maBoardPoints[i][2].y - maBoardPoints[i][1].y);        maBoardPoints[3][i].x = maBoardPoints[2][i].x + (maBoardPoints[2][i].x - maBoardPoints[1][i].x);        maBoardPoints[3][i].y = maBoardPoints[2][i].y ;    }    maBoardPoints[i][3].x = maBoardPoints[2][2].x + (maBoardPoints[2][2].x - maBoardPoints[1][2].x);    maBoardPoints[i][3].y = maBoardPoints[2][2].y + (maBoardPoints[2][2].y - maBoardPoints[2][1].y);    reSet();    //棋子    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )    {        for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )        {            if( 1 == maBoardData[i][j] )            {                auto point = Sprite::create("white_point.png");                point->setPosition(maBoardPoints[i][j]);                addChild(point);            }            else if( 2 == maBoardData[i][j] )            {                auto point = Sprite::create("black_point.png");                point->setPosition(maBoardPoints[i][j]);                addChild(point);            }                    }    }    return true;}void Chessboard::reSet(){    memset(maBoardData,0,sizeof(maBoardData));    //初始化1队    int i = 0;    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )    {        maBoardData[i][3] = 1;    }    maBoardData[0][2] = 1;    maBoardData[3][2] = 1;    //初始化2队    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )    {        maBoardData[i][0] = 2;    }    maBoardData[0][1] = 2;    maBoardData[3][1] = 2;}



bool HelloWorld::init(){    //////////////////////////////    // 1. super init first    if ( !Layer::init() )    {        return false;    }    Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();    Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();        auto board = Chessboard::create();    addChild(board);    /////////////////////////////    // 2. add a menu item with "X" image, which is clicked to quit the program    //    you may modify it.    // add a "close" icon to exit the progress. it‘s an autorelease object    auto closeItem = MenuItemImage::create(                                           "CloseNormal.png",                                           "CloseSelected.png",                                           CC_CALLBACK_1(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback, this));        closeItem->setPosition(Vec2(origin.x + visibleSize.width - closeItem->getContentSize().width/2 ,                                origin.y + closeItem->getContentSize().height/2));    // create menu, it‘s an autorelease object    auto menu = Menu::create(closeItem, NULL);    menu->setPosition(Vec2::ZERO);    this->addChild(menu, 1);        return true;}


最后再来张 运行图^^!

一起做cocos2d-x 小游戏1