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‘‘‘   pygame.FULLSCREEN    create a fullscreen display   pygame.DOUBLEBUF     recommended for HWSURFACE or OPENGL   pygame.HWSURFACE     hardware accelerated, only in FULLSCREEN   pygame.OPENGL        create an opengl renderable display   pygame.RESIZABLE     display window should be sizeable   pygame.NOFRAME       display window will have no border or controls‘‘‘




 1 #pygame fullscreen 2  3 import os, pygame 4 from pygame.locals import * 5 from sys import exit 6  7 ‘‘‘ 8 pygame.display.set_mode(): 9    pygame.FULLSCREEN    create a fullscreen display10    pygame.DOUBLEBUF     recommended for HWSURFACE or OPENGL11    pygame.HWSURFACE     hardware accelerated, only in FULLSCREEN12    pygame.OPENGL        create an opengl renderable display13    pygame.RESIZABLE     display window should be sizeable14    pygame.NOFRAME       display window will have no border or controls15 ‘‘‘16 17 __author__ = {‘name‘ : ‘Hongten‘,18               ‘mail‘ : ‘hongtenzone@foxmail.com‘,19               ‘blog‘ : ‘http://www.cnblogs.com/hongten‘,20               ‘Version‘ : ‘1.0‘}21 22 BG_IMAGE = ‘bg.png‘23 SCREEN_DEFAULT_SIZE = (500, 500)24 pygame.init()25 26 #create the image path27 bg_path = os.path.join(‘data‘, BG_IMAGE)28 if not os.path.exists(bg_path):29     print(‘The BackGround Image does not exist!‘)30 31 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_DEFAULT_SIZE, 0, 32)32 bg = pygame.image.load(bg_path).convert()33 34 #full screen flag35 full_screen = False36 37 while 1:38     for event in pygame.event.get():39         if event.type == QUIT:40             exit()41         if event.type == KEYDOWN:42             #when press the ‘f‘,then change the screen display model43             if event.key == K_f:44                 full_screen = not full_screen45                 if full_screen:46                     print(‘Open the Fullscreen model!‘)47                 else:48                     print(‘Open the Default model!‘)49             if full_screen:50                 #full screen display model51                 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_DEFAULT_SIZE, FULLSCREEN, 32)52             else:53                 #default model54                 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_DEFAULT_SIZE, 0, 32)55 56         screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))57         pygame.display.update()

