首页 > 代码库 > [006] largest_common_substring

[006] largest_common_substring

[Description] Given two different strings, find the largest successive common substring.

e.g.  str1[]="qwertyuiopasdfgh";  str2[]="jhdfgqwertyudfxcv";


[Thought] show the correspondence result of this two strings from the 2-D array of ‘record[][]‘, and find the longest non-zero diagonal elements. To save the auxiliary space, we can use only 1-D array ‘record[]‘ to implement.   O(n^2)  O(m)

[Implementation] C code:

 1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<stdlib.h> 3 #include<string.h> 4  5 char* LCS(char longer[], char shorter[]) 6 { 7         int longer_len=strlen(longer); 8         int shorter_len=strlen(shorter); 9         int record[shorter_len];10         int i,j,max_len=0,substr_end=0,substr_begin;11 12         for(i=0;i<longer_len;i++)13         {14                 for(j=shorter_len-1;j>=0;j--)15                 {16                         if(longer[i]==shorter[j])17                         {18                                 if(0==i || 0==j)19                                 {20                                         record[j]=1;21                                 }22                                 else23                                 {24                                         record[j]=record[j-1]+1;25                                 }26                         }27                         else28                         {29                                 record[j]=0;30                         }31 32                         if(record[j]>max_len)33                         {34                                 max_len=record[j];35                                 substr_end=j;36                         }37                 }38         }39 40         substr_begin=substr_end-max_len+1;41 42 //      char substr[max_len];43         char* substr=(char*)malloc(max_len);44         for(i=0;i<max_len;i++)45         {46                 substr[i]=shorter[substr_begin+i];47         }48         return substr;49 }50 51 int main()52 {53         char longer[]="asdfghjklqwertyyuio";54         char shorter[]="zxvsdffghwerxv";55 56         printf("The longer str:\n\t%s\n",longer);57         printf("The shorter str:\n\t%s\n",shorter);58         printf("The lagest common str:\n\t%s\n",LCS(longer,shorter));59         return 0;60 }


[006] largest_common_substring