首页 > 代码库 > 文件的合并排序与文件分割






  1 import java.io.BufferedReader;  2 import java.io.BufferedWriter;  3 import java.io.File;  4 import java.io.FileInputStream;  5 import java.io.FileOutputStream;  6 import java.io.FileReader;  7 import java.io.FileWriter;  8 import java.io.IOException;  9 import java.io.InputStreamReader; 10 import java.io.LineNumberReader; 11 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; 12 import java.util.ArrayList; 13 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; 14  15 /** 16  * 假定个文件内的数据有序 17  *  18  * @author zsm 19  * @date 2017年3月9日 下午2:50:26 20  */ 21 public class Main_MultiFileMergeSort { 22  23     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 24         // TODO Auto-generated method stub 25         if (args.length == 4 && Integer.parseInt(args[0]) == 1) {// merge sort 26             int threadNum = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); 27             String fileParentPath = args[2]; 28             String containedStr = args[3]; 29  30             FileSort fileSort = new FileSort(true); 31             System.out.println("file mergeing..."); 32             long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 33  34             String resultFileName = fileSort.mergeSort(threadNum, fileParentPath, containedStr); 35  36             System.out.println("done.time used:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); 37             System.out.println("resultFileName: " + resultFileName + ", is sorted correct: " 38                     + FileSort.isAscendingOrder(fileParentPath, resultFileName)); 39         } else if (args.length == 4 && Integer.parseInt(args[0]) == 2) {// file split 40             String fileParentPath = args[1]; 41             String srcFileName = args[2]; 42             int splitedFileNum = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); 43  44             System.out.println("file spliting..."); 45             long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 46  47             FileSort.splitFile(fileParentPath, srcFileName, false, splitedFileNum); 48  49             System.out.println("done.time used:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); 50         } else { 51             System.out.println("\n*************"); 52             System.out.println("arguments of merge sort operation: 1  threadNum  fileParentPath  containedStr"); 53             System.out.println("arguments of file split operation: 2  fileParentPath  srcFileName  splitedFileNum"); 54             System.out.println("*************\n"); 55         } 56     } 57  58     public static void fileSplitTest() { 59         String parentPath = "F:/"; 60         System.out.println("file spliting..."); 61         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 62  63         FileSort.splitFile(parentPath, "17915_main_acttmp.txt", false, 10); 64  65         System.out.println("done.time used:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); 66     } 67  68     public static void fileSortTest() throws IOException { 69         String parentPath = "F:/2016-11-10"; 70  71         FileSort fileSort = new FileSort(true); 72         System.out.println("file mergeing..."); 73         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 74  75         String resultFileName = fileSort.mergeSort(4, parentPath, "gps.txt"); 76  77         System.out.println("done.time used:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); 78         System.out.println("resultFileName: " + resultFileName + ", is sorted correct: " 79                 + FileSort.isAscendingOrder(parentPath, resultFileName)); 80     } 81 } 82  83 class FileSort { 84     /** 85      * 是否删除排序过程产生的临时文件 86      */ 87     private boolean isDeleteIntermediateFile; 88  89     /** 90      * 以唯一的数字来作为中间文件的文件名,数字的初始值 91      */ 92     private AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); 93  94     public FileSort(boolean isDeleteIntermediateFile) { 95         this.isDeleteIntermediateFile = isDeleteIntermediateFile; 96     } 97  98     /** 99      * 将给定的两个文件合并.<br>100      * 为了在得到合并结果后删除中间产生的文件时不至于把原始文件也删掉,通过文件名来区别:中间产生的文件的名字包含"_acttmpf",因此原始数据文件不能包含该字符串101      * 102      * @return 合并后的文件名103      */104     public String mergeSort(String fileParentPath, String srcFileName1, String srcFileName2) {105         String strForIdentifyIntermediateFile = "_acttmpf";106         String tmpOutPutFileName = count.getAndIncrement() + "_" + Thread.currentThread().getName()107                 + strForIdentifyIntermediateFile + ".txt";108         try {109             String tmpOutPutFilePath = fileParentPath + "/" + tmpOutPutFileName;110             File file1 = new File(fileParentPath + "/" + srcFileName1);111             File file2 = new File(fileParentPath + "/" + srcFileName2);112 113             BufferedReader file1BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file1)));114             BufferedReader file2BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file2)));115             BufferedWriter tmpOutFile = new BufferedWriter(116                     new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tmpOutPutFilePath)));117             // System.out.println("tmpFile:" + tmpOutPutFilePath);118 119             String tmpTitle, tmpStr1, tmpStr2;120             String[] tmpSplitStrs;121             int tmpGpstime1, tmpGpstime2;122             tmpTitle = file1BufferedReader.readLine();// 去掉表头,下同123             file2BufferedReader.readLine();124             writeLine(tmpOutFile, tmpTitle);125 126             tmpStr1 = file1BufferedReader.readLine();127             tmpStr2 = file2BufferedReader.readLine();128             do {129                 if (tmpStr1 == null || tmpStr2 == null) {130                     break;131                 } else {132                     tmpSplitStrs = tmpStr1.split(",");133                     tmpGpstime1 = Integer.parseInt(tmpSplitStrs[tmpSplitStrs.length - 1]);134                     tmpSplitStrs = tmpStr2.split(",");135                     tmpGpstime2 = Integer.parseInt(tmpSplitStrs[tmpSplitStrs.length - 1]);136                     if (tmpGpstime1 < tmpGpstime2) {137                         writeLine(tmpOutFile, tmpStr1);138                         tmpStr1 = file1BufferedReader.readLine();139                     } else {140                         writeLine(tmpOutFile, tmpStr2);141                         tmpStr2 = file2BufferedReader.readLine();142                     }143                 }144             } while (true);145             if (tmpStr1 != null) {146                 do {147                     writeLine(tmpOutFile, tmpStr1);148                     tmpStr1 = file1BufferedReader.readLine();149                 } while (tmpStr1 != null);150             }151             if (tmpStr2 != null) {152                 do {153                     writeLine(tmpOutFile, tmpStr2);154                     tmpStr2 = file2BufferedReader.readLine();155                 } while (tmpStr2 != null);156             }157 158             file1BufferedReader.close();159             file2BufferedReader.close();160             tmpOutFile.close();161 162             if (isDeleteIntermediateFile) {163                 // 删除中间产生的文件164                 if ((srcFileName1.indexOf(strForIdentifyIntermediateFile) != -1) && file1.exists()) {165                     file1.delete();166                 }167                 if ((srcFileName2.indexOf(strForIdentifyIntermediateFile) != -1) && file2.exists()) {168                     file2.delete();169                 }170             }171 172         } catch (IOException e) {173             // TODO Auto-generated catch block174             e.printStackTrace();175         }176         return tmpOutPutFileName;177     }178 179     /**180      * 将给定的多个文件合并181      * 182      * @param fileParentPath183      *            被排序文件所在目录的路径184      * @param fileNameList185      *            文件名数组186      * @param posStart187      * @param posEnd188      *            文件名数组中[posStart,posEnd]间的文件才会参与合并排序189      * @return 最终排好序的文件的文件名190      */191     public String mergeSort(String fileParentPath, String[] fileNameList, int posStart, int posEnd) {192         if (fileNameList == null || posStart < 0 || posEnd >= fileNameList.length || posStart > posEnd) {193             System.err.println("error:one of the following condition is satified:");194             System.err195                     .println("fileNameList == null || posStart<0 || posEnd >= fileNameList.length || posStart>posEnd");196             return null;197         } else if (posEnd - posStart == 0) {// 对一个文件排序198             return fileNameList[posStart];199         } else if (posEnd - posStart == 1) {// 对两个文件排序200             return mergeSort(fileParentPath, fileNameList[posStart], fileNameList[posEnd]);201         } else {202             int posMid = (posStart + posEnd) / 2;203             String srcFileName1 = mergeSort(fileParentPath, fileNameList, posStart, posMid);204             String srcFileName2 = mergeSort(fileParentPath, fileNameList, posMid + 1, posEnd);205             return mergeSort(fileParentPath, srcFileName1, srcFileName2);206         }207     }208 209     /**210      * 对给定目录的所有文件进行合并排序,要求该目录下都为文件,不能有目录211      * 212      * @param fileParentPath213      *            被排序文件所在目录的路径214      * @return 最终排好序的文件的文件名215      */216     public String mergeSort(String fileParentPath) {217         File[] fileList = new File(fileParentPath).listFiles();218         String[] fileNameList = new String[fileList.length];219         System.out.println(fileNameList.length + " files in " + fileParentPath);220         for (int i = 0; i < fileNameList.length; i++) {221             fileNameList[i] = fileList[i].getName();222             // System.out.println(fileNameList[i]);223         }224         return mergeSort(fileParentPath, fileNameList, 0, fileNameList.length - 1);225     }226 227     /**228      * 对文件名能被正则条件匹配的文件进行排序229      * 230      * @param fileParentPath231      *            被排序文件所在目录的路径232      * @param containedStr233      *            文件名包含此字符串的文件才会加入排序234      * @return 最终排好序的文件的文件名235      */236     public String mergeSort(String fileParentPath, String containedStr) {237         String[] fileNameList = getMatchedFileNames(fileParentPath, containedStr);238         return mergeSort(fileParentPath, fileNameList, 0, fileNameList.length - 1);239     }240 241     /**242      * 用多线程对文件名能被正则条件匹配的文件进行排序243      * 244      * @param threadNum245      *            线程数246      * @param fileParentPath247      *            被排序文件所在目录的路径248      * @param containedStr249      *            文件名包含此字符串的文件才会加入排序250      * @return 最终排好序的文件的文件名251      */252     public String mergeSort(int threadNum, String fileParentPath, String containedStr) {253 254         String[] fileNameList = getMatchedFileNames(fileParentPath, containedStr);255 256         if (threadNum > 1 && fileNameList.length > 2) {// 待合并文件至少3个且线程数至少2个时才用多线程257             // 分多个线程进行合并258             SortThread[] sortThread = new SortThread[threadNum];259             int fileCountPerThread = fileNameList.length / threadNum;260             int tmpPosStart, tmpPosEnd;261             for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {262                 tmpPosStart = i * fileCountPerThread;263                 tmpPosEnd = (i == threadNum - 1) ? (fileNameList.length - 1) : (tmpPosStart + fileCountPerThread - 1);264                 sortThread[i] = new SortThread(isDeleteIntermediateFile, fileParentPath, fileNameList, tmpPosStart,265                         tmpPosEnd);266                 sortThread[i].start();267             }268             // 等各线程操作完成269             for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {270                 try {271                     sortThread[i].join();272                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {273                     // TODO Auto-generated catch block274                     e.printStackTrace();275                 }276             }277             // 获得每个线程合并成的文件名278             fileNameList = new String[threadNum];279             for (int i = 0; i < threadNum; i++) {280                 fileNameList[i] = sortThread[i].getResultFileName();281             }282         }283 284         // 将每个线程合并产生的文件合并285         return mergeSort(fileParentPath, fileNameList, 0, fileNameList.length - 1);286     }287 288     class SortThread extends Thread {289         private boolean isDeleteIntermediateFile;290         private String fileParentPath;291         private String[] fileNameList;292         private int posStart;293         private int posEnd;294 295         private String resultFileName;296 297         public SortThread(boolean isDeleteIntermediateFile, String fileParentPath, String[] fileNameList, int posStart,298                 int posEnd) {299             super();300             this.isDeleteIntermediateFile = isDeleteIntermediateFile;301             this.fileParentPath = fileParentPath;302             this.fileNameList = fileNameList;303             this.posStart = posStart;304             this.posEnd = posEnd;305         }306 307         @Override308         public void run() {309             // TODO Auto-generated method stub310             System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": [" + posStart + "," + posEnd + "]");311             this.resultFileName = (new FileSort(isDeleteIntermediateFile)).mergeSort(fileParentPath, fileNameList,312                     posStart, posEnd);313         }314 315         public String getResultFileName() {316             return this.resultFileName;317         }318     }319 320     private String[] getMatchedFileNames(String fileParentPath, String containedStr) {321         // 获取匹配到的文件322         File[] fileList = new File(fileParentPath).listFiles();323         ArrayList<String> selectedFileNameList = new ArrayList<>();324         String tmpFileName;325         for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {326             tmpFileName = fileList[i].getName();327             if (fileList[i].isFile() && (tmpFileName.indexOf(containedStr) != -1)) {328                 // System.out.println(tmpFileName);329                 selectedFileNameList.add(tmpFileName);330             }331         }332         System.out.println(selectedFileNameList.size() + " files in " + fileParentPath);333         if (selectedFileNameList.size() == 0) {334             System.err.println("no file matched in " + fileParentPath);335         }336         // 得到要进行合并排序的文件列表337         String[] fileNameList = new String[selectedFileNameList.size()];338         for (int i = 0; i < fileNameList.length; i++) {339             fileNameList[i] = selectedFileNameList.get(i);340         }341         return fileNameList;342     }343 344     private void writeLine(BufferedWriter bufferedWriter, String msg) throws IOException {345         bufferedWriter.write(msg + "\n");346     }347 348     /**349      * 判断文件记录是否按gps时间升序排350      */351     public static boolean isAscendingOrder(String fileParentPath, String fileName) throws IOException {352         if (fileParentPath == null || fileName == null) {353             return true;354         }355         BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(356                 new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileParentPath + "/" + fileName)));357         String tmpStr;358         String[] tmpSplitStrs;359         int lastGpstime, curGpstime;360         tmpStr = file.readLine();// 略过表头361         tmpStr = file.readLine();// 读第一行362 363         if (tmpStr == null) {364             return false;365         }366 367         tmpSplitStrs = tmpStr.split(",");368         lastGpstime = Integer.parseInt(tmpSplitStrs[tmpSplitStrs.length - 1]);369         while ((tmpStr = file.readLine()) != null) {370             tmpSplitStrs = tmpStr.split(",");371             curGpstime = Integer.parseInt(tmpSplitStrs[tmpSplitStrs.length - 1]);372             if (lastGpstime > curGpstime) {373                 return false;374             } else {375                 lastGpstime = curGpstime;376             }377         }378         return true;379     }380 381     /**382      * 文件分裂成多个383      */384     public static void splitFile(String fileParentPath, String srcFileName, boolean isDeleteSrcFile,385             int splitedFileNum) {386         if (splitedFileNum < 1) {387             System.err.println("splitedFileNum " + splitedFileNum + " is less than 1");388             return;389         }390         File srcFile = new File(fileParentPath + "/" + srcFileName);391         // 获取总行数392         try {393             int srcFileLines = getFileLines(srcFile);394             if (srcFileLines < splitedFileNum) {395                 System.out.println("splitedFileNum " + splitedFileNum + " is set to be srcFileLines " + srcFileLines);396                 splitedFileNum = srcFileLines;397             }398 399             // 分割文件400             String srcFileNameWithoutExtension = srcFileName.substring(0, srcFileName.indexOf(‘.‘));401             String srcFileExtension = srcFileName.substring(srcFileName.indexOf(‘.‘));402             int splitedFileLines = srcFileLines / splitedFileNum;403             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(srcFile));404             System.out.println(srcFileLines + " lines are splited into " + splitedFileNum + " files, each with "405                     + splitedFileLines + " lines.");406             String tmpLine;407             for (int i = 0; i < splitedFileNum; i++) {408                 BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(409                         fileParentPath + "/" + srcFileNameWithoutExtension + "_splited_" + i + srcFileExtension));410                 for (int j = 0; j < splitedFileLines; j++) {411                     tmpLine = br.readLine();412                     if (tmpLine != null) {413                         bw.write(tmpLine + "\n");414                     }415                 }416                 if (i == splitedFileNum - 1) {// 平均分下去还多出的行都写到最后一个文件里417                     while ((tmpLine = br.readLine()) != null) {418                         bw.write(tmpLine + "\n");419                     }420                 }421                 bw.flush();422                 bw.close();423             }424             br.close();425             if (isDeleteSrcFile && srcFile.exists()) {426                 srcFile.delete();427             }428         } catch (IOException e) {429             e.printStackTrace();430         }431     }432 433     /**434      * 获取文件总行数435      * 436      * @throws IOException437      */438     public static int getFileLines(File srcFile) throws IOException {439         LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(srcFile));440         reader.skip(Long.MAX_VALUE);441         int srcFileLines = reader.getLineNumber() + 1;442         reader.close();443         return srcFileLines;444     }445 }
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