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数论 : 高精度 --- UVa 10183 : How Many Fibs ?

How many Fibs? 



Recall the definition of the Fibonacci numbers: 
f1 := 1 
f2 := 2
fn := f
 + f

Given two numbers a and b, calculate how many Fibonacci numbers are in the range [a,b].


The input contains several test cases. Each test case consists of two non-negative integer numbers a and b. Input is terminated by a=b=0. Otherwise, a<=b<=10100. The numbers a and b are given with no superfluous leading zeros.


For each test case output on a single line the number of Fibonacci numbers fi with a<=fi<=b.

Sample Input

10 1001234567890 98765432100 0

Sample Output








Time complexity:O(n)


Source code:


/*                   _ooOoo_                  o8888888o                  88" . "88                  (| -_- |)                  O\  =  /O               ____/`---‘\____             .‘  \\|     |//  `.            /  \\|||  :  |||//             /  _||||| -:- |||||-             |   | \\\  -  /// |   |           | \_|  ‘‘\---/‘‘  |   |           \  .-\__  `-`  ___/-. /         ___`. .‘  /--.--\  `. . __      ."" ‘<  `.___\_<|>_/___.‘  >‘"".     | | :  `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | |     \  \ `-.   \_ __\ /__ _/   .-` /  /======`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-‘======                   `=---=‘^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.............................................              佛祖镇楼                  BUG辟易        佛曰:              写字楼里写字间,写字间里程序员;              程序人员写程序,又拿程序换酒钱。              酒醒只在网上坐,酒醉还来网下眠;              酒醉酒醒日复日,网上网下年复年。              但愿老死电脑间,不愿鞠躬老板前;              奔驰宝马贵者趣,公交自行程序员。              别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑自己命太贱;              不见满街漂亮妹,哪个归得程序员?  *///Memory   Time// 1347K   0MS// by : Snarl_jsb#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<iostream>#include<vector>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<map>#include<string>#include<climits>#include<cmath>#define MAX 1100#define LL long longusing namespace std;vector<string> fibs;string fibs_add(string f1,string f2){    string buff;    int carry=0,len1=f1.length(),len2=f2.length();    for(int i=0;i<len1;i++)    {        carry=(f1[i]-‘0‘)+(f2[i]-‘0‘)+carry;        char c=carry%10+‘0‘;        carry/=10;        buff.push_back(c);    }    for(int i=len1;i<len2;i++)    {        carry=(f2[i]-‘0‘)+carry;        char c=carry%10+‘0‘;        carry/=10;        buff.push_back(c);    }    if(carry)        buff.push_back(‘1‘);    return buff;}void fill_fibs(){    string f1,f2;    f1.push_back(‘1‘);    f2.push_back(‘1‘);    fibs.push_back(f1);    fibs.push_back(f2);    while(f2.length()<105)    {        string tmp=fibs_add(f1,f2);        f1=f2;        f2=tmp;        fibs.push_back(f2);    }    fibs[0]="0";    int Size=fibs.size();    for(int i=0;i<Size;i++)        reverse(fibs[i].begin(),fibs[i].end());}int main(){//    freopen("C:\\Users\\ASUS\\Desktop\\cout.txt","w",stdout);//    freopen("C:\\Users\\ASUS\\Desktop\\cout.txt","w",stdout);    fill_fibs();    string sta,en;    while(cin>>sta>>en,sta[0]-‘0‘||en[0]-‘0‘)    {        int i=1,ans=0;        while(1)        {            if(fibs[i].length()>sta.length()) break;            else if(fibs[i].length()==sta.length()&&fibs[i]>=sta) break;            i++;        }        while(1)        {           if(fibs[i]==en) {ans++;break;}           if(fibs[i].length() > en.length())  break;           else if(fibs[i].length() == en.length() && fibs[i]>en) break;           i++;           ans++;        }        cout<<ans<<endl;    }    return 0;}


数论 : 高精度 --- UVa 10183 : How Many Fibs ?