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【LeetCode】Integer to Roman (2 solutions)

Integer to Roman

Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.




class Solution {public:    string intToRoman(int num) {        string ret;        //M<-->1000        while(num >= 1000)        {            ret += M;            num -= 1000;        }        //to here, num < 1000        //CM<-->900        if(num >= 900)        {            ret += "CM";            num -= 900;        }        //to here, num < 900        //D<-->500        if(num >= 500)        {            ret += D;            num -= 500;        }        //to here, num < 500        if(num >= 400)        {            ret += "CD";            num -= 400;        }        //to here, num < 400        //C<-->100        while(num >= 100)        {            ret += C;            num -= 100;        }        //to here, num < 100        //XC<-->90        if(num >= 90)        {            ret += "XC";            num -= 90;        }        //to here, num < 90        //L<-->50        if(num >= 50)        {            ret += L;            num -= 50;        }        //to here, num < 50        //XL<-->40        if(num >= 40)        {            ret += "XL";            num -= 40;        }        //to here, num < 40        //X<-->10        while(num >= 10)        {            ret += X;            num -= 10;        }        //to here, num < 10        //IX<-->9        if(num >= 9)        {            ret += "IX";            num -= 9;        }        //to here, num < 9        //V<-->5        if(num >= 5)        {            ret += V;            num -= 5;        }        //to here, num < 5        //IV<-->4        if(num >= 4)        {            ret += "IV";            num -= 4;        }        //to here, num < 4        //I<-->1        while(num >= 1)        {            ret += I;            num -= 1;        }        return ret;    }};




class Solution {public:    string intToRoman(int num)     {        if(num>=1000)             return "M"+intToRoman(num-1000);        else if(num>=900)             return "CM"+intToRoman(num-900);        else if(num>=500)             return "D"+intToRoman(num-500);        else if(num>=400)             return "CD"+intToRoman(num-400);        else if(num>=100)             return "C"+intToRoman(num-100);        else if(num>=90)             return "XC"+intToRoman(num-90);        else if(num>=50)             return "L"+intToRoman(num-50);        else if(num>=40)             return "XL"+intToRoman(num-40);        else if(num>=10)             return "X"+intToRoman(num-10);        else if(num>=9)             return "IX"+intToRoman(num-9);        else if(num>=5)             return "V"+intToRoman(num-5);        else if(num>=4)             return "IV"+intToRoman(num-4);        else if(num>=1)             return "I"+intToRoman(num-1);        else             return "";    }};


【LeetCode】Integer to Roman (2 solutions)