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cocos2dx 锁定30帧设置



// set FPS. the default value is 1.0/60 if you don‘t call this

pDirector->setAnimationInterval(1.0 / 30);



//private static long sAnimationInterval = (long) (1.0 / 60 * Cocos2dxRenderer.NANOSECONDSPERSECOND);

private static long sAnimationInterval = (long) (1.0 / 30 * Cocos2dxRenderer.NANOSECONDSPERSECOND);



public void onDrawFrame(final GL10 gl) {


* FPS controlling algorithm is not accurate, and it will slow down FPS

* on some devices. So comment FPS controlling code.


final long nowInNanoSeconds = System.nanoTime();

// should render a frame when onDrawFrame() is called or there is a

// "ghost"


final long afterRenderNano = System.nanoTime();

//final long interval = afterRenderNano - mLastTickInNanoSeconds - Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval;// afterRenderNano - nowInNanoSeconds;//nowInNanoSeconds - this.mLastTickInNanoSeconds;

final long interval = afterRenderNano - nowInNanoSeconds;

// fps controlling

if (interval < Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval) {

//Log.d("onDrawFrame", "Cancel frame" + interval + "/" +Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval);

try {

// because we render it before, so we should sleep twice time interval

Thread.sleep((Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval - interval) / Cocos2dxRenderer.NANOSECONDSPERMICROSECOND);

} catch (final Exception e) {




//this.mLastTickInNanoSeconds = nowInNanoSeconds;
