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__author__ = ‘zxp‘import dockerimport sysclass DockerManager_Slave(object):    def __init__(self):        self.idict={}        self.rinfo={}        try:            self.c = docker.Client(base_url=‘unix://var/run/docker.sock‘,version=‘1.0.1‘,timeout=15)        except Exception,e:            print "Connection docker server error:"+str(e)            sys.exit()    def Create_Container(self,image,command=None,mem_limit=0,ports=None,name=None,cpu_shares=None):        """        :param image (str): The image to run        :param command (str or list): The command to be run in the container        :param mem_limit (float or str): Memory limit (format: [number][optional unit], where unit = b, k, m, or g)        :param ports (list of ints): A list of port numbers        :param name (str): A name for the container        :param cpu_shares (int or float): CPU shares (relative weight)        Returns (dict): A dictionary with an image ‘Id‘ key and a ‘Warnings‘ key.        return container id        """        try:            self.container = self.c.create_container(image=image, command=command,mem_limit=mem_limit,ports=ports,                                                 name=name,cpu_shares=cpu_shares)        except Exception,e:            print "Create Container error:"+str(e)            sys.exit()        return self.container[‘Id‘]    def Inspect_Container(self,containerid):        """        :param containerid:The container to inspect        :return:Nearly the same output as docker inspect, just as a single dict        """        try:            self.container_info=self.c.inspect_container(containerid)        except Exception,e:            print "Inspect Container"+containerid+"error:"+str(e)            sys.exit()    def Pull(self,repository,tag=None):        """        :param repository (str): The repository to pull        :param tag (str): The tag to pull        :return (generator or str): The output        """        try:            self.pull_detail=self.c.pull(repository,tag)        except Exception,e:            print "Pull images"+repository+":"+tag+"error:"+str(e)            sys.exit()    def Start(self,containerid):        try:            self.c.start(containerid)        except Exception,e:            print "Start Container"+containerid+"error:"+str(e)    def Stop(self,containerid,timeout=10):        """        :param container (str): The container to stop        :param timeout (int): Timeout in seconds to wait for the container to stop before sending a SIGKILL        :return:        """        try:            self.c.stop(containerid,timeout=timeout)        except Exception,e:            print "Stop"+containerid+"error:"+str(e)            sys.exit()    def Remove_Container(self,containerid):        """        container (str): The container to remove        v (bool): Remove the volumes associated with the container        link (bool): Remove the specified link and not the underlying container        force (bool): Force the removal of a running container (uses SIGKILL)        """        try:            self.c.remove_container(containerid)        except Exception,e:            print "Remove container"+containerid+"error:"+str(e)            sys.exit()

