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Linked List Cycle II


Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.

Follow up:
Can you solve it without using extra space?




ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {      if(head==NULL) return NULL;      ListNode*pre=head,*next=head->next;      //找出环中的一个节点      while(next){        if(pre==next){          break;        }        next=next->next;        if(next&&pre==next){          break;        }        if(next) next=next->next;        pre=pre->next;      }      if(!next) return NULL;      ListNode*temp=head;      if(temp==pre) return head;      next=next->next;      while(temp!=pre){        while(temp!=next->next&&next!=pre){          next=next->next;        }        if(temp==next->next) return temp;        temp=temp->next;      }    }


bool find(ListNode *head, ListNode *testpNode){  ListNode*temp=head;  while(temp!=testpNode->next){    if(temp==testpNode)//关键点在这里      return false;    temp=temp->next;  }  return true;}ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {  if(head == NULL)      return NULL;  ListNode *cur = head;  while(cur != NULL)  {      if(find(head, cur))          return cur->next;      cur = cur->next;  }  return NULL;}

我去,时间复杂度是O(n2),OJ给了一个Time Limit Exceeded。伤心我也。


ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {      if(head == NULL||head->next==NULL) return NULL;      ListNode*slow=head->next,*fast=head->next->next;      while(fast){        if(slow==fast) break;        slow=slow->next;        fast=fast->next;        if(fast) fast=fast->next;      }      if(!fast) return NULL;      fast=head;      while(fast!=slow){        fast=fast->next;        slow=slow->next;      }      return slow;  }
