首页 > 代码库 > #英文#品读中国城市个性——走向国际化的古都


原生植物 indigenous plant

涮羊肉 instant-boiled lamb

寻求 have sought to

寄托了...的理想 capture the imagination of

群体特征 common personality traits

?消除个人特征 erase the inherited personality traits

仔细校订 detailed revisions

走向国际化的古都 a historic city looking forward

让人惊叹 startling

?在...上 in terms of

施展着他们的想象力 let their imagination run wild

适合,与...相一致 be in keeping with

?在合适的位置 in place

不难理解 That‘s not hard to understand

?标新立异的 unorthodox

(经济)腾飞 take off

盲从地 slavishly

以...命名? be named after

?现代生活设施 modern facilities

提供生活便利设施 provide the amenities

追赶世界潮流? keep up with the tides of global change

?活力,热情 vitality

被改造成? be converted into

结合现代与传统?? harmonize the modern and traditional
