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  • UFO长啥样?
  • UFO在哪些地方出现的次数较多?
  • UFO在哪些年份出现的次数较多?
  • 热力图同时显示哪些州和哪些年UFO出现次数最多
import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt% matplotlib inlineplt.style.use(‘ggplot‘)

1 数据整理与清洗

df =  pd.read_csv(‘nuforc_events.csv‘)
print(df.shape) # 查看数据的结构print(df.head())
(110265, 13)             Event_Time  Event_Date    Year  Month   Day  Hour  Minute  0  2017-04-20T14:15:00Z  2017-04-20  2017.0    4.0  20.0  14.0    15.0   1  2017-04-20T04:56:00Z  2017-04-20  2017.0    4.0  20.0   4.0    56.0   2  2017-04-19T23:55:00Z  2017-04-19  2017.0    4.0  19.0  23.0    55.0   3  2017-04-19T23:50:00Z  2017-04-19  2017.0    4.0  19.0  23.0    50.0   4  2017-04-19T23:29:00Z  2017-04-19  2017.0    4.0  19.0  23.0    29.0            City State     Shape     Duration  0     Palmyra    NJ     Other    5 minutes   1  Bridgeview    IL     Light   20 seconds   2      Newton    AL  Triangle    5 seconds   3      Newton    AL  Triangle  5-6 minutes   4      Denver    CO     Light       1 hour                                                Summary  0    I observed an aircraft that seemed to look odd.   1  Bridgeview, IL, blue light.  ((anonymous report))   2                               Silent triangle UFO.   3  My friend and I stepped outside hoping to catc...   4  Moved slow but made quick turns staying and ci...                                              Event_URL  0  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133726.html  1  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133720.html  2  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133724.html  3  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133723.html  4  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133721.html  
  • 由于存在许多包含NaN的数据信息,在进行分析之前,先用dropna()方法去除包含NaN的行数
df_clean = df.dropna()print(df_clean.shape) # 查看去除Nan后还有多少行print(df_clean.head())
(95004, 13)             Event_Time  Event_Date    Year  Month   Day  Hour  Minute  0  2017-04-20T14:15:00Z  2017-04-20  2017.0    4.0  20.0  14.0    15.0   1  2017-04-20T04:56:00Z  2017-04-20  2017.0    4.0  20.0   4.0    56.0   2  2017-04-19T23:55:00Z  2017-04-19  2017.0    4.0  19.0  23.0    55.0   3  2017-04-19T23:50:00Z  2017-04-19  2017.0    4.0  19.0  23.0    50.0   4  2017-04-19T23:29:00Z  2017-04-19  2017.0    4.0  19.0  23.0    29.0            City State     Shape     Duration  0     Palmyra    NJ     Other    5 minutes   1  Bridgeview    IL     Light   20 seconds   2      Newton    AL  Triangle    5 seconds   3      Newton    AL  Triangle  5-6 minutes   4      Denver    CO     Light       1 hour                                                Summary  0    I observed an aircraft that seemed to look odd.   1  Bridgeview, IL, blue light.  ((anonymous report))   2                               Silent triangle UFO.   3  My friend and I stepped outside hoping to catc...   4  Moved slow but made quick turns staying and ci...                                              Event_URL  0  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133726.html  1  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133720.html  2  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133724.html  3  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133723.html  4  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133721.html  
  • 由于1900年以前的数据较少,这里选择1900年以后的数据来进行分析,如下:
df_clean = df_clean[df_clean[‘Year‘]>=1900] # 获取1900年以后的数据来进行分析
  • 查看导入的每列数据的数据类型,通过运行结果,可以看到,“Event_Date”列并不是日期类型,因此要将之转换。
  • 可以采用pd.to_datetime()方法来操作
Event_Time     objectEvent_Date     objectYear          float64Month         float64Day           float64Hour          float64Minute        float64City           objectState          objectShape          objectDuration       objectSummary        objectEvent_URL      objectdtype: object
  • 用pd.to_datetime()方法来将str格式的日期转换成日期类型
pd.to_datetime(df_clean[‘Event_Date‘]) # 1061-12-31年不能显示# OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 1061-12-31 00:00:00df_clean.dtypes
Event_Time     objectEvent_Date     objectYear          float64Month         float64Day           float64Hour          float64Minute        float64City           objectState          objectShape          objectDuration       objectSummary        objectEvent_URL      objectdtype: object

2 UFO长啥样?

  • 按UFO出现的形状类型来分析,统计不同类型的UFO出现的次数
s_shape = df_clean.groupby(‘Shape‘)[‘Event_Date‘].count()print(type(s_shape))s_shape.sort_values(inplace=True)s_shape
<class ‘pandas.core.series.Series‘>ShapeChanged          1Hexagon          1Pyramid          1Flare            1Round            2Crescent         2Delta            7Cross          287Cone           383Egg            842Teardrop       866Chevron       1187Diamond       1405Cylinder      1495Rectangle     1620Flash         1717Cigar         2313Changing      2378Formation     3070Oval          4332Disk          5841Sphere        6482Other         6658Unknown       6887Fireball      7785Triangle      9358Circle        9818Light        20254Name: Event_Date, dtype: int64


  • 剔除出现次数少于10次的类型
  • 剔除“Unknown”及“Other”类型
s_shape_normal = s_shape[s_shape.values>10]s_shape_normal
ShapeCross          287Cone           383Egg            842Teardrop       866Chevron       1187Diamond       1405Cylinder      1495Rectangle     1620Flash         1717Cigar         2313Changing      2378Formation     3070Oval          4332Disk          5841Sphere        6482Other         6658Unknown       6887Fireball      7785Triangle      9358Circle        9818Light        20254Name: Event_Date, dtype: int64
s_shape_normal = s_shape_normal[s_shape_normal.index.isin([‘Unknown‘, ‘Other‘])==False]s_shape_normal
ShapeCross          287Cone           383Egg            842Teardrop       866Chevron       1187Diamond       1405Cylinder      1495Rectangle     1620Flash         1717Cigar         2313Changing      2378Formation     3070Oval          4332Disk          5841Sphere        6482Fireball      7785Triangle      9358Circle        9818Light        20254Name: Event_Date, dtype: int64
from matplotlib import font_manager as fmfrom  matplotlib import cmlabels = s_shape_normal.indexsizes = s_shape_normal.valuesexplode = (0.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1)  # "explode" , show the selected slicefig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5),ncols=2) # 设置绘图区域大小ax1, ax2 = axes.ravel()colors = cm.rainbow(np.arange(len(sizes))/len(sizes)) # colormaps: Paired, autumn, rainbow, gray,spring,Darkspatches, texts, autotexts = ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct=‘%1.0f%%‘,explode=explode,        shadow=False, startangle=150, colors=colors, labeldistance=1.2,pctdistance=1.05, radius=0.95)# labeldistance: 控制labels显示的位置# pctdistance: 控制百分比显示的位置# radius: 控制切片突出的距离ax1.axis(‘equal‘)  # 重新设置字体大小proptease = fm.FontProperties()proptease.set_size(‘xx-small‘)# font size include: ‘xx-small’,x-small’,‘small’,‘medium’,‘large’,‘x-large’,‘xx-large’ or number, e.g. ‘12‘plt.setp(autotexts, fontproperties=proptease)plt.setp(texts, fontproperties=proptease)ax1.set_title(‘Shapes‘, loc=‘center‘)# ax2 只显示图例(legend)ax2.axis(‘off‘)ax2.legend(patches, labels, loc=‘center left‘, fontsize=9)# plt.tight_layout()# plt.savefig("pie_shape_ufo.png", bbox_inches=‘tight‘)plt.savefig(‘ufo_shapes.jpg‘)plt.show()



3 UFO在美国那些州(state)出现的次数比较多?


s_state = df_clean.groupby(‘State‘)[‘Event_Date‘].count()print(type(s_state))s_state.head()
<class ‘pandas.core.series.Series‘>StateAB     438AK     472AL     930AR     791AZ    3488Name: Event_Date, dtype: int64


fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))width = 0.5state = s_state.indexx_pos1 = np.arange(len(state))y1 = s_state.valuesax1.bar(x_pos1, y1,color=‘#4F81BD‘,align=‘center‘, width=width, label=‘Amounts‘, linewidth=0)ax1.set_title(‘Amount of reporting UFO events by State ‘)ax1.set_xlim(-1, len(state))ax1.set_xticks(x_pos1)ax1.set_xticklabels(state, rotation = -90)ax1.set_ylabel(‘Amount‘)fig.savefig(‘ufo_state.jpg‘)plt.show()




4 UFO在哪些年份出现的次数较多?


# df_clean[‘Year‘].astype(int)s_year = df_clean.groupby(df_clean[‘Year‘].astype(int))[‘Event_Date‘].count()print(type(s_year))s_year.head()
<class ‘pandas.core.series.Series‘>Year1905    11910    21920    11925    11929    1Name: Event_Date, dtype: int64


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,20))# fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))# fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(12,8))# fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(18,4))year = s_year.indexy_pos = np.arange(len(year))x_value = http://www.mamicode.com/s_year.values"hljs-string" style="color: #dd1144;">‘#4F81BD‘,align=‘center‘, label=‘Amounts‘, linewidth=0)ax.set_title(‘Amount of reporting UFO events by Year ‘)ax.set_ylim(-0.5, len(year)-0.5)ax.set_yticks(y_pos)ax.set_yticklabels(year, rotation = 0, fontsize=6)ax.set_xlabel(‘Amount‘)plt.savefig(‘ufo_year.jpg‘)plt.show()




5 1997年以后的UFO事件分析

  • 通过上述分析可看出,1997年以前,报告发现UFO的事件相对较少,下面将针对1997年以后的情况进行分析
df_97 = df_clean[(df_clean[‘Year‘]>=1997)]df_97[‘Year‘] = df_97[‘Year‘].astype(int)# df_97.astype({‘Year‘:int})print(df_97.shape)print(df_97.head())
(86041, 13)             Event_Time  Event_Date  Year  Month   Day  Hour  Minute  0  2017-04-20T14:15:00Z  2017-04-20  2017    4.0  20.0  14.0    15.0   1  2017-04-20T04:56:00Z  2017-04-20  2017    4.0  20.0   4.0    56.0   2  2017-04-19T23:55:00Z  2017-04-19  2017    4.0  19.0  23.0    55.0   3  2017-04-19T23:50:00Z  2017-04-19  2017    4.0  19.0  23.0    50.0   4  2017-04-19T23:29:00Z  2017-04-19  2017    4.0  19.0  23.0    29.0            City State     Shape     Duration  0     Palmyra    NJ     Other    5 minutes   1  Bridgeview    IL     Light   20 seconds   2      Newton    AL  Triangle    5 seconds   3      Newton    AL  Triangle  5-6 minutes   4      Denver    CO     Light       1 hour                                                Summary  0    I observed an aircraft that seemed to look odd.   1  Bridgeview, IL, blue light.  ((anonymous report))   2                               Silent triangle UFO.   3  My friend and I stepped outside hoping to catc...   4  Moved slow but made quick turns staying and ci...                                              Event_URL  0  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133726.html  1  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133720.html  2  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133724.html  3  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133723.html  4  http://www.nuforc.org/webreports/133/S133721.html  


df_amount_year = df_97.groupby([‘Year‘, ‘State‘])[‘Event_Date‘].size().reset_index()df_amount_year.columns = [‘Year‘, ‘State‘, ‘Amount‘]print(df_amount_year.head())
   Year State  Amount0  1997    AB       61  1997    AK       52  1997    AL       83  1997    AR      104  1997    AZ     127
import seaborn as snsdf_pivot = df_amount_year.pivot_table(index=‘State‘, columns=‘Year‘, values=‘Amount‘)f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 15))cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(start = 1, rot = 3, gamma=0.8, as_cmap = True)sns.heatmap(df_pivot, cmap = cmap, linewidths = 0.05, ax = ax)ax.set_title(‘Amounts per State and Year since Year 1997‘)ax.set_xlabel(‘Year‘)ax.set_ylabel(‘State‘)ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)f.savefig(‘ufo_per_year_state.jpg‘)



  • 上图中,颜色越深的地方,表示UFO事件报告的次数越多。




