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PAT 1034. Head of a Gang[bug]


#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <unordered_map>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;int G[1001][1001] = {0};class Man {public:    int id;    string name;    vector<int> adj;    bool visited;    Man(string &n): name(n), visited(false){}};int get_gid(string &name, unordered_map<string, int>& n2i, int &gid, vector<Man>& mans) {    int id = gid;    auto iter = n2i.find(name);    if (iter == n2i.end()) {        n2i.insert(make_pair(name, gid++));        mans.push_back(Man(name));    } else {        id = iter->second;    }    return id;}void dfs(vector<Man>& mans, int curi, int K, int &head, int &max_weight, int &count, int &rtotal) {    if (mans[curi].visited) {        return;    }    count++;    mans[curi].visited = true;        int weight = 0;    int len = mans[curi].adj.size();    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {        int r = G[curi][mans[curi].adj[i]];        weight += r;        if (mans[mans[curi].adj[i]].visited) {            continue;        }        rtotal += r;    }        if (weight > max_weight) {        head = curi;        max_weight = weight;    }    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {        int r = G[curi][mans[curi].adj[i]];        dfs(mans, mans[curi].adj[i], K, head, max_weight, count, rtotal);    }}class MyCmp{private:    vector<Man>* mans;public:    bool operator()(const pair<int, int>& a, const pair<int, int> &b) {        return (*mans)[a.first].name < (*mans)[b.first].name;     }    MyCmp(vector<Man>* ms) {mans = ms;}};int main() {    int N, K;    scanf("%d%d", &N, &K);        unordered_map<string, int> name2id;    vector<Man> mans;    int gid = 0;        char name1[4];    char name2[4];    int time;        int ida, idb;        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {        scanf("%s%s%d", name1, name2, &time);        string s1(name1);        string s2(name2);        ida = get_gid(s1, name2id, gid, mans);        idb = get_gid(s2, name2id, gid, mans);        if (!G[ida][idb]) {            mans[ida].adj.push_back(idb);        }        if (!G[idb][ida]) {            mans[idb].adj.push_back(ida);        }        G[ida][idb] += time;        G[idb][ida] += time;    }            vector<pair<int, int> > heads;    int count, head, max_weight, rtotal;    for (int i=0; i<gid; i++) {        if (mans[i].visited) {            continue;        }        count = 0;        max_weight = 0;        rtotal = 0;        dfs(mans, i, K, head, max_weight, count, rtotal);        if (count > 2 && rtotal > K) {            heads.push_back(make_pair(head, count));        }    }        sort(heads.begin(), heads.end(), MyCmp(&mans));        int len = heads.size();        printf("%d\n", len);    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {        printf("%s %d\n", mans[heads[i].first].name.c_str(), heads[i].second);    }        return 0;}


PAT 1034. Head of a Gang[bug]