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1001. Extending MyPoint class

using namespace std;


class MyPoint



    double x, y;


    // The no-arg constructor that contruccts a point with coordinates(0,0)


    MyPoint(double x, double y);

    double getX() const;

    double getY() const;


    //display the distance between two points in two-dimensional space.

    double distance(const MyPoint &point);


MyPoint::MyPoint() {
MyPoint::MyPoint(double x,double y){
 this->x = x;
 this->y = y;

double MyPoint::getX() const{
    return x; 
double MyPoint::getY() const{
    return y; 
double MyPoint::distance(const MyPoint &point){
 double a=this->x - point.x;
 double b=this->y - point.y;
 return sqrt( pow(a,2) + pow(b,2) );

class ThreeDPoint : public MyPoint



    double z;


    // The no-arg constructor that contruccts a point with coordinates(0,0,0)



    ThreeDPoint(double x, double y, double z);

    double getZ() const;


    //display the distance between two points in Three-dimensional space.

    double distance(const ThreeDPoint &point);



ThreeDPoint::ThreeDPoint(double xx,double yy,double z):MyPoint(xx,yy){
 this->z = z;

double ThreeDPoint::getZ() const{
    return z;

double ThreeDPoint::distance(const ThreeDPoint &point){
 double a = this->getX()-point.getX();
 double b = this->getY()-point.getY();
 double c = this->z-point.z;
 return sqrt(pow(a,2) + pow(b,2) + pow(c,2));






int main(){
 return 0;


1001. Extending MyPoint class