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CH Round #17 舞动的夜晚

舞动的夜晚 CH Round #17








3 3 61 12 12 23 13 23 3


32 4 5


  • 对于50%的数据,1<=N,M<=100,1<=T<=1000。
  • 对于100%的数据,1<=N,M<=10000,1<=T<=100000,1<=x<=N,1<=y<=M




二分图的可行边/必须边: 先用Dinic求出任意一组最大匹配。 建一张新图:对于匹配边(u,v),v到u连边;非匹配边u到v连边; 对于匹配的左部点u,u到S连边;未匹配的左部点u,S到u连边; 对于匹配的右部点v,T到v连边;未匹配的右部点v,v到T连边。 用Tarjan求强连通分量,若(u,v)是匹配边或者u,v在同一个SCC中——可行边;若(u,v)是匹配边且u,v不在同一个SCC中——必须边。---lyd






  1 const inf=maxlongint;  2 type node=record  3      from,go,next,v:longint;  4      end;  5 var  tot,i,j,n,m,maxflow,l,r,s,t,ans,num,cnt,ti,top:longint;  6      h,head,q,cur,a,dfn,low,sta,scc,x,y:array[0..500000] of longint;  7      e:array[0..5000000] of node;  8      b:array[0..500000] of boolean;  9      function min(x,y:longint):longint; 10       begin 11       if x<y then exit(x) else exit(y); 12       end; 13 procedure ins(x,y,z:longint); 14  begin 15  inc(tot); 16  e[tot].from:=x;e[tot].go:=y;e[tot].v:=z;e[tot].next:=head[x];head[x]:=tot; 17  end; 18 procedure insert(x,y,z:longint); 19  begin 20  ins(x,y,z);ins(y,x,0); 21  end; 22 function bfs:boolean; 23  var i,x,y:longint; 24  begin 25  fillchar(h,sizeof(h),0); 26  l:=0;r:=1;q[1]:=s;h[s]:=1; 27  while l<r do 28   begin 29   inc(l); 30   x:=q[l]; 31   i:=head[x]; 32   while i<>0 do 33    begin 34    y:=e[i].go; 35    if (e[i].v<>0) and (h[y]=0) then 36     begin 37      h[y]:=h[x]+1; 38      inc(r);q[r]:=y; 39     end; 40    i:=e[i].next; 41    end; 42   end; 43  exit (h[t]<>0); 44  end; 45 function dfs(x,f:longint):longint; 46  var i,y,used,tmp:longint; 47  begin 48  if x=t then exit(f); 49  used:=0; 50  i:=cur[x]; 51  while i<>0 do 52   begin 53   y:=e[i].go; 54   if (h[y]=h[x]+1) and (e[i].v<>0) then 55    begin 56    tmp:=dfs(y,min(e[i].v,f-used)); 57    dec(e[i].v,tmp);if e[i].v<>0 then cur[x]:=i; 58    inc(e[i xor 1].v,tmp); 59    inc(used,tmp); 60    if used=f then exit(f); 61    end; 62   i:=e[i].next; 63   end; 64  if used=0 then h[x]:=-1; 65  exit(used); 66  end; 67 procedure dinic; 68  begin 69  while bfs do 70   begin 71   for i:=s to t do cur[i]:=head[i]; 72   inc(maxflow,dfs(s,inf)); 73   end; 74  end; 75 procedure dfs(x:longint); 76  var i,y,z:longint; 77  begin 78  inc(ti);dfn[x]:=ti;low[x]:=ti;inc(top);sta[top]:=x; 79  i:=head[x]; 80  while i<>0 do 81   begin 82    y:=e[i].go; 83    if e[i].v<>0 then 84      begin 85       if dfn[y]=0 then 86        begin 87        dfs(y); 88        low[x]:=min(low[x],low[y]); 89        end 90       else if scc[y]=0 then low[x]:=min(low[x],dfn[y]); 91      end; 92    i:=e[i].next; 93    end; 94  if low[x]=dfn[x] then 95   begin 96   inc(cnt); 97   while true do 98    begin 99    z:=sta[top];dec(top);100    scc[z]:=cnt;101    if z=x then break;102    end;103   end;104  end;105 procedure tarjan;106  begin107  ti:=0;cnt:=0;ti:=0;108  fillchar(dfn,sizeof(dfn),0);109  for i:=s to t do if dfn[i]=0 then dfs(i);110  end;111 procedure init;112  begin113  tot:=1;114  readln(n,m,num);115  s:=0;t:=n+m+1;116  for i:=1 to n do insert(s,i,1);117  for i:=1 to num do118   begin119   readln(x[i],y[i]);inc(y[i],n);120   a[i]:=tot+1;insert(x[i],y[i],1);121   end;122  for i:=n+1 to n+m do insert(i,t,1);123  end;124 procedure main;125  begin126  maxflow:=0;127  dinic;128  tarjan;129  ans:=0;130  for i:=1 to num do131   begin132   if (e[a[i]].v<>0) and (scc[x[i]]<>scc[y[i]]) then133     begin134     b[i]:=true;inc(ans);135     end;136   end;137  writeln(ans);138  if ans=0 then writeln else for i:=1 to num do if b[i] then write(i, );139  end;140 141 begin142  assign(input,input.txt);assign(output,output.txt);143  reset(input);rewrite(output);144  init;145  main;146  close(input);close(output);147 end.        
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