首页 > 代码库 > 公交车路线查询系统后台数据库设计--换乘算法改进与优化



1. “压缩”RouteT0











create view GRouteT0asselect     StartStopKey,    EndStopKey,    min(StopCount) as MinStopCount,    max(StopCount) as MaxStopCountfrom RouteT0group by StartStopKey,EndStopKey 




GInquiryT2/*查询站点@StartStops到站点@EndStops之间的二次换乘乘车路线,多个站点用‘/‘分开,结果以分组方式给出,如:exec InquiryT2 ‘站点1/站点2‘,‘站点3/站点4‘*/CREATE     proc GInquiryT2(    @StartStops varchar(2048),    @EndStops varchar(2048))asbegin    declare @ss_tab table(StopKey int)    declare @es_tab table(StopKey int)    insert @ss_tab     select distinct Stop.StopKey     from dbo.SplitString(@StartStops,/) sn,Stop    where sn.Value=Stop.StopName    insert @es_tab     select distinct Stop.StopKey     from dbo.SplitString(@EndStops,/) sn,Stop    where sn.Value=Stop.StopName    if(exists(select top 1 * from @ss_tab sst,@es_tab est where sst.StopKey=est.StopKey))    begin        raiserror (起点集和终点集中含有相同的站点,16,1)        return    end    declare @stops table(StopKey int)    insert @stops select StopKey from @ss_tab    insert @stops select StopKey from @es_tab    print ====================================================    print 筛选出第1段乘车路线    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --筛选出第1段乘车路线,保存到临时表#R1中    select *    into #R1    from GRouteT0    where         StartStopKey in (select StopKey from @ss_tab)        and EndStopKey not in (Select StopKey from @stops)    order by StartStopKey,EndStopKey    --在临时表#R1上创建索引    create index index1 on #R1(StartStopKey,EndStopKey)    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================    print 筛选出第3段乘车路线    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --筛选出第3段乘车路线,保存到临时表#R3中    select *    into #R3    from GRouteT0    where         EndStopKey in (select StopKey from @es_tab)        and StartStopKey not in (Select StopKey from @stops)    order by StartStopKey,EndStopKey    --在临时表上创建索引    create index index1 on #R3(StartStopKey,EndStopKey)    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================    print 筛选出第2段乘车路线    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on        ------------------------------------------------------------    --筛选出第2段乘车路线,保存到临时表#R2中    select *    into #R2    from GRouteT0    where         StartStopKey in (select EndStopKey from #R1)        and EndStopKey in (Select StartStopKey from #R3)    --在临时表上创建索引    create clustered index index1 on #R2(StartStopKey,EndStopKey)    create index index2 on #R2(EndStopKey,StartStopKey)    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================    print 二次换乘查询    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --二次换乘查询    select         ss.StopName as 起点,        dbo.JoinRoute(res.StartStopKey,res.TransStopKey1) as 路线1,        ts1.StopName as 中转站1,        dbo.JoinRoute(res.TransStopKey1,res.TransStopKey2) as 路线2,        ts2.StopName as 中转站2,        dbo.JoinRoute(res.TransStopKey2,res.EndStopKey) as 路线3,        es.StopName as 终点,        MinStopCount    from(            --查询出站点数最少的10组路线            select top 10                r1.StartStopKey as StartStopKey,                r2.StartStopKey as TransStopKey1,                r2.EndStopKey as TransStopKey2,                r3.EndStopKey as EndStopKey,                (r1.MinStopCount+r2.MinStopCount+r3.MinStopCount) as MinStopCount            from #R1 r1,#R2 r2,#R3 r3            where r1.EndStopKey=r2.StartStopKey and r2.EndStopKey=r3.StartStopKey            order by (r1.MinStopCount+r2.MinStopCount+r3.MinStopCount) asc        )res,        Stop ss,        Stop es,        Stop ts1,        Stop ts2    where        res.StartStopKey=ss.StopKey and        res.EndStopKey=es.StopKey and        res.TransStopKey1=ts1.StopKey and        res.TransStopKey2=ts2.StopKey    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================end 


(1) 测试环境


操作系统:Window XP SP2

    数据库:SQL Server 2000 SP4 个人版

    CPU:AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual 2.4GHz





select Stop.StopName as 站点,count(StartStopKey) #R1的数据量from RouteT0 full join Stop on RouteT0.StartStopKey=Stop.StopKeygroup by Stop.StopNameorder by count(StartStopKey) desc





exec GInquiryT2 ‘东圃镇‘,‘车陂路口‘








====================================================筛选出第1段乘车路线----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 458 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 10 毫秒,耗费时间 = 10 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。====================================================筛选出第3段乘车路线----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 449 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 9 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 1 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 15 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。====================================================筛选出第2段乘车路线----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 41644 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 825 毫秒,耗费时间 = 825 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 93 毫秒,耗费时间 = 98 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 93 毫秒,耗费时间 = 98 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 73 毫秒,耗费时间 = 73 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 79 毫秒,耗费时间 = 73 毫秒。====================================================二次换乘查询----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 10 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 140 毫秒,耗费时间 = 141 毫秒。







/*查询站点@StartStops到站点@EndStops之间的二次换乘乘车路线,多个站点用‘/‘分开,结果以分组方式给出,如:exec GInquiryT2_1 ‘站点1/站点2‘,‘站点3/站点4‘*/CREATE       proc GInquiryT2_1(    @StartStops varchar(2048),    @EndStops varchar(2048))asbegin    declare @ss_tab table(StopKey int)    declare @es_tab table(StopKey int)    insert @ss_tab     select distinct Stop.StopKey     from dbo.SplitString(@StartStops,/) sn,Stop    where sn.Value=Stop.StopName    insert @es_tab     select distinct Stop.StopKey     from dbo.SplitString(@EndStops,/) sn,Stop    where sn.Value=Stop.StopName    if(exists(select top 1 * from @ss_tab sst,@es_tab est where sst.StopKey=est.StopKey))    begin        raiserror (起点集和终点集中含有相同的站点,16,1)        return    end    declare @stops table(StopKey int)    insert @stops select StopKey from @ss_tab    insert @stops select StopKey from @es_tab    print ====================================================    print 筛选出第1段乘车路线    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --筛选出第1段乘车路线,保存到临时表#R1中    select *    into #R1    from GRouteT0    where         StartStopKey in (select StopKey from @ss_tab)        and EndStopKey not in (Select StopKey from @stops)    order by StartStopKey,EndStopKey    --在临时表#R1上创建索引    create index index1 on #R1(StartStopKey,EndStopKey)    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================    print 筛选出第3段乘车路线    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --筛选出第3段乘车路线,保存到临时表#R3中    select *    into #R3    from GRouteT0    where         EndStopKey in (select StopKey from @es_tab)        and StartStopKey not in (Select StopKey from @stops)    order by StartStopKey,EndStopKey    --在临时表上创建索引    create index index1 on #R3(StartStopKey,EndStopKey)    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================    print 二次换乘查询    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --二次换乘查询    select         ss.StopName as 起点,        dbo.JoinRoute(res.StartStopKey,res.TransStopKey1) as 路线1,        ts1.StopName as 中转站1,        dbo.JoinRoute(res.TransStopKey1,res.TransStopKey2) as 路线2,        ts2.StopName as 中转站2,        dbo.JoinRoute(res.TransStopKey2,res.EndStopKey) as 路线3,        es.StopName as 终点,        MinStopCount    from(            --查询出站点数最少的10组路线            select top 10                r1.StartStopKey as StartStopKey,                r2.StartStopKey as TransStopKey1,                r2.EndStopKey as TransStopKey2,                r3.EndStopKey as EndStopKey,                (r1.MinStopCount+r2.MinStopCount+r3.MinStopCount) as MinStopCount            from #R1 r1,GRouteT0 r2,#R3 r3            where r1.EndStopKey=r2.StartStopKey and r2.EndStopKey=r3.StartStopKey            order by (r1.MinStopCount+r2.MinStopCount+r3.MinStopCount) asc        )res,        Stop ss,        Stop es,        Stop ts1,        Stop ts2    where        res.StartStopKey=ss.StopKey and        res.EndStopKey=es.StopKey and        res.TransStopKey1=ts1.StopKey and        res.TransStopKey2=ts2.StopKey    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================end



exec GInquiryT2_1 ‘东圃镇‘,‘车陂路口‘ 


====================================================筛选出第1段乘车路线----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 458 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 3 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。====================================================筛选出第3段乘车路线----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 449 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 6 毫秒,耗费时间 = 6 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。====================================================二次换乘查询----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 10 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 250 毫秒,耗费时间 = 253 毫秒。====================================================




CREATE   proc GInquiryT2_Expand(    @StartStops varchar(2048),    @EndStops varchar(2048))asbegin    declare @ss_tab table(StopKey int)    declare @es_tab table(StopKey int)    insert @ss_tab     select distinct Stop.StopKey     from dbo.SplitString(@StartStops,/) sn,Stop    where sn.Value=Stop.StopName    insert @es_tab     select distinct Stop.StopKey     from dbo.SplitString(@EndStops,/) sn,Stop    where sn.Value=Stop.StopName    if(exists(select top 1 * from @ss_tab sst,@es_tab est where sst.StopKey=est.StopKey))    begin        raiserror (起点集和终点集中含有相同的站点,16,1)        return    end    declare @stops table(StopKey int)    insert @stops select StopKey from @ss_tab    insert @stops select StopKey from @es_tab    print ====================================================    print 筛选出第1段乘车路线    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --筛选出第1段乘车路线,保存到临时表#R1中    select *    into #R1    from GRouteT0    where         StartStopKey in (select StopKey from @ss_tab)        and EndStopKey not in (Select StopKey from @stops)    order by StartStopKey,EndStopKey    --在临时表#R1上创建索引    create index index1 on #R1(StartStopKey,EndStopKey)    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================    print 筛选出第3段乘车路线    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --筛选出第3段乘车路线,保存到临时表#R3中    select *    into #R3    from GRouteT0    where         EndStopKey in (select StopKey from @es_tab)        and StartStopKey not in (Select StopKey from @stops)    order by StartStopKey,EndStopKey    --在临时表上创建索引    create index index1 on #R3(StartStopKey,EndStopKey)    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================    print 二次换乘查询    print ----------------------------------------------------    set statistics time on    ------------------------------------------------------------    --二次换乘查询    select         ss.StopName as 起点,        r1.RouteName as 路线 1,        ts1.StopName as 中转站1,        r2.RouteName as 路线 2,        ts2.StopName as 中转站2,        r3.RouteName as 路线 3,        es.StopName as 终点,         res.StopCount as 总站点数    from(            --展开最优 10 组路线 得到最短 10 条路线            select top 10                res.StartStopKey as StartStopKey,                rt1.RouteKey as RouteKey_SS_TS1,                res.TransStopKey1 as TransStopKey1,                rt2.RouteKey as RouteKey_TS1_TS2,                res.TransStopKey2 as TransStopKey2,                rt3.RouteKey as RouteKey_TS2_ES,                res.EndStopKey as EndStopkey,                (rt1.StopCount+rt2.StopCount+rt3.StopCount) as StopCount            from(                    --查询出站点数最少的 10 组路线                    select top 10                        r1.StartStopKey as StartStopKey,                        r2.StartStopKey as TransStopKey1,                        r2.EndStopKey as TransStopKey2,                        r3.EndStopKey as EndStopKey,                        (r1.MinStopCount+r2.MinStopCount+r3.MinStopCount) as MinStopCount                    from #R1 r1,GRouteT0 r2,#R3 r3                    where r1.EndStopKey=r2.StartStopKey and r2.EndStopKey=r3.StartStopKey                    order by (r1.MinStopCount+r2.MinStopCount+r3.MinStopCount) asc                )res,                RouteT0 rt1,                RouteT0 rt2,                RouteT0 rt3            where                 rt1.StartStopKey=res.StartStopKey and rt1.EndStopKey=res.TransStopKey1 and                rt2.StartStopKey=res.TransStopKey1 and rt2.EndStopKey=res.TransStopKey2 and                rt3.StartStopKey=res.TransStopKey2 and rt3.EndStopKey=res.EndStopKey            order by (rt1.StopCount+rt2.StopCount+rt3.StopCount) asc        )res        left join Stop ss on res.StartStopKey=ss.StopKey        left join Stop es on res.EndStopKey=es.StopKey        left join Stop ts1 on res.TransStopKey1=ts1.StopKey        left join Stop ts2 on res.TransStopKey2=ts2.StopKey        left join Route r1 on res.RouteKey_SS_TS1=r1.RouteKey        left join Route r2 on res.RouteKey_TS1_TS2=r2.RouteKey        left join Route r3 on res.RouteKey_TS2_ES=r3.RouteKey    ------------------------------------------------------------    set statistics time off    print ====================================================end


exec GInquiryT2_Expand ‘东圃镇‘,‘车陂路口‘



====================================================筛选出第1段乘车路线----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 458 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 3 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。====================================================筛选出第3段乘车路线----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 449 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 6 毫秒,耗费时间 = 6 毫秒。SQL Server 分析和编译时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 1 毫秒。====================================================二次换乘查询----------------------------------------------------SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 0 毫秒,耗费时间 = 0 毫秒。(所影响的行数为 10 行)SQL Server 执行时间:    CPU 时间 = 282 毫秒,耗费时间 = 301 毫秒。====================================================











