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// 保持了诸位的顺序,只是将谓语动词的助动词提到前面

Never have i seen such a big fish

Hardly did he know tha the police were after him

Nowhere could i find him

Little did he know who the woman was

Under no circumstances could we give up the plan

Hardly/Scarely/Barely/Seldom/No/Not/Never/Nowhere Little.less.nolonger.Least of all

At on time/by no means/ Under/In no circumstance/In no way/ In no case/ no no account/


A: 时态 

Hardly/Barely/Scarely/ had  arrived at the station when the train began to leave

No sooner had she gone out that than the telephone rang.


Not only is he a first

Not only is she a first-class Pingpang player, but(also) he(also) is good at chess.

Not only do I know her, but I also am her best friend


2.Not untill

Not untill the teacher come did he(did come) finish his homework

Not untill yesterday did I finish my homework



 注意:It was not until the teacher came that he finished his homework // 强调的时候 不用任何倒装


3.Only +状语(只有+状语的时候才能倒装)

Only when he told me did i realize the potential danger

Only by working hard can we live a better life

注意: Only +状语(只有+状语的时候才能倒装)

Only Ace knows that secret // ace 不是状语, 不能用倒装结构


4. So/such ... that ...

So many questions did he ask me that I got confused

So fast does light travel that it is hard to imagine its speed.


// 做表语、修饰主语 不倒装

So difficult was the question that nobody could answer it.

so many(修饰主语) people came to the party he felt nervous


5.to such 

To such a degree was he excited that kept awake all night.

In such a hurry was he that he forget to take his passport.

to such extremes/length 到达如此般的地步、程度


6.As/Though/That 引导状语从句

Child as(因为) he is, he knows a lot.

Tired as(因为) he was, he went to bed earyly.

Hard as(尽管) he studied, he didn‘t pass the exam.

Tough 只能表示让步 但是as/that原因和让步都可以



7. 特殊倒装句

Be a man ever so clever, he kowns nothing if he doesn‘t learn.

Be he friend or enemy, we can‘t approach him.

Come what may, we must remain calm.

"Let‘s go" said the man/he (said)

May you succeed


1. Never we will give up half away

2.Only when we union(,)can we beat the enemy.

3.Much as I admired him, I still can‘t his forgive his fault.

