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BestCoder27 1001.Jump and Jump... (hdu 5162) 解题报告


题目意思:有 n 个 kid,每个 kid 有三个成绩 a, b, c。选最大的一个成绩作为这个 kid 的最终成绩。然后根据每个 kid 的最终成绩,对他们进行排名。



 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <cstdlib> 4 #include <cstring> 5 #include <algorithm> 6 using namespace std; 7  8 const int maxn = 5 + 2; 9 struct node10 {11     int id;12     int score;13     bool operator < (const node &a) const {14         return score > a.score;15     }16 }kid[maxn];17 int ans[maxn];18 19 int main()20 {21    int t, n, in;22    while (scanf("%d", &t) != EOF) {23        while (t--) {24            memset(ans, 0, sizeof(ans));25            scanf("%d", &n);26            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {27                int maxx = -1;28                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {29                    scanf("%d", &in);30                    maxx = max(maxx, in);31                }32                kid[i].id = i+1;33                kid[i].score = maxx;34            }35            sort(kid, kid+n);36            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)37                 ans[kid[i].id] = i+1;38            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)39                 printf("%d%c", ans[i], i == n ? \n :  );40        }41    }42    return 0;43 }



BestCoder27 1001.Jump and Jump... (hdu 5162) 解题报告