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LeetCode Roman to Integer

class Solution {private:    const static char* pattern[];    const static char* roman[];    unordered_map<string, int> a2i;public:    int romanToInt(string s) {        int res = 0;        if (a2i.size() == 0) build_tlb();                while (!s.empty()) {            int len = s.length();            for (int i=min(4, len); i>0; i--) {                unordered_map<string, int>::iterator iter = a2i.find(s.substr(len-i));                if (iter == a2i.end()) continue;                res += iter->second;                s.resize(len - i);                break;            }        }                return res;    }        void build_tlb() {        int pw = 1;        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {            for (int j=1; j<=9; j++) {                string rm;                for (int k=0; pattern[j][k] != \0; k++) {                    rm.push_back(roman[i][ pattern[j][k] - 0 ]);                }                a2i.insert(make_pair(rm, pw * j));            }            pw *= 10;        }            a2i.insert(make_pair("M", 1000));        a2i.insert(make_pair("MM", 2000));        a2i.insert(make_pair("MMMM", 3000));    }};const char* Solution::pattern[] = {"A", "0", "00", "000", "01", "1", "10", "100", "1000", "02"};const char* Solution::roman[] = {"IVX", "XLC", "CDM", "M"};



仔细观察罗马数字的话,可以把每个字母直接由一个数值替代,然后将他们累加,不过有个例外就是遇到4,9时要看字母前面一个字母的数值比如IV如果小于后面的则实际对应值为V-I = 5-1 = 4,X - I= 10 - 1 = 9
