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#include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>#include <string.h>#include <time.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string>#include <bitset>#include <vector>#include <set>#include <map>#include <queue>#include <algorithm>#include <sstream>#include <stack>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;#define pb push_back#define mp make_pairtypedef pair<int,int> pii;typedef long long ll;typedef double ld;typedef vector<int> vi;#define fi first#define se second#define fe first#define FO(x) {freopen(#x".in","r",stdin);freopen(#x".out","w",stdout);}#define Edg int M=0,fst[SZ],vb[SZ],nxt[SZ];void ad_de(int a,int b){++M;nxt[M]=fst[a];fst[a]=M;vb[M]=b;}void adde(int a,int b){ad_de(a,b);ad_de(b,a);}#define Edgc int M=0,fst[SZ],vb[SZ],nxt[SZ],vc[SZ];void ad_de(int a,int b,int c){++M;nxt[M]=fst[a];fst[a]=M;vb[M]=b;vc[M]=c;}void adde(int a,int b,int c){ad_de(a,b,c);ad_de(b,a,c);}#define es(x,e) (int e=fst[x];e;e=nxt[e])#define esb(x,e,b) (int e=fst[x],b=vb[e];e;e=nxt[e],b=vb[e])#define VIZ {printf("digraph G{\n"); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) for es(i,e) printf("%d->%d;\n",i,vb[e]); puts("}");}#define VIZ2 {printf("graph G{\n"); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) for es(i,e) if(vb[e]>=i)printf("%d--%d;\n",i,vb[e]); puts("}");}#define SZ 666666template<class T>inline T dw();template<>inline ll dw<ll>() {return 1;}template<>inline int dw<int>() {return 1;}typedef pair<ll,ll> pll;ll pll_s;inline pll mul(pll a,pll b,ll p){    pll ans;    ans.fi=a.fi*b.fi%p+a.se*b.se%p*pll_s%p;    ans.se=a.fi*b.se%p+a.se*b.fi%p;    ans.fi%=p; ans.se%=p;    return ans;}inline ll mul(ll a,ll b,ll c){return a*b%c;}//a^b mod ctemplate<class T>T qp(T a,ll b,ll c){    T ans=dw<T>();    while(b)    {        if(b&1) ans=mul(ans,a,c);        a=mul(a,a,c); b>>=1;    }    return ans;}inline ll ll_rnd(){    ll ans=0;    for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)        ans=ans*32768+rand();    if(ans<0) ans=-ans;    return ans;}//(x,y) -> x+sqrt(pll_s)*ytemplate<>inline pll dw<pll>() {return pll(1,0);}//find (possibly) one root of x^2 mod p=a//correctness need to be checkedll sqr(ll a,ll p){    if(!a) return 0;    if(p==2) return 1;    ll w,q;    while(1)    {        w=ll_rnd()%p;        q=w*w-a;        q=(q%p+p)%p;        if(qp(q,(p-1)/2,p)!=1)            break;    }    pll_s=q;    pll rst=qp(pll(w,1),(p+1)/2,p);    ll ans=rst.fi; ans=(ans%p+p)%p;    return ans;}//solve x^2 mod p=avector<ll> all_sqr(ll a,ll p){    vector<ll> vec;    a=(a%p+p)%p;    if(!a) {vec.pb(0); return vec;}    ll g=sqr(a,p);    ll g2=(p-g)%p;    if(g>g2) swap(g,g2);    if(g*g%p==a) vec.pb(g);    if(g2*g2%p==a&&g!=g2) vec.pb(g2);    return vec;}ll s3_a;//f0+f1*x+f2*x^2 (for x^3=s3_a)struct s3{    ll s[3];    s3() {s[0]=s[1]=s[2]=0;}    s3(ll* p) {s[0]=p[0]; s[1]=p[1]; s[2]=p[2];}    s3(ll a,ll b,ll c) {s[0]=a; s[1]=b; s[2]=c;}};template<>s3 dw<s3>() {return s3(1,0,0);}s3 rs3(ll p){    return s3(ll_rnd()%p,ll_rnd()%p,ll_rnd()%p);}s3 mul(s3 a,s3 b,ll p){    ll k[3]={};    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)    {        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)        {            if(i+j<3) k[i+j]+=a.s[i]*b.s[j]%p;            else k[i+j-3]+=a.s[i]*b.s[j]%p*s3_a%p;        }    }    for(int i=0;i<3;i++) k[i]%=p;    return s3(k[0],k[1],k[2]);}//solve x^3 mod p=avector<ll> all_cr(ll a,ll p){    vector<ll> vec;    a=(a%p+p)%p;    if(!a) {vec.pb(0); return vec;}    if(p<=3)    {        for(int i=0;i<p;i++)        {            if(i*i*i%p==a) vec.pb(i);        }        return vec;    }    if(p%3==2)    {        vec.pb(qp(a,(p*2-1)/3,p));        return vec;    }    if(qp(a,(p-1)/3,p)!=1) return vec;    ll l=(sqr(p-3,p)-1)*qp(2LL,p-2,p)%p,x;    s3_a=a;    while(1)    {        s3 u=rs3(p);        s3 v=qp(u,(p-1)/3,p);        if(v.s[1]&&!v.s[0]&&!v.s[2])        {x=qp(v.s[1],p-2,p); break;}    }    x=(x%p+p)%p;    vec.pb(x); vec.pb(x*l%p); vec.pb(x*l%p*l%p);    sort(vec.begin(),vec.end());    return vec;}map<ll,ll> gg;ll yss[2333]; int yyn=0;//find x‘s primitive rootinline ll org_root(ll x){    ll& pos=gg[x];    if(pos) return pos;    yyn=0; ll xp=x-1;    for(ll i=2;i*i<=xp;i++)    {        if(xp%i) continue;        yss[++yyn]=i;        while(xp%i==0) xp/=i;    }    if(xp!=1) yss[++yyn]=xp;    ll ans=1;    while(1)    {        bool ok=1;        for(int i=1;i<=yyn;i++)        {            ll y=yss[i];            if(qp(ans,(x-1)/y,x)==1) {ok=0; break;}        }        if(ok) return pos=ans;        ++ans;    }}map<ll,int> bsgs_mp;//find smallest x: a^x mod p=bll bsgs(ll a,ll b,ll p){    if(b==0) return 1;    map<ll,int>& ma=bsgs_mp;    ma.clear();    //only /2.5 for speed...    ll hf=sqrt(p)/2.5+2,cur=b;    for(int i=0;i<hf;i++)        ma[cur]=i+1, cur=cur*a%p;    ll qwq=1,qh=qp(a,hf,p);    for(int i=0;;i++)    {        if(i)        {            if(ma.count(qwq))                return i*hf-(ma[qwq]-1);        }        qwq=qwq*(ll)qh%p;    }    return 1e18;}//ax+by=1void exgcd(ll a,ll b,ll& x,ll& y){    if(b==0) {x=1; y=0; return;}    exgcd(b,a%b,x,y);    ll p=x-a/b*y; x=y; y=p;}template<class T>T gcd(T a,T b) {if(b) return gcd(b,a%b); return a;}//solve x^a mod p=bvector<ll> kr(ll a,ll b,ll p){    vector<ll> rst;    if(!b) {rst.pb(0); return rst;}    ll g=org_root(p);    ll pb=bsgs(g,b,p);    ll b1=a,b2=p-1,c=pb;    ll gg=gcd(b1,b2);    if(c%gg) return rst;    b1/=gg, b2/=gg, c/=gg;    ll x1,x2; exgcd(b1,b2,x1,x2);    x1*=c; x1=(x1%b2+b2)%b2;    ll cs=qp(g,x1,p),ec=qp(g,b2,p);    for(ll cur=x1;cur<p-1;cur+=b2)        rst.pb(cs), cs=cs*ec%p;    sort(rst.begin(),rst.end());    return rst;}





我们要解x^a mod p=b,p是个质数,那么p就有原根g。

考虑两边对原根g取log,设g^r=b,r可以用bsgs求出来,那么我们就是要求s*a mod (p-1)=r,那么x就等于g^s。


