首页 > 代码库 > MonoBehaviour.StopCoroutine




Stops all coroutines named methodName running on this behaviour.

Please note that only StartCoroutine using a string method name can be stopped using StopCoroutine



 1 public class MyTest2 : MonoBehaviour 2 { 3     IEnumerator curTask; 4     void OnGUI() 5     { 6         if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 150, 100), "start")) { 7             curTask = DealWithForward(); 8             //Please note that only StartCoroutine using IEnumerator  9             //can be stopped using StopCoroutine using IEnumerator.10             StartCoroutine(curTask);11 12             //Please note that only StartCoroutine using a string method name 13             //can be stopped using StopCoroutine using a string method name .14             //StartCoroutine("DealWithForward");15         }16             17         if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 110, 150, 100), "stop"))18             SotpAnimation();19     }20     21 22 23     public IEnumerator DealWithForward()24     {25         while (true)26         {27             Debug.Log(" 展示 问题 需要 土拨鼠 动画  Time.realtimeSinceStartup :" + Time.realtimeSinceStartup);28             29             yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f);30         }31     }32 33     public void SotpAnimation()34     {35         Debug.Log("如果 当前 有 土拨鼠 动画 停止");36 37         StopCoroutine(curTask);38 39         //StopCoroutine("DealWithForward");40     }41 }



