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  1 <!DOCTYPE html>  2 <html charset=‘GB2312‘>  3   4 <head>  5     <title>最小树生成算法</title>  6     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />  7   8     <style type="text/css">  9     body>canvas { 10         border: 1px solid black; 11         padding: 10px; 12         margin: 10px auto; 13     } 14     </style> 15 </head> 16  17 <body> 18     <canvas id="canvas" width="1000px" height="400px"></canvas> 19     <canvas id="sub-canvas" width="1000px" height="400px"></canvas> 20     <script type="text/javascript"> 21     !(function() { 22         var canvas_context = document.getElementById(canvas).getContext(2d), 23             sub_ctx = document.getElementById(sub-canvas).getContext(2d), 24             _getRandom = function(max, min) { 25                 max = max || 100; 26                 min = min || 0; 27                 return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); 28             }, 29             _getRandomMatix = function(nodes) { 30                 var matix = [], 31                     power = 0, 32                     max = 10, 33                     min = 0, 34                     tmp = 0; 35                 for (var i = 0; i < nodes; i++) { 36                     for (var j = i; j < nodes; j++) { 37                         power = _getRandom(max, min); 38                         matix[i] = matix[i] || []; 39                         matix[j] = matix[j] || []; 40                         tmp = i === j ? 0 : (Math.random() > 0.6 ? 1 : 0) * power; 41                         matix[i][j] = matix[j][i] = tmp; 42                     } 43                     console.log(matix[i].join(,)) 44                 } 45  46                 // 构造连通图 47                 for (var i = 0; i < matix.length; i++) { 48                     var isValid = true; 49                     for (var j = 0; j < matix[i].length; j++) { 50                         isValid = isValid && matix[i][j] !== 0; 51                     } 52                     if (!isValid) { 53                         var rindex = _getRandom(matix[i].length - 1, 0), 54                             v = _getRandom(max, min + 1); 55                         matix[i][rindex] = matix[rindex][i] = v; 56                     } 57                 } 58                 return matix; 59             }, 60             _matix2graph = function(matix) { 61                 var len = matix.length, 62                     row = null, 63                     cell = null, 64                     graph = {}, 65                     x, 66                     y; 67                 canvas_context.font = cycle_width / 2 + px Arial bold; 68                 canvas_context.textAlign = center; 69                 for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { 70                     x = _getRandom(pain_rect.x2, pain_rect.x1); 71                     y = _getRandom(pain_rect.y2, pain_rect.y1); 72  73                     graph[i] = { 74                         x: x, 75                         y: y, 76                         powers: matix[i] 77                     } 78                 } 79                 return graph; 80             }, 81             _getMinTree = function(graph) { 82                 var point1 = graph[0], 83                     min_tree = { 84                         x: point1.x, 85                         y: point1.y, 86                         index: 0, 87                         sub: [] 88                     }, 89                     min_x = -1, 90                     min_y = -1, 91                     min = Number.MAX_VALUE, 92                     index_inTree = [0], 93                     node = null, 94                     _findNode = function(index, roots) { 95                         if (roots.length === 0) return null; 96  97                         var subRoots = []; 98                         for (var i in roots) { 99                             if (roots[i].index === index) return roots[i];100                             else subRoots = subRoots.concat(roots[i].sub);101                         }102                         return _findNode(index, subRoots);103                     };104 105                 for (var k in graph) {106                     min_x = -1;107                     min_y = -1;108                     min = Number.MAX_VALUE;109                     for (var i = 0; i < index_inTree.length; i++) {110                         point1 = graph[index_inTree[i]];111                         for (var j = 1; j < point1.powers.length; j++) {112                             if (index_inTree.indexOf(j) >= 0) continue;113                             else if (point1.powers[j] > 0 && point1.powers[j] < min) {114                                 min_x = point1.index;115                                 min_y = j;116                                 min = point1.powers[j]117                             }118                         }119                     }120                     if (min_x >= 0) {121                         index_inTree.push(min_y);122                         point1 = graph[min_y];123                         node = _findNode(graph[min_x].index, [min_tree]);124                         if ( !! node) node.sub.push({125                             x: point1.x,126                             y: point1.y,127                             index: min_y,128                             power: min,129                             sub: []130                         });131                     }132                     console.log(min tree node count:  + index_inTree.length +  ;  + node);133                 }134                 return min_tree;135             },136             canva_width = 1000,137             canva_height = 400,138             x_range = 490,139             y_range = 190,140             pain_rect = {141                 x1: canva_width / 2 - x_range,142                 x2: canva_width / 2 + x_range,143                 y1: canva_height / 2 - y_range,144                 y2: canva_height / 2 + y_range145             },146             cycle_width = 10,147             _renderGraph = function(graph) {148                 var point1,149                     point2,150                     count = 0;151                 for (var i in graph) {152                     point1 = graph[i];153                     i = i - 0;154                     point1.index = i;155                     for (var j = 0; j < point1.powers.length; j++) {156                         point2 = graph[j];157                         point2.index = j;158 159                         _renderPoint(point1);160                         _renderPoint(point2);161                         if ( !! point1.powers[j]) {162                             _renderLine(point1, point2, point1.powers[j]);163                             console.log(graph  + i +  to  + j + :  + point1.powers[j]);164                             count += point1.powers[j];165                         }166                     }167                 }168                 console.log(end graph : + count);169                 return graph;170             },171             _renderTree = function(tree) {172                 var _count = 0,173                     _renderer = function(root) {174                         var point1 = root,175                             point2 = null;176                         _renderPoint(point1, sub_ctx);177                         for (var i = 0; i < root.sub.length; i++) {178                             point2 = root.sub[i];179                             _renderLine(point1, point2, point2.power, sub_ctx);180                             _renderer(point2);181                             _count += point2.power;182                             console.log(tree  + point1.index +  to  + point2.index +  :  + point2.power);183                         }184                     };185                 _renderer(tree);186 187                 console.log(end tree : + _count)188             },189             _renderPoint = function(point1, ctx) {190                 ctx = ctx || canvas_context;191                 requestAnimationFrame(function() {192                     // 画点193                     ctx.beginPath();194                     ctx.fillStyle = red;195                     ctx.arc(point1.x, point1.y, cycle_width, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);196                     ctx.fill();197                     ctx.closePath();198 199                     // 点中间的字——点的序号200                     ctx.beginPath();201                     ctx.fillStyle = white;202                     ctx.fillText(point1.index, point1.x, point1.y + cycle_width / 4);203                     ctx.closePath();204                 });205             },206             _renderLine = function(point1, point2, power, ctx) {207                 ctx = ctx || canvas_context;208 209                 requestAnimationFrame(function() {210                     // 点与点间的连线211                     ctx.beginPath();212                     ctx.moveTo(point1.x, point1.y);213                     ctx.lineTo(point2.x, point2.y);214                     ctx.closePath();215                     ctx.stroke();216 217                     // 点与点间连线的字——权重218                     ctx.beginPath();219                     ctx.fillStyle = red;220                     var x1 = Math.min(point1.x, point2.x),221                         x2 = Math.max(point1.x, point2.x),222                         y1 = Math.min(point1.y, point2.y),223                         y2 = Math.max(point1.y, point2.y);224                     ctx.fillText(power, 0.5 * x2 + 0.5 * x1, 0.5 * y2 + 0.5 * y1);225                     ctx.closePath();226                 });227             };228 229         var graph = _renderGraph(_matix2graph(_getRandomMatix(9)));230         _renderTree(_getMinTree(graph))231     })();232     </script>233 </body>234 235 </html>
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