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Binary Tree Postorder Traversal leetcode java
Given a binary tree, return the postorder traversal of its nodes‘ values.
For example:
Given binary tree {1,#,2,3}
1 2 / 3
return [3,2,1]
Note: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?
2 if(root==null)
3 return;
5 helper(root.left,re);
6 helper(root.right,re);
7 re.add(root.val);
8 }
9 public ArrayList<Integer> postorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
10 ArrayList<Integer> re = new ArrayList<Integer>();
11 if(root==null)
12 return re;
13 helper(root,re);
14 return re;
15 }
引用自Code ganker:http://blog.csdn.net/linhuanmars/article/details/22009351
“接下来是迭代的做法,本质就是用一个栈来模拟递归的过程,但是相比于Binary Tree Inorder Traversal和Binary Tree Preorder Traversal,后序遍历的情况就复杂多了。我们需要维护当前遍历的cur指针和前一个遍历的pre指针来追溯当前的情况(注意这里是遍历的指针,并不是真正按后序访问顺序的结点)。具体分为几种情况:
2 ArrayList<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>();
3 if(root == null)
4 return res;
5 LinkedList<TreeNode> stack = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();
6 stack.push(root);
7 TreeNode pre = null;
8 while(!stack.isEmpty()){
9 TreeNode cur = stack.peek();
10 if(pre==null || pre.left==cur || pre.right==cur){
11 if(cur.left!=null)
12 stack.push(cur.left);
13 else if(cur.right!=null)
14 stack.push(cur.right);
15 else
16 res.add(cur.val);
17 stack.pop();
18 }
19 else if(cur.left==pre && cur.right!=null){
20 stack.push(cur.right);
21 }else{
22 res.add(cur.val);
23 stack.pop();
24 }
25 pre = cur;
26 }
27 return res;
28 }